Purple Romance

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: 121 Because I was the one left behind 3

Max's quarters.

Ad-Din looked at the pictures on the table sceptically. He lifted one of them and looked at it for a while saying 'this woman isn't my wife. But, why do they look so alike? Elder brother, who exactly is this woman? Why does she look so much like Maria?''

''She is called Alecia Maria Lee. The mother of Maria Portia Lee, your wife'' Max said and studied Ad-Din's expression as it turned into shock and disbelieve.

''This…how did you find her? Did you run a background check on my wife?'' Ad-Din asked a little displeased.

''No, relax. I am not that free to be doing such a thing. You know I will never do something like that'' Max said to him.

''Then, how did you get these photos. No, how did you find her?'' Ad-Din asked as an obnoxious feeling rose within him.

''That is why I called you. I thought hard about this and I want you to know that, I am not doing this to drive a wedge between you and Maria. Trust me, I am the person who wants your happiness the most. But, this is something you needed to know because it is something that might escalate into a big issue in the near future''josei

''What exactly has this woman got to do with us? As far as I know, she abandoned Maria when she was just in junior high school. I haven't met her before but because of Maria, I don't have a favourable opinion on her. So, tell me the truth, elder brother''

''This woman is a dangerous woman. She is involved in shady businesses and also has a lot of connections''

''How shady is she? Is she involved in some sort of illegal business?'' Ad-Din asked.

''Something more dangerous like child trafficking, prostitution and brothel business involving young girls''

''Tell me into detail'' Ad-Din asked calmly.

Max explained everything to Ad-Din and didn't hide anything. He even told Ad-Din about the experience Marvel went through and what Alecia told her when he went to visit her that day. Ad-Din chuckled sarcastically at the end of Max's speech and found it ridiculous.

''Elder brother, this. Are you sure this is the truth? This woman is really Maria's mother and she really did the things you just told me about?'' Ad-Din asked with a frown on his face. He lifted up the picture of Alecia Maria Lee and looked at it again. The resemblance was too striking.

''Ad-Din, you know I never speak of things I don't have evidence for. This woman made me realise how different parents can be from their children. I was shocked a person like that gave birth to Maria because they are completely opposite each other''

''So, what do you intend doing now? Honestly, I don't know how I am going to tell Maria all this because last night she was drunk because of this woman. This morning she told me that she has being having bad dreams and it involved her mother. She even asked Monroe to look into her whereabouts. I still don't know the depth of her knowledge about this woman's existence but this is going to break her down when she finds out her mother turned into this kind of person. I am afraid that something will happen to her when that time comes'' Ad-Din said and sighed.

''That woman already investigated you and Maria. she knows about the two of you, so I am sure she will make a move and try to meet Maria especially when we least expect it. She is a smart woman and knows how to twist the facts to suit herself. Shouldn't we tell Maria this before she hears it from outside?'' Max asked Ad-Din.

''I will find a way to tell her but, please can you not do anything until I am able to tell Maria. the moment the media comes in; the damage is going to be too much. The media is scary these days. It won't take long before they find the relationship between Maria and that woman'' Ad-Din said.

''Sure, you can take your time. I won't do anything until Maria is made aware of the whole situation. Meanwhile, you need to protect her. It won't be good if that woman was to meet Maria before you tell her the truth. We don't know yet her motive for running a check on you and Maria''

"Sure, I will do that. I still have something going on so I will leave. We will meet tonight at the jewellery show'' Ad-Din said and stood up.

'Yes, go ahead''.

Ad-Din's quarters.

Ad-Din got to his quarters and saw Maria standing outside beside the car waiting for him. He smiled and walked to her and hugged her tightly. Maria blushed and asked ''why are you suddenly hugging me? Is something wrong?''

Ad-Din shook his head as he held her tightly ''no, nothing is wrong. I just missed you and suddenly realised how much I love you'' he said to her and she blushed.

''Why are you being so sweet this morning? We will be late if we don't hurry'' Maria said.

''Maria, you know that I love you, right? You know you are the most important person to me, right? I will never do anything that will put you in danger or hurt you. You do know that, right?''

''Off course, I know that. but, why are you suddenly telling me all this? Ad, is everything alright? What did you discuss with elder brother? Does it have anything to do with me?'' Maria asked.

Ad-Din looked at her wondering if she was a psychic. He smiled and shook his head. ''No, I just wanted to remind you that you are the most precious person to me, so don't get drunk again and think I will abandon you. I told you 8 years ago, right? You are stuck with me for life''

''You did and I know you always have my best interest at heart. Can we go to work now? My lessons will take in 30 minutes' time'' Maria said.

''En, let's go'' Ad-Din kissed her forehead and opened the door for her and they got in and the driver drove away.


Saint hotel.

Mai's conference hall.

Calia and Marvel stood at a distance as they watched the art director showing the models how to go about with their modelling. Since they were modelling jewellery and not clothes, they had to make sure they the jewellery were the priority so that their clothes will not overshadow the jewellery.

''I can already feel this is going to be a success'' Marvel said.

''That's a giving. We gave our all to this, so is going to pay off'' Calia said.

The art director walked to them and spoke ''Miss Banks, everything is set for tonight's show. I already instructed the models to get enough rest and be ready for tomorrow. You said the medical team will be here to check on them before the show starts, right?''

''Yes, Scarlet. Thank you very much for your help every time'' Calia said.

''This is my work and you are paying me after all. I have to go and also get ready'' the art director Calia referred as Scarlet said.

''Sure, go ahead'' Calia and Marvel watched as the art director went away.

''She is so professional'' Marvel said.

''And delivers well on the job. That's why I always love to work with her'' Calia added.

''Should we go and check on the models? They must be getting ready to go in and rest'' Marvel said and the two of them went inside the changing room.

The models were of mixed race. There were two Asians among them. Three blondes from Arizona, five black Americans and four white girls from Cosmos.

They all turned to Calia when they heard the sound of the door opening. They were in their swim suits and looked sexy. Calia who was already a sucker for beautiful things found herself almost turning gay for them.

''Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing well?'' Calia asked.

''We are doing well thanks to the care you are giving us'' one of the blondes said.

''Well, she is indeed an excellent host but she is still sharp-tongued'' Rihan said as she sat in front of the big giant mirror admiring her slender body. She wore a blue swim suit and that left nothing for imagination because everything was on full display. All the others wrapped scarfs around their waist, Rihan didn't do that. her swim suit was already thin and now on her body it seemed even more thin. Rihan flaunted her figure in front of them as she adjusted her top exposing her voluminous bust size in the process.

Calia frowned at her behaving and felt a little jealous. Unlike Rihan, she didn't have big breast. She couldn't help but compare herself to Rihan. She wondered if Kobby like women with big breast or not.

Marvel noticed the awkward atmosphere and spoke ''Miss, we still have something to do. we should get going''

''Ladies, if you are done, you are leave for the pool now. I still need to discuss something with Calia'' Rihan said. The models quickly scurried out of the changing room. In the modelling industry, seniority was held high esteem just as every other job, so the models respected Rihan because she was their senior. ''Your assistant too, leave'' Rihan added.

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