Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 453

Chapter 453: What did you do to her!?

Xiao Tianyao was adamant that Senja was checked by physician before they continued their journey back to the fortress.

Senja argue with him for a while and gave in after Xiao Tianyao gave her logical reason.

It would be troublesome if Modama was poisoned her and they were too late to find that out. She didn't want to die. So, with that reason Senja obliged.

It was only a brief examination before the old Physician assured Xiao Tianyao that there were no poisons inside Senja's body.

She was glad to hear that, but her old question resurfaced again.

**Then what the reason Modama came to me?** She frowned with that though.

Finally, after all the examination, Xiao Tianyao and Senja were ready to return to the fortress. Along the way, Xiao Tianyao informed her that the attack would happen in three days.

"Three days?" Senja raised her head and met his perfect chin, she liked to see him in this angle.

"Yes," Xiao Tianyao nodded. "The other three leader are confident that we didn't need waiting for Moon Dew Clan to take down the Q city." Xiao Tianyao said, but with frowned. Seemingly, he didn't agree with this.

"How about Xiao Jun? He didn't a say in this?" Senja asked curiously.

"He didn't agree either, but most of our soldier will depart today to the Q city." He said.

"Everything is alright?" Senja felt Xiao Tianyao uneasiness.

"Yes, everything is fine." He bluntly lied and Senja knew it.

"You knew it right, that I could sense your lie?"

"I know, just pretend that you don't know." Xiao Tianyao chuckled and made the horse ran faster.

"Why you don't want to talk about this?"

"I feel like… maybe my hunch is wrong…"

"What hunch?"

In the end Senja kept prodding her curiosity, hoping Xiao Tianyao would slip with his words, but he was too good in that.

And the rest of their trip, Xiao Tianyao and Senja were talking about nonsense and trivial things that made Xiao Tianyao relaxed a bit. He loved to have this kind of conversation with Senja.

He didn't need to think hard and be worried if his words would be use against him and be free from all of the political tricks. He was getting tired with those kinds of conversation.

The trip to go back to the fortress needed two days, so they needed to overstay in another village again.

And started their trip again early in the morning, Senja was sulking along the way because they needed to ride a horse, but kept quiet when finally she fell asleep.

They arrived at the fortress when night has fallen. From a mile away Xiao Tianyao could see the gleaming light from the fortress, while Senja had been falling asleep in his hand.

The night was so quiet and cloudy, even the moonlight couldn't peek trough.

Xiao Tianyao ran his horse carefully, since Senja was asleep and the fortress was nearby he wanted to take this moment to think all the matter about Modama that had visited Senja thoroughly.

Something was amiss, he knew it. It was very obvious that Modama was up to something, but he couldn't figure out what his aim and this pissed him off.

Suddenly, the horse jerked away and raised his front legs as he was gone frantic, both of them almost fell backward if it wasn't for Xiao Tianyao good reflexes.

Senja instantly woke up and started to scream in panic when Xiao Tianyao release the rein of the horse and scooped her before both of them leapt from the back of the horse.

Carefully, Xiao Tianyao put down Senja on the ground and as her messy head snapped left and right to see if there was a threat nearby with her eyes widened. If it was in common occasion, Xiao Tianyao would have laughed by her antics, but not now.

Xiao Tianyao watched as the horse ran into another direction and disappeared from their line of sight.

"The horse," Senja pointed the runaway horse. "Why happened." She raised her head and saw Xiao Tianyao was in alert, he was looking at the certain direction in the dark.

Senja followed his line of sight, but nothing happened and no one there.

When Senja wanted to ask Xiao Tianyao again about what was happening, Xiao Tianyao shouted into the dark in front of them. He was furious to say the least.

"I know you are there, come out now!"josei

After Xiao Tianyao's remarked, someone emerged from the darkness. His white hair was the first thing that gave out his identity and Senja recognized it immediately even before Xiao Tianyao confirmed it.

"Modama," Xiao Tianyao was hissed, venom in his words. "I don't expect to meet you here."

Modama chuckled by Xiao Tianyao statement, as though it was something funny that needed an appreciation of his laugh.

"That's the first thing did you say after I spare you little woman life?" Modama pointed Senja with his chin and it triggered Xiao Tianyao.

"What do you want from her?" Xiao Tianyao stepped in front of Senja and shielded her behind his back.

"She is mind controller."Modama didn't answer Xiao Tianyao's question, but made a statement.

He knew about Senja's ability from Senja encountered with Wang Yu and failed to kill him. Since then, he was very interested in her.

"I know she is the one." Modama said leisurely. Ignoring Xiao Tianyao menacing glared, he was looking for Senja behind Xiao Tianyao's back with his eyes. "But, how you can get that ability? Unless you are a linage of Mind Controller…" He stroked his chin, contemplating.

"What did you do to her?"

"Me?" Modama pointed himself and with mocking tone he talked. "I did nothing." And he threw his hand up in surrender gestured.

**He is insane and had lost his mind!** Senja grumbled mentally, subconsciously she rub the bruises in her neck as its started to feel hot.

"… or maybe something." Modama tilted his head again and caught Senja's movement that rubbing her neck. He gave a devilish smiled into it. "Do you really want to know what is it?"

Xiao Tianyao hand flew to his sword, ready to draw more blood.

"Why don't you show him Senja?" Modama showed his teeth in amusement.

Xiao Tianyao didn't like this conversation, especially when his focus was in Senja. Thus, he drew his sword and was about to kill him off when he felt stinging pain on his back.

He turned and ready to stab his attacker, but he remembered Senja was behind him all the time. His mind worked faster.

As he spun around, he watched Senja with her red dagger, blood trickled down from the tip of the blade, Xiao Tianyao's blood to be precise.

"Now, do have any ideas about what I had done?" Modama let out a shrilled laughed.

"Senja…?" Xiao Tianyao missed Modama taunted words as his focus solely on her.

Her face was very calm, something that she had never shown before and this made Xiao Tianyao frowned because of the killing intent that emitted from her.

"What did you do to her!!?" Xiao Tianyao's head snapped back at Modama.

That devil must have done something to Senja and it was happening last night when he almost strangled Senja to death.

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