Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 371

Chapter 371: Pervert!

In an instant Senja could feel the awkwardness between Xiao Tianyao and Xiao Mugi when she called the little boy to come closer.

"Senja, I have said my goodbye to him." Xiao Tianyao whispered while looking at his son who was slowly approaching them.josei

"But, I didn't see it." Senja retorted. "You have to be more relaxed around your son, you know?"

Well, Xiao Tianyao knew that, but he didn't know how to apply it in actual action. He didn't know how to talk with six years old child nor he know what he wanted to say to him after he left him three years straight without returned even once.

Xiao Mugi stopped in front of Senja, the little boy raised his head and looked at her questioningly.

"Why don't you say something to your father?"

Xiao Mugi tilted his head and looked at Xiao Tianyao nervously before he said. "Father had said goodbye to me last night."

"Why don't you give your father a hug?"

"Hah?" Xiao Mugi stared at Senja as though she grew two more hands. "Men don't hug with each other." He retorted with distaste in his voice.

"You are not a man, you are a boy." Senja corrected him. This was the same statement that Senja had told him and made the little boy so furious.

"I am not a boy, I am…" But, before Xiao Mugi could finish his sentences, Xiao Tianyao had bent down and picked him up.

He hugged his son while whispering into his ears, "Don't argue with her, you will only get more annoyed by her." Xiao Tianyao gave his sincere advice.

Upon hearing his father advice, Xiao Mugi chuckled lightly and nodded. "Agree."

With that Xiao Tianyao put his son down and tousle his head, "Be good."

He kissed Xiao Mugi forehead and mounted his horse.

Xiao Mugi absentmindedly touched his forehead where his father had kissed her, he still feared him for the reason that he didn't know, but he was also happy that his father paid attention toward him.

"Okay boy, Mommy will go also." Senja stepped forward and kissed the boy chubby cheeked and before he could protest she had run with crispy chuckled.

"You are not my mother!" Xiao Mugi hissed, but Senja only waved her hand toward him, still laughing.

Although that was what Xiao Mugi said, yet a faint smiled crept on the corner of his small lips.


The journey by riding a horse was as expected, very very very exhausted!

"Can't we get a carriage?" Senja whined at Xiao Tianyao when they checked in at the inn so they could stay overnight.

"Why don't you make an announcement if we are coming to gather information?" Xiao Tianyao was running out of his patient by listening Senja complain. It was the tenth times she suggested the same idea throughout the afternoon and evening.

"Oh, can we do that?" Senja asked him sarcastically while messaging her aching hips. "It will save us much time."

Xiao Tianyao didn't answer her and retrieve the key, after the innkeeper let him know their room, because Xiao Tianyao insisted he didn't need to come along, he grabbed Senja wrist and walked away toward their room.

They were walking up the stairs and along the hallway before stopped in front of the door that Senja assumed was their room. Xiao Tianyao unlocked it and strode inside.

Inside their bedroom, Senja could see two more door, one must be the door for bathroom and the other was door for balcony.

"I will take a bath." Xiao Tianyao informed her.

Suddenly, Senja remembered this cheesy picked up line that she had read long time ago and without gave much time to process it, she blurted out. "Is that a statement or an invitation?"

After she said it, she had an urge to face palm herself. Well, she couldn't take back what she had said, right?

Xiao Tianyao froze in his step when he heard Senja boldness, however he turned around with smirked on his face. "You don't need the invitation, I will leave the door open and you can come anytime you want." Was his shameless replied.

Xiao Tianyao proceeded to walk away from her and entered the bathroom. He left the door opened like what he told Senja earlier. The girl grumbled and screamed; close the door pervert!

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