Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 361

Chapter 361: Modama

"Young Miss Senja." He said politely and cupped his hand in respect. "It is very honorable to see Young Miss Senja in good condition."

"Oh, mm… Thank you…" Senja replied while shuffle her feet uncomfortable by his over formal greeting.

"There is anything that this subordinate can help you?" He continued his politeness.

Senja looked over him, he seemed like a man in his early thirty, old enough to be Senja's uncle, with height as tall as Yoda, he was all polite, but she could sense his strong character.

Senja tilted her head, his rank must be no less than a leader of the Shadow Guard. Somehow, after she woke up, her sense was getting sharp and she could pinpoint other people intention and their character only by looking at them. It kind of confused her, but knew, it was a good progress for her.

She needed to utilize her ability in any way possible if she wanted to survive. Relied on someone else wouldn't solve her problem.

"Who are you? May I know your name?" Senja asked with the same politeness.

The man stood straight and looked at Senja warmly. "My apologize Young Miss Senja for not introduce myself first." He smiled and slightly bent his body when he said his name. "My name is Jingguo and I am the leader of the Shadow Guard."

**I guessed it right…** Senja thought.

"Young Miss Senja," He said. This time, his tone was slightly low as he continued carefully. "I am sorry for your lost, Elder Dam was…" Jingguo stopped when he saw Senja raised her hand.

"Actually, I wanted to meet with Uncle Su, but it seems he isn't here…" Senja cut off Jingguo's condolences. "I see Sheng or Xun there," Senja pointed out her finger at the direction of one of the twin. "Could you tell him to meet me here?"

With puzzled expression Jingguo complied and walked away from her.

In the distance, Senja could see Jingguo approached one of the twins as he pointed at her. The twin looked over and Senja waved her hand.

A big smiled rose on his lips and he jogged over.

"How are you feeling?" He asked once he was standing in front of Senja.

"I feel alive, thank you." Senja replied casually and asked him right away the thing that she needed to know. "Where is Uncle Su?"

From the closer looked Senja knew it was Sheng, he has round face while Xun's jaw was a little bit square.

"Uncle Su?" He repeated. "I think he is with Xun now."

Senja guessed it right again. "So, where is Xun?"

"Xun with Qi Xunyi."

"Where is Qi Xunyi?"

"I don't know."

Senja felt like wanted to bite him off. "So, you don't know where Uncle Su?"josei

"Hmm… I don't know where is him." Sheng stared at Senja with innocent eyes. "You need something from him?"

"I need many things from him." Senja said irritably.

"I think I can guess the places that probably they visited."

"Alright, let's go then." Senja said and turned her body, but after a few step away she realized that Sheng didn't follow her, "What?"

"Can I touch your hair?" Sheng asked eagerly.

**Ugh! Not this again!**


Late at night, inside the palace hall where the light weakly illuminated the dimly place and gave off the cold ambience.

On the floor, a few meter away below the throne. Someone with bandage over the right side of his face was kneeling solemnly. The hostility in his healthy eyes was so clear to see.

Above, on the throne, Xiao Zi was sitting comfortably with his golden night robe. His devilish expression showed the man in front of him, that he didn't like the news that he had heard.

However, he wasn't alone beside him, an old man with white hair covered his scalp was sitting leisurely, he even so dare to raise his feet on the small table in front of him, but Xiao Zi didn't little bit bother with it.

"Your highness…" Wang Yu whimpered, he could feel Xiao Zi's eyes were staring dagger at him. The Emperor was angry and nothing that came out good from the angry sovereign. "Please give me one more chance."

"Hundreds of the Shadow Guard rejected your command, you failed to kill the impostor of your daughter and now you are asking for another chance?" Xiao Zi listed all of his dissatisfied with dangerously low voice.

"This subordinate was successful to get rid of my own father…" Wang Yu was pleading, trying to remind him that he had done something remarkable as well besides his failed.

"Oh, right!" Xiao Zi clapped his hand in excitement while his face brightened up with new light. "Yes, you are right the old man is dead now!" He was elated.

"Yes, without the rightful leader, the hundreds shadow guard will come to us eventually…" Wang Yu added. "The Shadow Guard will be back to the Black Sword Clan and at that time, I will take the control over them."

"Right… right…" Xiao Zi was nodding his head in agreement.

In the short moment of the excitement of the discussion about the Shadow Guard, the white hair man put down his feet from the table and lazily propped his head on his fist while crossing his legs.

"Tell me again what had happened between you and that impostor Senja when he touched you." He inquired with his rough voice.

Wang Yu stared at the white hair man before he repeated the same word that he had told them earlier and the strange sensation that he felt when Senja was trying to strangle him, the hopelessness and his inability to move his own body.

"The feeling was almost as though it wasn't my body and I was watching under the veil of a mist. But, all of that feeling disappeared when one of the Golden Arrow Archer shot her and she lost her grip on my neck. Once the contact gone, I gained my sense back." Wang Yu reenacted his feeling, more detail this time. Subconsciously he touched his own neck.

"What is that mean?" Xiao Zi narrowed his eyes toward the white hair man beside him.

But the man didn't answer nor gave any reaction to Wang Yu story even after he finished it. He seemed deep in thought while tapping the armchair, making a jumbled up tone of his own.

Everything that Wang Yu told him was a similar reaction that he knew pretty well. But, that was impossible, he was the last mind controller across this continent after his daughter was dead. But, to deny that wasn't the same ability as him, sounded not right either.

"Hmm…" He hummed an eerie tone. "Did you have an urge to do something on that state?"

Wang Yu's left eyes looked at the white hair man in puzzled. "No, but…" He tried to remember. He didn't feel anything at that time except helplessness that he didn't have the ability to control his own body. "I just felt like I have to submit on her…"

Xiao Zi raised his brows as the realization dawn on him.

"Modama," He called out the white hair man's name. "Do you think that girl… but, it's impossible…"

A wrinkled smile cracked on Modama's lips. "Interesting…"

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