Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 341

Chapter 341: Xiao jun's decision

"Master and Young Miss Senja's grandfather had been informed about this and both of them are on their way to this place." He answered Senja's question truthfully.

As Senja could sense his honesty, her tensed nerves were loosened.

This barren landscape was like a desert and was so hot.

Their small group consisted of twelve people were standing in front of the rotten gate as they drag their house to cross over the entrance.

Behind the gate, it was filled with bustling bodies as far as Senja could see they were all men, wore the same outfit and there were hundreds of them.

Senja felt like she was entering another training ground, because that how they were look like. Bulky men with swords were hanging threateningly on their hips.

The Crescent Moon Members showed her the way to one of the building and told her if there was anything she needed, she just need to call them and they would try to fulfill it. Senja was glad with their gesture and thanked them sincerely.

Inside the building, Senja found three empty rooms. Because she was so spent, Senja didn't venture further and settle in the first room that she found. Dropping her things to the ground and groan in delight when her body touched the soft mattress as the comfort drove her to sleep.

The sun had long set in the horizon when Xiao Tianyao returned with Xiao Jun and Elder Dam. Even though the three of them looked so exhausted after a long journey and the matter at hand that drained their energy, still, the first thing Xiao Tianyao did when he arrived was to check on Senja.

The moment he heard something happened in her end, he almost disregarded everything and set off to see her by himself if it's not for Xiao Jun and Elder Dam who tried reasoning with him and also the message that saying Senja was fine and their group was heading toward the safety place, only then Xiao Tianyao relaxed a bit.

And now, he was marching toward the room that she occupied. His subordinate told him that Senja hasn't yet come out since they arrived, but Xiao Tianyao knew she must be fast asleep by now.

Hence, he opened the door silently and sauntered inside the room.

Just as Xiao Tianyao had predicted, the purple hair girl was laying on her stomach like a death log. She sprawled, occupying all the space that possible she reached. Her little face looked exhausted. It was visible to see that four days journey had drained her spirit.

Xiao Tianyao smiled when he saw the girl was just fine, his palpitating heart settled now. He moved gently to rearrange her sleeping position, turned her body over and put her head on the pillow before he tucked her inside the blanket.

Senja only grunted something unclear when Xiao Tianyao moved her, but not awakened. After made sure she was fine, Xiao Tianyao kissed the tip of her nose and stepped out from the bedroom to let her sleep.

"She is fine?" Xiao Jun asked right at the moment Xiao Tianyao emerged from inside the room. He was leaning his tall body on the wall beside the door. His eyes showed curiosity.

"Yes, she is sleeping now." Xiao Tianyao said.

"The matter this time is only the beginning of Xiao Zi, like the same trick he always used over these years." Xiao Jun said carefully, "Prepare yourself and also it is a good thing to let her know what is happening now."

Xiao Tianyao contemplated for a while, before he agreed. "I will tell her when she woke up."

"Alright." Xiao Jun nodded and Xiao Tianyao walked away to different direction.

He looked at his brother retreating back before he slipped inside the Senja's room when Xiao Tianyao had disappeared at the corner.

Xiao Jun closed the door behind him and walked silently toward Senja's bed. He pulled a chair and sat down while looking at the girl who was fast asleep on the bed.

He was contemplating with what he would do.

Their situation was almost the same like six years ago when Xiao Tianyao met Luna and now, he knew that Senja and Luna were mind controllers.josei

The same thing had happened before, exactly the same thing. If this was the same scenario, then the best choice was to get rid of her.

Xiao Jun furrowed his brows when he reached his dagger on his sleeves. He stood up from his seat, but still hesitant to approach Senja.

However, if the Emperor has been using the same manipulation, then Senja existence now was a threat for his whole plan. She would spoil everything and Xiao Jun wasn't sure if he could begin everything again like six years ago.

It would be too late, not to mention thousands people that had pledged loyalty for him, not only he wouldn't be able to keep their lives, if this plan failed, even he couldn't be able to keep his.

He took another step.

The only thing that was inside Xiao Jun mind was how to explain it to Elder Dam, but when he thought about it again, Senja wasn't the real granddaughter of Elder Dam, so it wouldn't cause any damage, right?

Moreover, there was a possibility of Xiao Tianyao was being under her influence. Once she gone, Xiao Tianyao would be free.

Now Xiao Jun was beside Senja's bed.

However, he wavered… Senja knew about Riana and she looked genuine when she said her true purposed was to look for Yun, because Riana asked for him.

Xiao Jun closed his eyes as his grip on his dagger tightened. His mind clouded and he couldn't think straight. He was so antsy with the development of the situation.

Even though everything was under his control now, but Senja wasn't in his plan and he didn't like when he didn't know people around him.

He had to make a decision, right? Before everything was too late and Senja became the real threat…

Xiao Jun pulled out the dagger in his hand from its cover.

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