Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 332

Chapter 332: A son like him

But, since it was the dagger that Senja was holding, instead of blocked his attack, she simply swift her body deftly to evade it and made a sudden move to charge forward toward him.

This unexpected move seemed surprised Xiao Tianyao as he moved back a step away and in the same time Senja onslaught forward, grabbed his right hand which holding the sword with her left hand and aimed the dagger on her right hand to his neck.

Yet, Xiao Tianyao caught her wrist on time before the dagger stabbed his neck as he smirked. "Not bad."

Senja reciprocated his smirked as she raised her right feet to get rid of Xiao Tianyao's gripped. He released her wrist to avoid her kick and pushed her away, quite harsh because it resulted Senja stumbled backward and fell on her butt again.

"That's hurt…" Senja grumbled while stroking her chest.

Xiao Tianyao grinned as he approached her and reached out his hand to help her stand up. "At least this time you didn't lose your weapon." He said in matter of fact. "Dagger suits you better than sword."

Senja couldn't agree more with him as she also felt it was better with dagger in her hand instead of the long sword that hindered her move. She took his helping hand and stood up.

However, when she had steady her ground she tried her luck again by giving another strike that aim his waist this time, Yet, Xiao Tianyao simply pushed her back to the ground.

"Stop pushing me! My butt hurt!" Senja whined as she stroked her back.

"If you keep attacking me when I want to help you, then stand up for yourself." Xiao Tianyao said with mirth in his eyes by looking Senja's displeased expression.

"That's just a joke…" She retorted promiscuously.

Again, Xiao Tianyao over a helping hand, but this time Senja really took his hand and didn't try to do something funny.

"So?" She raised her brows in question. "I didn't lost my weapon is counted as progress right?"

Xiao Tianyao smiled at her. "The dagger for you…"

Senja raised her red dagger with laughed.

"A weapon is not always a sword, even your own body and mind are your fatal weapon." Elder Dam approached the two of them.

On the other hand, Senja looked at her grandfather in surprised and directed her eyes toward Xiao Tianyao, demanding for an answer.

**It's not supposed to be no one knew about my training?** Senja thought in puzzled.

"I told grandfather about your training long time ago…" Xiao Tianyao explained briefly.

As Elder Dam stood in front of Senja he gave her a big hug and sighed in relief. "My granddaughter is simply amazing, grandfather saw that move!" He said proudly. "Grandfather always wanted you to learn how to defend yourself, but you was so fragile that even the idea for you to hold a sword seems impossible." Elder Dam thought about Senja frail constitution and felt grateful with the current Senja before his eyes.

"Grandfather needs to talk something with Tianyao, you return first, alright?" Elder Dam brushed the unruly hair from Senja's forehead.

She could sense Elder Dam urgency to talk with Xiao Tianyao, hence Senja nodded and moved away from both of them. About the matter that Xiao Tianyao and Elder wanted to talk about, Senja could ask Xiao Tianyao when he returned, after all the man had said that he wanted to talk about something with her as well.

When Senja's retreating back had disappeared behind the trees, Elder Dam resumed his stoic expression as he said coldly. "So, it is Wang Yu?"

"Yes, it was him. All the evidences referred to him as someone who had given the access for L Clan to settle down in M city." Xiao Tianyao elaborated.

The sparked in Elder Dam eyes turned dim. "It is him again!" He hissed in anger.

He would never have thought that his own son would stab his back this badly. He had long known about Wang Yu intention to take the lead of the Black Sword Clan, but the things that surprised him was Wang Yu willingly stood on enemy's side just to took over it.josei

Elder Dam thought Wang Yu would prove himself that he was qualified, but not only he disappointed him with his involvement with the enemy, also he proved himself not worthy even slightest of the Black Sword Clan.

He didn't know what sin that he had committed to have a son like him.

"I will never hand over The Black Sword Clan to that disgraceful son! Even if that's the last thing that I will do!" And Elder Dam was meant his every word.

Xiao Tianyao looked at the determination on Elder Dam's eyes and convinced that he wouldn't yield to Wang Yu, even though he was his own son.

It seemed their relationship was beyond reconcilable.

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