Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 456

Chapter 456: Bad omens

It was late at night when they had finished their dinner inside Senja's room.

Doctor Lin needed to go to Q city after dinner, Senja was trying to hold her back because night trip didn't save, however she insisted that she would bring five people with her and it would be fine.

Beside, she was supposed to left with Xiao Tianyao entourage to the Q city, however because of Senja's condition Xiao Tianyao was very adamant to leave her and check on Senja first. She didn't allow to leave before Senja woke up.

And now, Senja had woken up and there wasn't major problem with her, she just needed to have enough rest. Doctor Lin also had prescribed her medicine, so nothing she could do here anymore. That was why she needed to go.

Senja bit her inner cheeks when she heard Doctor Lin's reason to stay behind. Xiao Tianyao sometime could be overbearing. She felt slightly uncomfortable also to make her stay.

So, in the end Doctor Lin left the fortress with five people who were guarding her. Senja couldn't see her off because she wasn't allowed to leave her bed, moreover she didn't want to have anyone to see her off.

Thus, after dinner Qianru and Xiao Mugi stayed in Senja's room.

They were talking with each other and teasing Xiao Mugi, sometime he would laugh out loud or he would throw thantrum at Senja because she always called him 'boy'.

But, now he was sleeping on Senja's bed, tired.

Senja readjusted his position, extended her blanket and covered him. She let the boy slept on her bed, while she was walking toward the yard with Qianru.

After eight days lying on the bed, it was nice to stretched out and take a walk outside while enjoying the night breeze. It was so refreshing.

"There is news from Q city?" Senja asked, took a seat in one of the bench while Qianru sat beside her.

"So far they are doing fine, if everything run smoothly, they will take down Q city in two months before move to L City."

Senja nodded. The war it started.

Qianru filled her everything that she knew when she was out this past eight days. They were talking about the war, Xiao Tianyao and Xiao Jun childhood and much more, until they stumbled into one topic that piqued her interest.

"What had happened to you after your engagement?" Senja asked.

They were talking about the engagement between Xiao Jun and her and the Emperor who was looking trouble for them at the engagement day, when Senja remembered Qianru wanted to talk about something after their engagement, when they were still in the Greenhill Mountain.

Qianru was slightly taken aback by Senja question as she felt Qianru's uneasiness, her eyes downcast and she turned depressed

"Qianru, if you don't want me to know, it is fine…" Senja grabbed her hand gently.

Qianru gave her a smile that didn't reach her eyes before she said gently, "That night, when I talked with you in the Greenhill Mountain, I was just slightly emotional. You were looking so down at that time." She said. "But, now you are fine, I don't think you need to hear this."

Senja felt the reluctance in her voice. Well, people tended to change their mind, so Senja just shrugged it off and smiled back at her.

"But, I want to tell you that both of them had gone through a lot in their life, I hope you can cherished Xiao Tianyao, even though sometimes his overbearing attitude is annoying." Qianru chuckled with this.

"You didn't have any idea how annoying he was. I feel like I want to knock some sense on his rock head." Senja grumbled, being said that she laughed in the end.

"Both of you are stubborn if I can pointed out."

Senja gave some thought about it, but then she admitted. "I guess so…"

Both of them fell into comfortable silence for a while before Senja voice out her thought. "I hope this war will not last for long time…"

"Yes, I hope the same," Qianru nodded and added with a tingle blushed on her cheeks. "I hope Xiao Jun is with me during my labor…"

Senja turned her head at Qianru with surprised, "Labor?" She reiterated. "Are you…?" Senja trailed off her words.

However before she could finish it, Qianru had nodded her head, knowing what Senja wanted to say.

"Yes, I am pregnant." There was a wave of happiness in her voice.

"Actually, that was not I want to say…" Senja shrugged her shoulder nonchalanty and Qianru swatted her back playfully that made her burst into laughter. "How long?"

"Three weeks." She said with soft smiled.

"Did Xiao Jun know about this?" Senja felt excited for her.

However, Qianru shook her head. "I just knew recently when Doctor Lin check on me, but at that time Xiao Jun had left to Q city."

"You should tell him, I am very sure, he will end the war faster so he could be with you."

Qianru laughed at this, but didn't answer her question.

"What happened?" Senja picked out her anxiety easily.

"Nothing… I just…"

"Yes…?" Senja prodded.

"I had a miscariege before and I am afraid what if …"

"No what if's… this is a good news why are you holding back a good news from him? You had been waiting for this child for so long right?" Senja cheered her up.

"Yes, I know he have to know… I just want to wait until I get into two months before I tell him."

"Alright… " Senja smiled. "Anyway congratulation!"

"Thank you…" Qianru smiled softly while rubbing her stomach gently.

**She will be a great mother…**


Two months passed by and everything in Xiao Tianyao and Xiao Jun's end seemed ran smoothly. They had taken down Q city and their armies had moved to L City.

Senja cursed the limited communication in this world endlessly, the only way they communicated with each other was through a messanger that brought their letter and it could take a week before she could read Xiao Tianyao's reply.

