Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 363

Chapter 363: Concubine qi's memory

The days went on and Senja didn't have a chance to meet with Uncle Su, as the man was nowhere to be found, in addition Sheng and Xun were gone as well. She assumed both twins were looking after Uncle Su.

Senja was tired being in her room for long time, so frequently she would visit Qi Xunyi as him always looked after his mother.

Actually it wasn't Qi Xunyi that made Senja came, but it was his mother. Concubine Qi. That woman almost always didn't do anything except staring to the place far away.

However, Senja couldn't help that her interested toward her. She felt there was something more than that.

Most importantly, the things that Senja was very aware now, her sensibility was increasing. She had even tried to hypnotize Yoda one time and it happened smoothly. She just needed to think about that and 'poof' it's happen, Yoda was under her control in a matter of second.

It almost scared her, but she also very excited to know, what else she capable of with this ability of her.

She didn't know what caused this to happen, probably because of the poison? Or, maybe because Senja had been nearly die. But, whatever the reason was, she felt more confidence with this.

Presumably, this was one of the reasons why she was attracted by Qi Xunyi's mother. Something must be happened to her and Qi Xunyi didn't say the truth about this.

Today also Senja was going to Qi Xunyi's place, but unfortunately he wasn't home. Or one could say it was fortunate for Senja that she got a time to meet Concubine Qi without Qi Xunyi's presence.

It was only a teenage girl around fifteen years old who was attending there, seemingly she had got use to take care of the house and Concubine Qi while Qi Xunyi was away.

She greeted Senja and informed her that Qi Xunyi was in the training ground.

"Oh," Senja mumbled. "But, can I meet with his mother?"

The girl round eyes widen in surprise. "I don't know if I can allow you to come." She was hesitant. "What is your name?"

"I am Senja…"

"You are Young Miss Senja from the Black Sword Clan?" She seemed surprised with this.

In the other hand Senja felt a prick of bitterness was starting to rise up the moment she mentioned that. She cleared her throat to get rid of it. "Yes I am." She smiled wryly as she felt the dry in her mouth.

"Master said you are more than welcome to come in if you wanted to." She said sheepishly.

"May I come?" Senja asked with smile.

"Of course." The girl stepped aside to let Senja in.

"Can I see Concubine Qi?" She inquired.

After many times of her visit, she learned that Qi Xunyi's mother only reacted if someone else except her son called her by her title.

The girl escorted her to the backyard where Concubine Qi was sitting on the same couch, her eyes wandered to the place far away.

Senja said 'Thank You' to the girl afterwards she gestured her that she could leave. Senja strolled crossed the yard and stood in front of her.

"Concubine Qi," She called out her name, but didn't get respond from her. It happened many times before, so Senja repeated again until reluctantly the woman averted her gaze and looked at Senja. "Can I sit next to you?" Senja asked with low voice that was almost like a whispered, but Concubine Qi nodded anyway and turned back her gaze to stare blankly at the wall in front of her.

Senja sat beside her, she didn't know exactly what she should do with her. Thus, Senja was humming with herself to get rid the awkward moment. Well, she didn't need to do that though, Concubine Qi wouldn't mind if she kept quite.

After another moment past, Senja started to ask some questions that were ignored completely by her.

An idea flashed inside her head, but she didn't know if it would work or not, more importantly the risked was high. She didn't want to try something that she didn't sure about, but Senja didn't see any way possible for her.

So, as gentle as possible Senja took her hand and placed it on her laps. Concubine Qi averted her gazed and looked down at her hand that was wrapped in Senja's hand.

Senja stroked the back of her hand as she gulped hard, nervousness engulfed her. In the next second, she wanted to give up the idea on her head, but it didn't quite right. She didn't know when she would get the opportunity to be alone with her.

Because every time Qi Xunyi was around, he was very protective over his mother and Senja couldn't have risk to reveal her secret about the mind controller things while Xiao Jun even didn't tell him about Luna.

Xiao Jun must have his own reason to not telling him about this fact. Hence Senja wouldn't start it either.

With that thought, the possibility that she had a chance like this again was very slim, she sighed a deep breath to calm her heart that started to hammer her nerves.

"You can do it…" Senja closed her eyes and whispered to herself softly. "Your ability is progressing, you are much better than before…" She kept saying that to herself. "Let get over this quickly…"

And then the determination emitted from her eyes when she opened it.

She stroked her palm in lovingly and made a circled on the back of her hand. "This ticklish isn't it?" Senja asked childishly to get her attention. "How about this?" Senja turned her hand and tickle her palm.

Concubine Qi raised her head and looked at Senja who was still tickling her hand, the corner of her lips rose a little bit. She nodded slightly and at the moment of time, Senja took the opportunity when she looked at her.

Senja was staring right back at her, looked deeply into those beautiful dead eyes. Concubine Qi's eyes were definitely very beautiful, despite lack of liveliness and those beautiful eyes were hiding something that Senja couldn't understand.

