Purple Romance

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: 114 Alecia Maria Lee 1

After a hearty meal, the pair of three couples walked out of the private room and got into the elevator. The men each held the hands of their significant partners as they went into the elevator. They soon got to the ground floor and came out bumping into another man and the man staggered before steadying himself and looked at them. Kobby who bumped into him looked at him and asked.

''Are you alright?''

The man nodded ''I was squatting for so long, my legs must have given way just now. Sorry for that''

''Is alright' Kobby replied and walked a distance to give the rest way to come out.

Jones Cambridge's eyes lit up as soon as he saw Marvel and called out her name ''Marvel Nelson. Is really you? Whoa, what a world we live in. I didn't believe my eyes. I thought I was seeing things when I saw someone walk in looking like you, I was so shocked and frightened. I even thought I was seeing a ghost?'' Jones Cambridge said in one breath. He seemed excited as he spoke.

Marvel recognised him and staggered back. She clutched her hands around her purse nervously and bit her lips anxiously. Max who was behind her held her steady and looked coldly at Jones Cambridge and asked ''who are you?''

Jones Cambridge looked at the people in front of him and realised they weren't ordinary people and got a little frightened but thinking about how Marvel's family was messed up with her only family member being an ex-convict, he didn't think much about his actions and words. He thought they were probably rich people and Marvel a mere escort. His thoughts about her remained low back then and now.

''Me? I am Jones Cambridge and I was Marvel's classmate back at high school'' he said proudly and added ''you might not know this, but this woman used to follow me everyone telling me how much she loves me''

The faces of everyone turned ugly as they watched him with cold gazes but Jones Cambridge didn't even realise it. he just kept on babbling and degrading Marvel just to make himself feel alright.

''Well, we did mess around a little before my parents sent me abroad to study. My parents didn't want me to end up a mess like her. Marvel, I can't believe you finally turned out to be an escort. Are these ladies your friends? Well, they aren't so bad looking for a man's pleasure time pass''

''What did you just say?'' Maria was the first to asked as she looked at Jones Cambridge.

''What? Did I say something wrong?'' Jones Cambridge didn't finish his sentence when a punch sound resonated in the air and his front tooth came out along with blood from his mouth.

''Elder brother, are you going to handle this trash or do you want me to do it?'' Ad-Din who gave the punch looked at Max and asked. Jones Cambridge was on the floor crying out in pain.

''I will handle it. He had the guts to insult my cousin, sister in law and my fated one in front of me. He should learn manners which his parents should have taught him from the beginning'' Max finished saying and a group of five men rushed to them and took hold of Jones Cambridge, taking him away.

''What kind of drama just took place here?'' Calia finally spoke and turned to Kobby. The whole situation happened and ended in a flash for her.

''Let's go and watch our movie. My men will take very…good care of him in the meantime'' Max said with a sly grin and took hold of Marvel's hand walking out.

RN Box office theatre.

The men went ahead to get popcorns and drinks while the ladies waited at a distance. Calia looked at Marvel whose face was expressionless and asked worriedly ''Mar, are you alright?''

Marvel looked at them and smiled nodding her head ''I'm fine. Is already in the past anyway''

''Don't forgive that person. I'm sure brother in law will let him pay for what he did to you. Marvel, don't let what happened rub you of your happiness. Lighten up and smile, you are doing great' Maria said and Marvel smiled for the first time though there was a hint of sadness.

Max was the first to arrive and took hold of Marvel's hand while he held a paper bowl of popcorn and two cups of coke.

''Let's go in first'' Max said to her and she nodded and they left together. Ad-Din and Kobby soon joined Maria and Calia and they also went inside together.

The theatre was dim as the movie was about to start. Max led Marvel to their seats and allowed her to get into it first before he placed the popcorns and coke in the middle of their armrest and sat down to. He looked at Marvel whose face was fixed on the screen and smiled. His heart ached for her and he wanted to do something to make her forget about what happened.

''If you don't look at me, I will kiss you'' Max whispered into her ears and Marvel instantly turned and looked at him and blushed. ''Good girl, this is how you should always look at me. I don't want to share your attention and mind with anyone or anything else, so get your act together or I will punish…'' Max didn't complete the sentence when he felt soft lips on his lips and looked with widened gaze, shocked. Marvel just kissed him unexpectedly and he was lost for words at that moment.

Marvel let go and relaxed on her seat and pointed at the screen saying 'the movie has started already. Why are you still talking like an old woman?' she said not daring to look at him. What she did was based on impulse. She didn't think too much and didn't know what gave her the courage to do that. by the time she realised what she was doing, her lips had already touched Max's lips. Though it was for a breath moment, it was still considered a kiss. She blushed as she picked the coke and sipped as she watched the screen. Her heart was beating really fast and she was afraid Max would hear it.

Max on the other hand had lost all concentration and interest for the movie that was screening. His thoughts were on the woman by his side who had just kissed him out of the blue. He thought he was going to be the one to initiate a kiss between them but just now, she was the one who did for just a few seconds. He instinctively touched his lips as he watched her lips wrapped around the straw, dragging the coke up to her mouth. He gulped hard as his Adam's apple moved up and down.

The movie which was rated 18 and above was about a stripper who was torn apart by love for her job and her moral standing in life as she struggled to take care of her 5-year-old daughter. There were scenes that were so emotional to the extent that it brought tears to the audience and there were intense intimate scenes that made the audience' hearts race and swooned.

Calia who was sitting next to Kobby closed her eyes when it got to an intense sex scene. Kobby looked at her and smiled. He leaned closer to her ears and whispered into her ears.

''This is nothing compared to what I want to do to you'' Kobby chuckled and went back to watching the movie as if he wasn't the one who said that. Calia flushed and looked at him. Kobby looked at the screen where the main characters were making love and said to Calia.

''If you keep looking at me like that, I will take it that you want me to do something'' Calia blushed harder and closed her eyes and put her hands against her ears mumbling.

''I didn't hear anything''josei

''I know you heard me' Kobby said and chuckled.

Meanwhile on Ad-Din and Maria's side, the two were busy in their own world. They were not concentrating on the movie screening. Ad-Din was busy devouring Maria to the extent that she was almost feeling dizzy and had to bite his lips and he hissed.

''We are in a public place. You are becoming more daring, Ad-Din? Your brother is just two seats away from us'' Maria told him.

''So what? I didn't ask him to be late in finding love? You've been so busy lately with your online lectures that I barely get time alone with you. tonight, don't even think of sleeping. I am going to collect all my arrears from you'' Ad-Din whispered into her ears.

''Sorry, but my great aunt came visiting this morning'' Maria said and stick her tongue out as Ad-Din frowned and turned back to look at the screen gloomily. Maria nudged at him ''are you mad? This is nature's call. It can't be helped. I will make it up to you in another way, then'' with that she got Ad-Din's attention as he turned and looked at her.

''How do you intend to make it up to me? I have a better idea'' Ad-Din said.

''I will take care of the laundry and your meditation preparation for one week'' Maria said and Ad-Din glared at her.

''I don't need you to do that'' Ad-Din almost screamed at her but for the people in the theatre.

''Were you about to yell at me?'' Maria asked and looked at him and he shook his head.

''No, how can I yell at you?'' Ad-Din said.

''Since you are such a good boy, how about I tell you something that will lighten up your mood?'' Maria said and leaned closer to him and whispered into his ears ''tonight, I will be on top'' she winked at him and Ad-Din's heart melted instantly and his mood lifted up. They started throwing dirty looks at each other while the movie was going on.

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