Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 305

Chapter 305: Another vision and senja

"I …" Senja was about to speak when suddenly her vision turned blur. It has been a long time since the last time she got this symptom.

In no time, an odd scene overlapped her sight, knowing it was similar situation like before, she calmed herself. However, Xiao Tianyao could sense Senja's body turned stiff. He released her body and backed away, put her in his arms length as he scrutinized her.

"What happened?" Xiao Tianyao could see that Senja looked like someone who would collapse in the next second, her eyes were not focus.

Yet, Senja couldn't response him as images after images appear before her eyes. This time, not only one child, but there were so many of them. Hundreds? Thousands? josei

Senja couldn't possibly to count them all.

It was almost evening as Senja could see the sun almost set on the west. And she was in the middle of a big field that was surrounded by rock cliff.

Scattered all over the place, were children that was locked up inside cages and all of them were around the age of the children that they had rescued months ago.

Her vision this time not only a snippet image, but it occurred quite a while. Senja could see, all of the children. Yet when she watched it carefully, on the other side of the cliff, standing among the cage that filled with children, many teenager around her age stood with stoic expression.

Those teenager didn't heed the crying and shouting from the youngster in front of them. Most likely they didn't realize their existence, as they stood still in their position.

However, it wasn't the thing that attracted her attention the most. Senja's eyes caught a sight of herself, in a second, Senja thought she was looking herself with black hair in the mirror, however the girl in the mirror's movement didn't match with hers.

The man standing beside her also wasn't someone that she knew, as Senja turned her head, no one standing beside her. **It's not a mirror?**

Curiously, she walked closer toward the girl who looked exactly like her.

The girl with black hair, tilted her head to speak at the man who was standing beside her. The young man in black robe furrowed his brows while listening to the girl talking.

The moment Senja stood in front of them, her heart lurched, she felt her knees soften and almost gave away. A girl in blue dress color was standing at the end of the cliff. Her black color hair was swayed by the wind as a man beside her, help her to tie it. Her smiled bloomed by his gestured.

**She is Senja!** Senja thought nervously.

Her eyes fixated at the other Senja in Front of her. She was exactly like her, except their hair color… and the man… Senja directed her attention to the man beside the other Senja just in time when he spoke with annoyance.

"Don't talk too fast, I can't read your lips." He complained.

The girl beside him chuckled, she reached out her hand and cupped the man's face. "Read this…" She said and continued talking, yet this time she talked slowly and articulate her every words clearly.

Senja couldn't grasp what she said as her focus was on the girl face. She didn't believe it if there was someone with the same face as her. She didn't have twins!

But, now when she saw the other Senja, even she doubted her eyes.

In the end, after the girl finished talking she tiptoed and kissed the man on his right cheek as she spoke cheerfully. "… Because I like you Gong Xu."

Then, just like the girl could sense Senja's presence, she cocked her head at Senja's direction. Their eyes meet for a second before Senja's leg gave away and she slumped to the ground.

Her head was spinning and the image in front of her turned blurry. The last thing she heard was Xiao Tianyao's voice that called her name in panic, Senja never heard him like that before, even so the darkness that engulfed her was so heavy that she couldn't fight it back and surrender herself in the end.

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