Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 206

Chapter 206: Xiao tianyao's token

"I have known that the Crown Prince Xiao Wang Wei was a shrewd person."

"He stabbed his own brother back by sending Leader Mo to Prince Xiao Wu Xie side. Just what kind of person the Crown Prince? He actually deceived his own brother." Senja asked curiously. She wanted to talk about this thing and some other things with Xiao Tianyao before, but that man had chased her out before she could ask.

"He is an ugly man." Uncle Su said in serious tone.

"I didn't ask his face! I am asking his character!" Senja has a sudden urged to hit this man on the head so he could think straight.

"He was a shrewd person." He repeated his sentence before.

"Fine! Forget it if I ever asked." Senja gave up.

She started to peel off an orange and ate it. If it wasn't for her ability to recognize the true intention of people around her, especially this strange uncle in front of her, she would have screamed for help to suddenly have a visitor like him.

"So, where is Xiao Tianyao's token?"

"With him of course."

"So, why it isn't with you?"

"Because it with him." Senja acted dumb deliberately and plopped an orange into her mouth.

"So, why you didn't take it?"

"Because I didn't take it."

Uncle Su threw his hand to scratch his itchy scalp. "Stop it! I hate people who talking in circle like that." He sound frustrated.

Senja's lips pursed when she looked at his reaction, patience certainly wasn't Uncle Su forte. Now he knew how frustrated to having conversation with someone like him.

"Change your request. I don't have guts to steal anything from him." When she was saying this, Xiao Tianyao angry expression flashed in front of her eyes that made her shuddered involuntarily.

"I need royal token. I don't want anything else." Uncle Su said sullenly.

"At least tell me what you wanted to do with that token."

"Why I have to tell you? I don't know if one day you will betray me."

"I don't have any reason to betray you. Moreover, you know my secret. I am not Senja. I don't even belong here. As long as you help me to find Yun, we are partner." Senja gave Uncle Su reassuring smile.

Uncle Su thought about it for a while and sighed. "Alright… There is area that can't be entered carelessly. I need royal token to access it."josei

Senja's lips twitched. What kind of person this old man? Initially Senja was thinking about another method to persuade him, but he gave up easily. "Where?"

"Mountain Sui Sword Sect."

Senja tilted her head and became interested with the topic of this conversation. "What is that place?"

"It was martial artist training ground built by Xinghe Kingdom and Azura Kingdom for royal and noble family. But, 12 years ago it was destroyed by Azura's Cavalry that was led by the Crown Prince Xiao Wang Wei, when Xinghe Kingdom was accused of killing Azura's late Emperor and Empress."

"Azura Kingdom late Emperor and Empress? You mean Xiao Tianyao's parents?" Senja knew about this from Elder Dam story.

"Yes," Uncle Su nodded. "Xiao Tianyao led huge amount of soldiers to destroyed Xinghe Kingdom 6 years ago."

Senja eyes squinted dangerously, "And you are Xinghe's people?"

"Yes I am."

Senja stood up and took a step backward. "Did you come to take revenge?" If he really came to take revenge, then no wonder if he didn't want Xiao Tianyao to know about his presence. In spite of they had the same purposed to find out Misty Cloud Clan, their relationship were too complicated.

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