She stared at her for such long time until she felt the pull from her surroundings, it almost like the gravity around her wasn't working and she felt her soul lighten. Panic strikes Senja. She still could see the blank expression of Concubine Qi in right before her eyes, but she felt her soul flew away from her body.

In the next moment, Senja felt lightheaded as a mist covered her vision. The phase took the same feeling as she got her vision.

But, when the mist was lifted up, she wasn't in the backyard bench with Concubine Qi, but she was standing right beside her inside the dim hallway.

"What the hell!" Senja cursed loudly, she never thought that something so absurd like this would happen to her. Well, her being traveled across the time also something that was absurd, but it happened somehow.

Senja immediately scrutinized her surroundings. Apparently she was inside a place like a tunnel that reminded her about the tunnel in the library at the Black Sword Clan's mansion, however, this one was much bigger with many hallway and door.

She realized that she was in Concubine Qi's memories, as absurd as it sound, but it was what happening to her right now.

The obsolete chandelier high above her was swaying slowly, made Senja hard to see far away in front of her.

Senja averted her gazed from the dark corridor that lack of light toward Concubine Qi beside her. It seemed, this was the last memory before she turned out to be the way she was in the present time.

She was wearing blue dress with golden embroider around her waist. She looked stunningly beautiful, even the anxious expression on her face couldn't conceal it. She looked younger than she was looking in the present time.

From her behavior Senja could see that she was eavesdropping on conversation behind the door. Whoever inside, their conversation seemed surprised her as Concubine Qi's eyes widen incredulously.

Senja couldn't help, but put peeked inside the room that the door that was slightly ajar.

Inside the room, a man with white hair appeared in Senja's line of sight. She noted that the white hair man was having argumentation with someone that she couldn't see from her standing point.

He was shouting at the other person, but Senja couldn't hear clearly what they were arguing about. Their voices like a sound of bees in Senja's ears.

She tried to focus her attention and stick her ear to the door. Gradually, their voices were clearer.

"… It isn't the Emperor of Azura that you are afraid of, but it is the power behind that Kingdom, right?" The second voice that sounded younger than the white hair man traveled into Senja's ears as they were arguing back and forth. "The Black Sword Clan." He emphasized every syllable.

The white hair man groaned in annoyance. "Shut your mouth before I mess with your head!" He threatened.

"You will not mess with me, because you need me. I am the best person as your camouflage, so you can finish your vicious idea smoothly." He taunted. "Moreover, Gong Xu had given me the antidote. You will not be able to mess with my mind. Thanks to your son."

"Useless son!!!" There was a sound of something had been thrown over the room, as it collided with the wall, the sound of shattering glass could be heard.

Concubine Qi shrieked and she tried to cover her mouth, but it was too late.

Suddenly, the door opened from inside and even though Senja knew that they wouldn't realize about her presence, she couldn't help but jumped from on her feet as well. Her heart was hammering inside her chest.

The moment she laid her eyes on the white hair man, somehow she knew that he has the exceptional ability as her. josei

Senja could feel her legs gave away on her when she looked at the man straight in the eyes, and the next second his voice boomed on Senja's ears as he caught Concubine Qi wrist and dragged her inside the room harshly.

Senja followed into the room as well, only right at the moment the white hair man slammed the door closed.

Inside the room, it was more like a small study room with one chair and one table across the door, three big candle were trying to illuminate the room with their weak fire, except that, nothing else could be seen from this room.

Concubine Qi stumbled on her feet as she her face was facing the ground beneath her.

"Well, well…" The second person was talking. "Let's see who our intruder is?"

Senja tore her attention from Concubine Qi and directed her attention toward him now. He was so young, maybe he was in the same age as Qi Xunyi. But, by the aura that he carried and the way he brought himself Senja could sense that he wasn't an ordinary person.

'Royal family' that was the first thought that was floating in her mind the first time she laid her eyes on the second person.

"Concubine Qi…" He called her name with a devilish sighed and smirked etched on his face.

"Who is her?" The white hair man asked him.

"The Emperor favorite concubine." He shrugged his shoulder as though he was saying 'nothing important'.

"So, she will know where the Emperor of Xinghe hideout is?" The white hair man raised his eyebrows questioningly toward him.

"I guessed so," He replied as he leaned his body on the table behind him. "Why don't you ask her?"

"Wuxing…" Concubine Qi glared at the second man before her eyes. "How you could have a heart to make an alliance with the enemy and betray your own father?"

Wuxing snorted at her statement. "For your information, if you still don't know about this yet, it isn't me who destroy Xinghe, it is Azura who did this." He said in matter of fact tone.

"But you wanted to kill the Emperor!" Concubine Qi roared.

"Who said I will be the one who will kill him?" Wuxing retorted her word. "You will do it for me…" He gave a sinister smile on her.

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