Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 387

Chapter 387: Eager to continue?

Before Xiao Tianyao could retort her words, Senja had marched toward him and put her finger in front of her lips, shushed him. She tugged his sleeve and hid behind an oak tree.

The sound of heavy footstep could be heard after that, only then Xiao Tianyao realized a bunch of people had come uninvited to their poor hut. Apparently, Senja had sensed them before their appearance.

Xiao Tianyao stared at the bunch of people who scattered around, they didn't seem like those emotionless teenagers that were brought by Xiao Wang Wei, but they weren't guards who were looking for their prisoner either.

Whatever they were, Senja didn't wish to have an encountered with them. "Let's get out from here." She pointed the horses that were tied onto the trees not far from them which those people had brought.

Xiao Tianyao gave a final glanced at them before he nodded and walked away with Senja right behind him.

He hoisted Senja on top of the saddle and removed the rope that tied the horse, after that he lifted up himself.

The sound of it neighing alerted them, that someone had stolen their horse. Yet, it was too late for them to chase after Senja and Xiao Tianyao because both of them had gone too far to be pursued.

"I don't know that you are able to stealing other people horse without batting an eye." Senja chuckled.

"You taught me well."

Frowning, Senja lifted her head to look Xiao Tianyao perfect chin, even when they both sat, Senja height only reach his shoulder. "I didn't steal anything." Lied.

Xiao Tianyao averted his gaze from the street to stare at the grumpy girl. "Do you really think that I don't know that you stole Xiao Wang Wei's token?"

**He knew!?** Senja thought incredulously.

"I still haven't asked why you stole his token." He continued, but didn't pursue the answer due to the thought that Senja only did it because Xiao Wang Wei had been under her skin at that time, so like usual Senja liked to scheme something against him.

"Well, I am hungry." Senja avoided his gaze while rubbing her growling stomach to emphasize her words, on the other hand she wanted to change the subject.

It wouldn't end up good if Xiao Tianyao knew she gave the Token to Uncle Su for him to be able to enter the Mountain Sui Sword Sect, the place that they were heading now.

"You always hungry." Xiao Tianyao commented.


"So, we left Ju Long just like that?" Senja almost forgot about Ju Long when they made their escaped from the forest.

Xiao Tianyao brought them to the nearest village because Senja kept whining that she was starving. Thus, here they were, eating a bowl of noodles inside a small restaurant.

"He is capable enough to fend himself, beside I had given him enough money."

"You gave him money again?" Senja wrinkled her nose in distaste. "He had been asking money from me when you fell unconscious."

"Well, I think that is the reason why he was stay."

"I guess so…" Senja nodded and slurped her noodles delightfully.

"Finish your food quickly, so we can stay overnight in the next village." Xiao Tianyao was waiting for Senja to finish her noodles impatiently.

"But, I want one more bowl." She said without guilt.


Xiao Tianyao couldn't help, but thinking how Senja could have a big appetite like this? He pinched the bridge on his nose.

Senja was only satisfied when she had eaten two big bowls of noodles and sated like a sleepy kitten that purred between Xiao Tianyao's arms when they finally drove away to the next village.

Xiao Tianyao slow down the horse as one of his hand held Senja's body that had fallen asleep and the other hand controlled the reins when they entered the villages. He was able to see how tired this girl.

He could imagine how Senja tired herself out when he fell unconscious and Xiao Tianyao didn't please upon knowing about that.

He shook Senja body gently when they arrived in front of the inn.

"Continue your sleep inside." He said.

Senja yawned and stretched out her body when Xiao Tianyao helped her dismounted the horse. With eyes half opened, she followed him get inside the inn.

After Xiao Tianyao retrieved the key, they walked to their room on the third floor.

"Do you want to eat something?" Xiao Tianyao asked with concern.

Both of them were exhausted and Xiao Tianyao not yet fully healed from the poison. But, he still put Senja needed first.

"No," Senja shook her head, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him onto the bed with her. "Let's sleep."

Because Senja's arms were still wrapping his neck, so Xiao Tianyao needed to prop his body with his elbow to preventing him crushing her small frame.

Yet, when he tried to sit up Senja refused to remove her arms as she clung to him.

"Senja…" Xiao Tianyao called her name in warning tone.

"Hmm?" She grunted with eyes closed.

"Do you expect me to sleep like this?" He chuckled on the crook of her neck.

Senja laughed, but the next moment her eyes snapped open as her laughed dissipated when she felt Xiao Tianyao lips were nibbling lightly on her neck.

Her heart was thumping frantically when his hand pulled her collar and trailed small kisses along her collarbone down to her cleavage.


Senja's breathing became uneven as her hand find its way to his dark hair. He caressed her body tenderly before he removed her arms from his neck and held them in one hand.

Stopped. He lifted his bodyjosei

Senja opened her eyes and looked at him confused. **Why did he stop?**

Xiao Tianyao gave her a smirked. "Eager to continue?"

"Damn you Tianyao!" Senja snapped at him that regarded with a burst of laughter from him.

He laid his body down beside Senja, still holding her hand when he pecked her lips. "What did you expect me to do?"

Senja gritted her teeth, feeling embarrassed. "Well, I expect you to continue." She tried to sound nonchalant, but failed miserably when her blushing cheeks betray her façade.

"Pervert." Xiao Tianyao flicked her head, released her hand and pulled her closer to his chest.

"What? We are married already." She retorted shamelessly. "Which part that I become a pervert?"

"Well, let's do it when you turned eighteen."

Senja glared at him. "You have made me excited and now you say I have to wait?"

"Yes." Xiao Tianyao laughed by her reaction as she buried her face deep into his embrace.


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