Sometime longer than that, not to mention now they were moving to L city it would take longer.

"Damn it! I will be the inventor of cell phone here before Dr. Martin Cooper did and become rich!!!" Senja grumbled after she read Xiao Tianyao's very very very short letter.

She had written her letter that worthy of two days and two nights writing, but Xiao Tianyao replied was only like a note!?

Senja really wanted to go to L city and lashed out right in front of his face.

**What kind of answer is this!?** Senja slumped into her bed in annoyance.

Their two months in the fortress was so boring and Senja was nearly wanted to jump on the horse and ran to the L city.

The only thing that kept her entertaint was only teasing Xiao Mugi until she started to wonder if he had hated her already because of all her tease.

Meanwhile, Qianru had told Xiao Jun about her pregnancy and when the letter from Xiao Jun came, she was crying mess… in good way.

After that a smiled plaster on her lips ever since, like nothing could fade it away.

When Senja was about to writing a letter for Xiao Tianyao's 'note', she heard a loud sound of footsteps in the hallway.

In the matter of second her door opened forcefully, Senja startled and she saw Cung, he was the person who was taking care of her while she was at the Roccaleaf Tea House and because he was assigned to protect her again, only now Senja knew his name.

However, Cung was so anxious, sweat on his forehead and he was panting heavily. Moreover, he never entered her room without knocking first.

Senja rushed toward him with apprehension. Somehow she felt this was bad news.

"What happened?" Senja asked him, when he rushed toward her and urged her to go outside while making a wild gesture with his hands, since he was literally lost his breath.

"We need to get away from here!" He said, panicked.

Feeling his reslesstness, Senja started to run and followed him. It must something bad…

"What happened?" Senja demanded.

Cung explained while both of them run the hallway, he was breathing heavily and his voice wasn't clear enough for Senja, but she caught up something like; The armies was being ambushed, they were under attack and there were suspicious group of people were approaching their direction.

When Senja and Cung reached the yard, she could hear the fighting sound had broken.

"Where is Qianru and Mugi!?" Senja wouldn't leave them.

"They are already at the northern's gate, we will heading there." Cung responded and led Senja all the way to the northern's gate, ignoring the clashing metal not too far from them.

**How this thing could be happen?** Fear started running down on her spine.

When they turned at the corner, Senja saw one of the intruders was running at their direction. Cung was ready with sword on his hand as he ran forward to meet that person.

However, that man managed to dodge him and slided to his back, he was about to slash his sword at Cung's back when Senja beat him to it.

Senja pulled out her red dagger and threw it at his direction, the dagger managed to stab his nape as he fell down.

Senja ran toward Cung and retrieved her dagger in the processed. "Let's go!" She said.

She just killed a person, but she was very calm, if it was a year ago she would be shivering at the corner of the room. She was different person now.

Senja ran ahead since she knew the direction of the northern's gate. From a far she could see the anxious Qianru was hugging Xiao Mugi. Both of them were standing beside the carriage. josei

Three more people were there to assist them.

"Senja!" Qianru called out for her.

"Get on the carriage!" Senja shouted at her, right at the same time at the corner of her eyes she saw two intruders were breaking trough their soldier who were guarding the fortress.

Qianru looked at the direction of them as well and froze, but then she helped Xiao Mugi to get in the carriage and then herself.

The three people that were assigned to guard them were approaching the two invaders and tackled them down in no time before they were galloping their horse.

Cung got on the coachman seat and started to bring them away from there after Senja got inside.

"Are you okay?" Senja asked Qianru, she was two months pregnant now and this was so risky.

"Yes I am fine." She nodded, but fear in her eyes could be seen clearly.

"Are you fine?" Senja directed her attention toward Xiao Mugi and the boy nodded his head vigorously.

"Senja…" Qianru was suddenly hugging her as she broke into tears.

"Everything will be fine… everything will be fine…" Senja tried to comfort her.

Qianru must have heard the news about Xiao Tianyao and Xiao Jun's army who were being ambush, added that to this attack. There must be something happening. Something wrong and fatal.

"We are being followed!" Cung shouted from the couchman's seat. Panick was apparent in his voice.

"We will try to stop them!" One of the three guards who were going with them volunteered to stay behind.

"We will catch up with you!"

"Keep them save!"

All the three men were talking with Cung. It was almost like a farewell in Senja's ears as she watched from the window of the carriage the three of them bravely turned back their horses and greeted their pursuers.

Senja looked out of the window and saw how many their pursuers.

There were simply too many of them. The three guards wouldn't be able to survive. It was simply suicide.

Senja couldn't help but felt her heart tightening. She didn't know the three of guards, however they volunteered to die to protect them.

"Don't look." Cung said when he realized Senja was staring at the fighting scene behind them. Sadness filled his words.

Senja reluctantly retracted her head as she blinked rapidly to hold back her tears.

"Everything will be alright…" Senja said while stroking Qianru's back and tousled Xiao Mugi's head.

Even though she said it, those words were meant for her.

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