Purple Romance

Chapter 130

Chapter 130: 130 Happy Ending 2

Calia finished the last piece of design she was working on and looked at her clock. It was already half past 21:00. She yawned and turned to the little girl who was sleeping soundly on her office sofa. She smiled and stood up from her desk. She opened her drawer and placed the papers in her drawer and went to squat beside Tiana.

Calia wondered when she started getting attached to the girl but she found out lately that she loved her company and wanted to be around her all the time. Calia kissed Tiana's cheeks and the girl blushed even in her sleep. She wore a smile which made Calia to smile.

Calia stood up and wanted to try carrying Tiana and almost fell. The girl was heavy even for an 8-year old. Calia placed her back on the sofa and stumbled backwards hitting her back on a hard chest and a strong pair of hands wrapped themselves around her. The familiar scent of the familiar man made her heart to skip a beat and it increased as his voice sounded hoarse beside her ears.

''Be careful. Do you want to trip and hurt yourself?'' Kobby said taking advantage of the situation and wrapped his arms tightly around her. He bit her ear and she shuddered feeling hot all over suddenly.

''Stop messing around'' Calia said and pushed him away and stood away from him. She didn't know why but she was suddenly feeling so hot all over that it flustered her.

''Hey, are you alright?'' Kobby asked worriedly because she was acting weird, so unlike her usual playful self.

''I'm fine. Pick Tiana up and let's go. It's getting late and the weather is cold'' Calia said and picked her bag. Kobby nodded his head and didn't ask further. He carried Tiana up from the sofa.

''Let's go. I will send you home first before we go home'' Kobby said and Calia subconsciously bit her lips and stood at the door. She lowered her gaze down.

Kobby didn't understand why she was suddenly behaving that way and asked ''Calia, did I do something wrong?'' he placed Tiana back on the sofa and walked up to Calia 'you don't look happy''

''I'm fine, let's go'' Calia said and Kobby frowned not believing her.

''You are not fine'' He took her hand and pulled her over to her desk and sat her down before leaning closer to her as he supported himself with the table ''Cal, you have to tell me when I do something wrong. If not I wouldn't be able to correct my mistakes. So, can you tell me at least why your mood is suddenly bad? Is there anything I can do to make you happy or smile again?'' Kobby asked and looked at her blushing face.

Calia's face was red like a ripped tomato and she suddenly felt petty for being angry for nothing. The reason itself was what made her blushed and she didn't know how to convene the message to him. It made her feel even more frustrated.

''I… I'' Calia couldn't bring herself to say it.

''You… en, you can tell me'' Kobby said.

''Then, you can't make fun of me or tease me if I told you. You have to promise not to also laugh at me'' Calia said.

''Okay, I promise to not tease or laugh at you. So, please tell me what's putting you in a bad mood''

''Why do you always say that you will send me home first? Why do you always send me home first? You have never asked me whether I want to spend the night at your place or not. Is already been 8 months since we started dating and I can even count the number of times I've been to your house and I only slept there one to three times and that too in Tiana's room''

Calia covered her mouth with her hands and pursed her lips. She studied Kobby's expression which was unreadable for a few seconds, perhaps from the shock of not expecting something like that from her.

''Did I shock you with my words?'' Calia asked cautiously as Kobby's gaze on her intensified ''well, I wasn't saying that I want to spend the night at your place''

Kobby suddenly leaned closer and kissed her. it was a short but aggressive kiss that made her weak. He looked at her and said ''let's go home''

Calia blushed and tried to stand up, her legs grew weak. She almost fell back on the chair and Kobby held her up. She bumped into his chest and they stayed there like that for a while. They could hear each other's heartbeats. Kobby leaned in closer, about to kiss her again when they heard Tiana's voice.

''Dad, there is a child here. Don't kiss aunt in front of me'' Tiana said and they both turned and looked at the girl who was sitting and rubbing her eyes.

''Let's go'' Kobby held Calia's hand and they went over to Tiana's place.

Calia blushed as they went out of the office.

In the car, Tiana sat at the back while Calia and Kobby sat on the front seats. The ride home was quite but deep in their hearts, they were nervous about what was going to happen next. It was like their relationship was going to go through a bigger phase and things were going to be more intimate between them.

Kobby's apartment.

Kobby carried Tiana who had fallen asleep again on their way home into the house and Calia followed behind them. They got into the house and Kobby sent Tiana to her bed and tucked her to sleep before going out. He saw Calia standing in the middle of the hall. When Calia heard the opening and closing of the room she pointed at the wall where the big framed picture of Kobby and Lexis used to hang alongside the one with Kobby, Maria and Tiana.

''Where is the one with and pretty sister?'' Calia asked. Kobby went to stand by her and answered.josei

''It was about time I took it off. I will cherish the memory I have with Lex in my heart''

''But, what about Tiana? Won't she think that you did it because of me?'' Calia asked and looked at him.

''Tiana was the one who reminded me that we needed to get rid of that photo. She said it wasn't nice for us to still have the picture of her late mom hanged in the hall when we have you. I think Lex will think that way too and I also think that way too. We need to respect your presence in our lives'' Kobby said.

''But, I don't really mind having her picture here'' Calia said.

''I do mind. Are you not tired? You should wash up and we will go to bed'' Kobby said and Calia's alarm bells started ringing in her ears. The only words she could process at that moment were ''wash up' 'go to bed together?'' she immediately turned and looked at Kobby and blushed.

''I didn't bring anything to change into'' Calia said.

''You've been wearing my clothes whenever you come here, so what's the big deal?'' Kobby asked and looked at her before heading to his bedroom. He stopped at the door and turned to look at her asking ''what are you standing there doing? Don't tell me all the courage you had before have suddenly disappeared?''

''I am not afraid, okay?'' Calia said and went ahead, she pushed Kobby aside and went into the room. She stood at the bed and looked at the big queen sized bed and blushed just thinking about how she was going to sleep there with Kobby.

''Should I wash up first or will you wash up first?'' Kobby asked as he tried to sound calm and normal though he was nervous internally.

''I will wash up first'' Calia said and placed her bag on the bed 'you have everything in the bathroom, right? I mean bathrobe and all that?''

''Yes, I have. You can wear these'' Kobby said and opened his closet and took out a pair of silk sleep wear and handed to her. I recently started using the shampoo that you use, so that you can use in case you ever decided to stay in my room. I will go and prepare some tea for you'' Kobby said and blushed. Calia saw his red face and giggled. It seems she wasn't the only one feeling nervous of their first night. She didn't want to tease him.

''Instead of tea, let's have some beer instead. I think beer is the most appropriate for a night like this?'' Calia said.

''Right, then, I will get us some beer'' Kobby said and left the room immediately. At the hall, he leaned on the kitchen table and touched his beating heart.

''What was that all about, Kobby Brian? Wow!! I didn't know I would be this nervous. Calm down, Kobby. Is normal to feel that way because she is the woman you love'' Kobby sat on the chair and calmed himself down before he opened the fridge and removed four cans of beer and went back into the room.

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