Purple Romance

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: 112 Jones Cambridge 3

After breakfast, Max went to the hospital with Marvel. They arrived and met Calia and Kobby already in the private ward where the models were admitted. They were not alone. Ad-Din and Maria were also there as well as Mona Lisa.

''Hi'' Marvel greeted them politely as she walked toward them from the door. Ad-Din turned and looked at his elder brother suspiciously but didn't say anything. They just smiled at each other and turned to the doctor who was discussing with Calia about the health of the models.

''As I said earlier, they are a lot better but their meals must be properly monitored. Their stomachs have become sensitive because they starved themselves. I know a lot of models suffer from anorexia and often don't want to eat for fear of gaining weight but if they don't take care, the next time they come here, there might be the need for a surgery''

''I know, doctor. I will make sure their meals are well monitored according to the guidelines you have given' Calia assured the doctor.

''Thank you, Dr. John, I will also monitor them and make sure they are well taken care of'' Kobby said.

''The show is just a few days away; I hope they will be well before then?'' Mona Lisa said worriedly.

''Lisa, this is all my fault. As their senior I didn't take good care of them and all this happened. I really feel ashamed of myself'' Rihan suddenly spoke out and everyone turned and looked at her. She still laid on the bed in a sickly position.

''Dear, don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault. Nobody wanted this to happen anyway. Kobby, can I ask for a favour? These models are like my own babies and their career is important to them. Can I ask you to be their attending doctor throughout the show period? If anything happens to them again, I will be really worried''. Mona Lisa said to Kobby.

Kobby looked at Calia first for her permission and she nodded her head before he turned to Mona Lisa and spoke ''aunt, I will do that''

''Then, is settled. You will give them a check-up daily. They will be starting their practice next tomorrow. I hope you will be there to monitor their health as their doctor''

''Sure, I will be there'' Kobby said.

''Marvel and I still have work to do. The moving company called this morning and said they have moved the jewellery to the company. We have to go and arrange them and put them into their safes''

''I will go with you to help'' Kobby said and smiled lovingly at Calia.

''Let's all go and help out. Ad-Din, do you have something going on later?'' Max asked and everyone turned to look at him. He wasn't someone who cared much about what other people did but he actually volunteered. Even Mona Lisa was surprised. When she first saw him and Marvel walking in together, she was sceptical but now he even wanted to help?

''Sure, I don't have anything going on today. I was going to accompany my wife on a date but we can go, right babe?'' Ad-Din asked Maria and smiled.

''Sure, let's go and help. We are a family after all'' Maria said and placed her hand on Ad-Din's palm and he squeezed it a little.

''Then, is settle. Let's go'' Calia said.

''I will go with you too. I am fine and don't need to be in the hospital'' Rihan said suddenly and everyone turned to look at her. she was already getting down from the bed as she said this.josei

''That won't do. As you can see, we are all a pair. If you come with us, you will just make an unnecessary crowd besides, your body is still weak. Just rest and recover and leave my business to me to handle'' Calia said sarcastically and everyone tried to suppressed their laughter.

''Rihan, don't mind Calia. She is just joking with you. but, I agree with her. you are our star model, you need to rest and be well that night to sell our most priced jewellery'' Mona Lisa said and pulled Rihan back to the bed and she glared at Calia.

''Let's go'' Max whispered softly to Marvel and she smiled. Together the three pair of couples left the hospital while Rihan sat back dissatisfied and angry.

''That was quite savage, Calia'' Maria was the first to speak as they walked out towards the OPD.

''If I don't act that way towards that woman, she will think that I fear her. How dare she want to take what's mine hump'' Calia said proudly and looked at Kobby and he smiled and held her hand as they walked out. As they went out, everyone was acting normal except Marvel who was busy trying to act normal. She didn't know her behaviour gave her away but the rest didn't want to talk about it.

They reached the company and the ladies watched the men as they carried the pieces of boxes into the showroom. The ladies started opening the boxes revealing the various types of jewellery that was going to be showcased that day on the runway. They were exquisite and the ladies ended up talking about the jewellery ignoring the men completely.

Ad-Din picked three bottles of water and handed to Max and Kobby and stood next to Max and asked.

''Elder brother, I didn't know you had your eyes set on Cal's little secretary?''

''I want to get married before you'' Max said seriously startling both Ad-Din and Kobby.

''Wait, are you serious?'' Ad-Din asked and Kobby chuckled.

''Yes, how can I take it slow when my little brother is in a haste to get married before me? I should do something about that if not I will lose face. Your wife must call my wife elder sister in law'' Max said nonchalantly.

''What? My wife is older than your wife'' Ad-Din said.

''But, I am the elder. How about in your next life, you pray to be born first?'' Max said and Kobby chuckled.

''I can't believe you two are fighting over who gets to marry first?'' Kobby said and the two brothers turned and looked at him threateningly ''why are you two looking at me like that?'' Kobby asked.

''Are you not planning to marry our little princess?'' Max asked.

''I do, but, I feel that we will be rushing. I have to hear from Calia what she thinks first'' Kobby said.

''Anyways, it can't be before I settle my marital status''. Max said and they turned to look at the women who wore gloves in their hands as they admire the jewellery.

''Are you serious, elder brother?'' Ad-Din asked.

''I have never been any more serious. That woman and I have a fate that began a long time ago. Just like you and Maria'' Max said.

''You two knew each other already?'' Kobby asked.

''En, we met 8 years ago. See, you are not the only one who has an 8-year history with your fiancée?" Max said arrogantly and Ad-Din chuckled. He found it extremely ridiculous that his elder brother who was always lukewarm in terms of relationship was suddenly acting like marriage was a race.

''She was also the one who fell for me first'' Max added and Kobby and Ad-Din looked at each other and shook their heads.

''So, have you already done that with her yet? I know you haven't gotten laid for 8 years since you know who left?'' Ad-Din asked.

''Have you gotten laid?'' Max turned and asked Kobby the same question.

''No, I haven't since my late wife'' Kobby answered rather honestly and Max patted the latter's shoulder saying.

''Good boy. Let's work hard towards it, even though I wouldn't want to hear the details of how you did that with my own little sister but let's work hard and shame this little boy who thinks he is ahead of us grown men''

They all chuckled and turned back to watching their women. Each admiring his own.

''Marvel, I didn't know you and my elder brother have progressed so much? He even brought you to the hospital and was flirting with you in front of everyone'' Calia said as she placed a pair of earrings into a glass safe.

''We are not exactly like that…yet'' Marvel said and blushed.

''Not yet? My elder brother is such a good catch. What are you waiting for?'' Calia said.

''Don't you feel anything for my brother in law? He seems smitten by you?" Maria also added.

''Well, is not that. Actually, your brother is someone I met by coincidence 8 years ago'' Marvel said.

''Really? You two even have a history? Why didn't I know about that?'' Calia asked curiously.

''Well, I didn't really recognise him at first until recently, last night after I left the hospital, so I went to find out from him'' Marvel said.

''Wait, so does that mean you slept at my elder brother's last night'' Calia asked feeling a little thrilled and Marvel immediately covered her mouth afraid that the men will hear them.

''Can you lower your voice? What if Max hears you?'' Marvel said.

''Max?' Calia started to tease Marvel 'I didn't know you know were already on first name basis? Tell me, what did you two do last night? Did you sleep in the same room and then had a passionate reunion?''

''What passionate reunion? We only…slept but nothing happened'' Marvel said the last words softly.

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