Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 325

Chapter 325: Her vision

While Senja kept blinking, a furrow crept on Xiao Tianyao's face. They failed to understand what Elder Dam's intention was.

"Come with me." He stroked Senja's back and released her, "I will be waiting for both of you in my study." He said before walking away in a rush.

Senja looked back at Xiao Tianyao, hoping to find an answer, but the man looked as confused as she was.

Xiao Tianyao stood up and approached Senja as both of them stepped out from the hall, hand in hand.

"You don't know about this?" Senja asked Xiao Tianyao as they leisurely walked towards Elder Dam's study.

Xiao Tianyao shook his head firmly, indicating he didn't have any idea about this as they walked slowly, appreciating each other's accompany.

"What would be Rindy's punishment?" Senja asked curiously.

"The worst. She will be sentenced to death." Xiao Tianyao replied lightly.

Senja's eyes opened wide, "Will she be really sentenced to death?"

"Why? You care about her? If you do, I will spare her life." He stated while curling his lips into a smile.

Senja thought it over and remembered the things those people had done to the other Senja. She shrugged her shoulder, "I don't care about what will happen to her."

The man beside her chuckled. "Ruthless!" He said as Senja grinned along with him.josei

"Tell me about your ability." Xiao Tianyao grabbed her hand without looking at her, like it was natural for him.

Senja's face softened at the feel of his big palm wrapped around her hand as she spoke, "I can sense other people's emotions and thus can manipulate them. Remember when I fainted back then when we were still in the fortress, the moment Gu Xie attacked me?"

Xiao Tianyao nodded.

"He was already under hypnosis, so I had to hypnotise him again. I fainted because I was yet to get used to it.

"How about now?"

"I can control it just fine now, like you saw previously." Senja referred to the first time she had displayed it in front the brothers.

"Hmm, you didn't black out." Xiao Tianayao concluded. "Then, what was your true reason to meet Gu Xie that night?"

Senja had once told him the reason. But given the situation now, that reason didn't make sense at all.

Senja twirled her hair while thinking whether to tell him the truth or not. Finally, she decided to tell him. He had known all of this and had accepted it positively, so there was no point in hiding anything from him.

"I have another ability."

"What is it?" Xiao Tianyao stared at Senja questioningly.

"I have visions; my first vision was Hu Feng. I saw him when he was being bullied outside the Roccaleaf Tea House, my second vision was the little boy, Lee, in the Marple Forest."

At the mention of Marple Forest, Xiao Tianyao was able to connect between the two situations.

"You came after him because he mentioned the Marple Forest?" Xiao Tianyao asked.

"Yes, I don't know how this vision works, but it had kept sending me an image of children. Now, after I have had two visions, I have a rough gist. Even though I don't know where or when the situation in my vision will happen, but for sure I will be there to see it."

"How about your third vision?"

"How do you know I had a third already?"

Xiao Tianyao shrugged. "I guess it happened when you fainted the last time, you didn't look normal when you lost your consciousness."

Senja punched his hand. "You mean I am not normal?" She complained sullenly, "But, yes you are right, it happened at that time."

"And what did you see?"

"The third vision seemed different from the others. It was very detailed and lasted longer." Senja paused and recounted what she had seen in her last vision; the environ, the children inside the cage, the emotionless teenager and also the other Senja and Gong Xu.

Xiao Tianyao looked at her intently and didn't say anything for long time after Senja finished. She didn't probe him either and let him digest the information, after all, all of this did sound unrealistic, even to Senja.

"You said you saw the other Senja and Gong Xu?" Xiao Tianyao asked, "There were many children inside the cage? How many of them?"

Senja gave some thought about this question. "I am not sure, but it was no less than five hundred children." Senja said.

"That must be the place where Misty Cloud Clan keeps all of the children they get from the trade with Xiao Wang Wei." Xiao Tianyao concluded.

"Yes, I think the same." Senja nodded in agreement.

Things would only be getting worse and dangerous from this point onwards. Xiao Tianyao looked at Senja beside him; he didn't want to involve her in something like this, but she was at the center of all of this even before he realized.

"We will think about it later." Xiao Tianyao said as Elder Dam's study was just around the corner.

"But…." Senja said before they approached the room, "…but I can't feel anything from you, not even your emotions the way I sense everyone else's."

Xiao Tianyao furrowed his brows. "I feel better now that you say you can't feel anything." He wasn't sure if he'd like it if Senja could sense his emotions.

"That's not the point." Senja snapped. "What I mean is, has something happened to you before? Because I feel like something is blocking your emotions and preventing me from sensing it." She explained.

"I don't know." Xiao Tianyao said succinctly before he opened the door.

Senja was deep in thought as she recalled what Xiao Jun had said to her some months ago and the fact that Xiao Tianyao didn't recognize Qi Xunyi, despite the fact that the latter knew him pretty well.

**It seems like I need to talk to Xiao Jun about this. ** Senja was thinking of possible ways to meet Xiao Jun again when Xiao Tianyao pulled her into the room.

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