Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 328

Chapter 328: I want you to be strong

Senja was tapping her fingers on the table while looking at her grandfather across the table.

It has been two days since the incident of 'the marriage tattoo' and Senja refused to see Elder Dam afterwards, therefore out of guilty because he had tricked his own granddaughter, Elder Dam came to Senja's courtyard.

The head of the house lowered his head under his granddaughter glare. However, the sound of the tapping finger from Senja started to irritate him as he raised his head.

"Grandfather had done this for you!" He chided. "With this, if Xiao Tianyao will do something to you and something happen and this something will not taint your name!"

Senja wanted to face palm herself. **What do you mean with something and something grandfather…?** She let out sighed of frustration.

"This is to protect you!" Elder Dam was adamant with his decision.

Senja raised her eyebrows, "Protect me from what grandfather?"

"Of course from him! No matter how much I like him, but you are my grandchild. I won't let him wronged you even for the slightest." He vexed.

Senja's taut face was soften as she circled the table and approached her grandfather. "I know, thank you grandfather…" She hugged Elder Dam. "But, your action was frontal."

Elder Dam chortled and returned the hug. "You need the frontal action in order to tame Xiao Tianyao."

Senja nodded. "Agree." It was indeed needed a head on action to keep Xiao Tianyao on his toes.

"So, you are not angry at grandfather anymore right?"

"No," She shook her head and sat beside him. "Actually I am not angry at you grandfather, I just wanted you to feel how frustrated I am."josei

"You brat!" Elder Dam poked her nose lovingly. "With this you had secured your position. Since our clan tattoo is well known, Xiao Tianyao will think twice to do the otherwise."

What Elder Dam meant was; in tradition they had married, but it's not public yet.

"So, when you will give grandfather great grandchildren?" Elder Dam asked casually, but it almost made Senja puking blood by his question. "Oh, no! You have to have a real marriage first before you conceive Xiao Tianyao's children."

**Real wedding? Conceive his child? Wait it is too ahead to talk about that.** Senja was a bit queasy by Elder Dam's vision.

"Grandfather will talk about this to Xiao Tianyao." He mumbled his plan.

"Grandfather, what happen with Rindy?" Senja asked him to divert his attention about the wedding and his view about having great grandchildren soon.

Actually, these past two days, Aunt Hu and Aunt Yu had been regularly telling her news about what had happened. Senja heard about Rindy who was banned to enter the Black Sword Clan mansion. So, practically she was shunned away from here.

Elder Dam chuckled and told her the same things that the aunts had been telling her.

"So, where she live now?" Senja asked between her giggled.

"She returned to Carye's family mansion. Actually, this punishment is so light, but if Xiao Tianyao took this matter to the council, she will be sentenced to death and it will affect our clan as well." Elder Dam elaborated. "To draw unnecessary attention in this current situation is the last thing that Xiao Tianyao wanted."

Senja nodded, with the enemies were still hiding and waiting to ambush added another enemy wouldn't be a good choices. Also, Rindy wasn't worth it for this.

After all, Carye's family was one of the respected families in M City. They wouldn't only sit around if their granddaughter was sentenced to death.

"Yes, I think it is enough to shun her away. But, how about… Carye?" Senja resolved to call Carye by her name and it seemed Elder Dam didn't mind it.

"She followed her daughter of course, and your father has been like an ant on the hot pan without that woman." Elder Dam grumbled, vividly showed his dissatisfaction about his son reaction. Both of them must be having argumentation this past two days.

Senja could imagine that. When she was about to ask another question, she caught a familiar figure from the corner of her eyes.

He strode into the room with smile on his lips and eyes that were fixated at Senja. He wore his usual aloof and cold aura, yet when he was standing beside Senja, all of that faded away without a trace as he turned to be the most warmth person that she had ever seen.

"What bring you here?" Senja chuckled when Xiao Tianyao kissed her head in front of Elder Dam and saw the old man's mouth gapped open.

"You should restrain yourself from doing that young man!" Elder Dam reprimanded him.

Ignoring Elder Dam complained, Xiao Tianyao replied in a matter of fact. "Grandfather, you are the one who married us and she is my wife now."

Senja wanted to dig a hole and hid there until both of them stopped talking about that. It felt so weird for her.

"Tsk! You dare to talk back at me now." Even though Elder Dam sounded displeased, but Senja could sense his excitement rose up and mirth dancing in his eyes.

Afterwards, with the initiative that he thought it was wise, Elder Dam stood up. "Alright, since Xiao Tianyao is here, grandfather will not bother both of you." He guffawed and walked away from Senja's room.

"Good you come or else grandfather will talk nonsense about the marriage." Senja complained to Xiao Tianyao beside her.

Yet, the man simply said. "What nonsense, we are married now." And kissed her cheek.

"Stop it." Senja slapped his hand while he chuckled.

Probably it was only Senja over thinking or it was really Xiao Tianyao who became more loosen up recently. This man laughed more often and kissed her in every chance. No complaint, Senja liked his gestured, especially when he didn't mind to show his affection every time.

"Why are you here?" Senja asked him again.

"Why? I can't see my little wife?" His eyebrows rose in question.

"Tianyao!" Senja glared to make him stop. Sometimes, his words were simply unbearable to hear.

"I like it when you call my name." He lightly gripped her chin and brushed her lips with his thumbs. "But, I come here to talk with you about something." Xiao Tianyao voice turned serious as he released his grip on her chin.

"What is it?" Senja gave him her attention.

"I wanted you to train swordsmanship more, so you can protect yourself when I am not around or at least, you can defend yourself in the time needed." Xiao Tianyao said strictly.

He had thought about it over, since the situation had turned more complicated, he didn't want to leave Senja without protection, yet no matter what form of the protection that he gave to Senja, in the end the only person that she could rely on was herself. Because that was how Xiao Tianyao was taught all this time.

He wanted Senja to be strong for herself. In the bright side, it could ease his mind when he needed to leave her.

Senja all smiled when she heard his suggestion. "Yes, yes, teach me please!" She nodded vigorously that attracted another smile on Xiao Tianyao's lips.

"It might be dangerous and harsh, because I will the one who will teach you."

"I will love it to having you to teach me." Her eyes lit up with excitement.

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