Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 255

Chapter 255: A kiss?

"And I am saying for the last time. This is none of your damn business!" Senja was angry as well.josei

[Why was he always threatening her? As long as it didn't involve a sword, she didn't mind kicking up a row with him. He had to know that she'd her bottom line too! So, what if she said she liked him, that was no reason for him to treat her as he wished!]

"You think you can hide something from me?" Xiao Tianyao released Senja's arm and glared intently at her arrogance.

"You can't force me to talk about something that I don't want to!" She needed to make sure this man received her message loud and clear - she didn't like the way he treated her.

"Are you sure that I can't?" A devilish smirk appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Once we return to Roccaleaf Tea House, I will go back home and never see you again! Let's see what you can do then." Senja shouted imperiously.

That was right! Once they got back, she had a small chance to meet Xiao Jun or Xiao Tianyao. That was why Senja needed to know everything that Xiao Jun knew about her and possibly even find Yun, since he knew him. There must be a way! ….and then there was also the mysterious stone in her possession. However, now, Xiao Tianyao was in the way.

Well, Senja did like him, but not to the point that of giving up the chance of returning to her own time… at least, she did not feel it yet.

Yet, not too far away in time they'd experience many things together and she'd realize there was nothing that she wouldn't willingly give up to be with him. However, these are words for later.

A sinister intent flashed in Xiao Tianyao's eyes when he heard Senja.

"Oh, so just because you will be returning home you have the audacity to challenge me?"

"You like a challenge, right?" Senja smirked and folded her arms as she provoked him further.

"What a mouth!" Xiao Tianyao murmured.

However, before she could say another word, Xiao Tianyao pulled her closer, put his arm around her neck, steadily held her head and lifted up her chin with this other hand. His face was so close to Senja that she could smell his scent.

Senja hadn't had a chance to process it when she caught Xiao Tianyao's eyes flaring with emotion that made her heart thump frantically while her throat choked.

"You don't know who you are challenging." He whispered in her ear sending a shiver down her spine as he leaned even closer to her. But before she could think any further, he'd put his lips on hers.

As cold as he was, Senja thought his lips would be cold as well, but Xiao Tianyao's lips were so warm and soft against hers.

Senja gasped in shock and as her lips parted Xiao Tianyao bit down her lip.

It wasn't a hot kiss as it'd lasted only for a moment. Xiao Tianyao was only caressing her lips with his and had added a soft bite to it. Even so, his abrupt action had managed to make Senja skip a beat.

After sensing that the girl in his arms had frozen, Xiao Tianyao withdrew and released her. The first thing he saw was the girl's shell-shocked face.

There was no guilt on his face although he had done something inappropriate by kissing the girl who wasn't even his and broken the unspoken rule.

He calmly spoke. "Just so you know that I will return to M City with grandfather and you."

After saying so Xiao Tianyao strode away, leaving behind a Senja who was yet to come to terms with what had just happened and of course her senses too.

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