Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 281

Chapter 281: An annoying morning

"I will ask around." Aunt Hu said sweetly.

She wasn't from the Black Sword Clan after all. In this aspect Senja and her were alike. Both didn't have a clue about this estate and its people. But at least she could ask around and find out from the other servants.

**Prince Xiao Tianyao was a Prince, so it must be not very difficult to find the place where he stayed, right?**

With that thought Aunt Hu walked outside the door, leaving the still half asleep Senja to her drowsiness.


Not long after that the four servants came back and helped her undress before she soaked in hot water.

**It is amazing!** thought Senja. She liked this side of this era and the fact that she had her own servants at her beck and call.

Back home, because of their 'exemplary' profession of a thief, everything about them had to remain clandestine. Ergo, making it impossible not to mention useless to have servants. All the housework was divided among the quartet. Even though they were more than capable to hire a maid, the risk was just too high and the consequences unthinkable.

Now, she had someone who served her and not one but four people at that….wasn't it all too wonderful?!

After the relaxing and pleasant bath, the four of them dried her hair. Since she'd missed dinner time, Senja ate alone in her room. She intended to stroll around the estate for a knowhow of the premises…

**In case she needed to run away from here one day…. Who knows what would happen when there were two vicious people here?**josei

After dinner she walked down a path to digest her food while the four maids acted as her guide explaining things as they took her around the various places.

In an aside, Aunt Hu told her that Yoda would be her personal guard while Hu Feng would be trained under the Shadow Guards.


The next morning.

Blue woke Senja up for breakfast.

She washed her face and cleaned up with the help of her new servants. However, when Blue brought a dress that she didn't want to wear, Senja scowled.

"I have thrown away that dress yesterday!" Senja barked, "Where is Aunt Hu!?"

The three servants backed off while Blue bowed her head slightly and answered mechanically, "Young Miss Senja shouldn't make trouble for yourself and should put the dress on."

Senja gaped in surprise.

**Amazing! How can this servant talk to her Master like that?!** But, even if Senja thought with her toes, she could figure out the answer. **Of course, there is someone else backing them up!**

She shook her head. She didn't understand the former Senja's situation. People outside praised her endlessly and gave a lot of respect to her despite her young age while people in her family bullied her like this, to the extent that even a servant dared to step on her head!

Blue signaled one of the servants to undress Senja while the girl still sat with a blank face. When the servant was about to touch her, Senja poured the water from the washbowl she had just used to wash her face on the servant before slamming the washbowl itself to the ground. It made a deafening sound as it collided with the marble floor startling them all.

The servant was wet all over and shuddered while muffling her scream.

Senja ignored their shocked looks and stood up on her bed enabling her to tower over them. She looked daggers at the wet servant and Blue.

"Who give you the guts to talk to me like that!?" Senja's voice boomed inside the room.

The three other servants shivered except Blue, she looked at Senja unwaveringly, "Young Miss Senja, you shouldn't act like this. Your mother won't be happy if she sees you behaving like this."

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