Purple Romance

Chapter 134

Chapter 134: Epilogue 1

Kobby and Calia's wedding.

Maria and Ad-Din arrived in the wedding hall holding a 4-year-old Dexter. They saw the entire family already seated at the front pews and they went ahead to join them. Dexter ran into the arms of old Mr. Denarius with all smiles on his little face.

''Mom, dad, grandpa, we are here'' Ad-Din announced as soon as they reached the pews.

''Maria, Ad-Din, how was your flight?'' Mona Lisa asked as she stood up to give Maria and Ad-Din a hug.

''It was fine. Mom, where is Calia?'' Maria asked.

''She is getting ready for her big day. She is in the waiting room with Marvel and Tiana'' Mona Lisa said.

''Ad-Din, you should hurry. Kobby and your brother are waiting for your arrival'' Mona Lisa said.

''I will go and go and see how Calia is preparing, I will leave Dexter to you, mom'' Maria said and held Ad-Din's hand and they walked away.

Dexter who was in the arms of his great grandpa waved his tiny hands at his mom and dad before turning to look at his grandfather.

''Grandpa, my mommy bought me a military uniform, I will be able to join you in the military very soon when I grow up''

''Really? Then, grandpa will be waiting to receive you Dex'' Ken Denarius said.

''Dexter, instead of going to the military, why don't you help great grandpa in his business?'' Old Mr. Denarius asked the small boy and he frowned and looked at him saying.

''Grandmaa, I don't want to be a businessman. I love the military uniform, so I intend to join grandpa there. Great grandpa, is too late to try to convince me''

''Look at you talking back at me. This boy is beginning to not look cute in my eyes anymore'' Old Mr. Denarius said making them laugh.

Calia's waiting room.

Maria peeked into the room and spoke to Calia 'wow, who is this beautiful bride? My eyes are almost blinding by your beauty''

''Maria'' Calia exclaimed as she sat while the makeup artiste did her makeup 'what kept you so long?''

''I'm sorry. We came here as soon as the plane touched down. You look so beautiful, Calia'' Maria said and turned to hug Marvel 'Marvel, is been a while. How are you and elder brother doing?''

''We are doing well. Welcome back, where is Dex?'' Marvel asked.

''He is with the family outside''

''Marvel, quick, take Maria's dress and help her change in quickly'' Calia said.

''Whoa. I even get to wear a beautiful gown? Where is it? I will change quickly'' Maria said.

''Here'' Marvel picked the dress and handed to Maria.

''Thanks, I will be back'' Maria said and entered the changing room''josei


''I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride'' the officiating minister announced and Kobby kissed Calia.

Dexter who was sitting in the pew with Tiana looked at the couple and turned to her saying 'big sister, is out wedding going to be just like that too?''

Tiana who was now twelve years looked at the boy and frowned saying 'you and whose wedding? Stop dreaming, I am never getting married to a small boy like you''

''But, my mom is older than my dad and they are married and even gave birth to a love child like me. I am cute now but when I grow up, I am going to be very handsome. Just don't regret your decision later on and cling unto me. by then, it will be burdensome for me'' Dexter said.

''Who taught you how to talk like that? Dexter, I was already running away when you weren't even born. How could you be just 4 years and you are already this shameless?'' Tiana said and massaged her head.

''My father said I must be shameless if I want to conquer a woman's heart. Just wait, Tiana Brian. One day, you will confess your undying love for me'' Dexter said as a matter of fact.

''Whatever floats your boat, little boy'' Tiana said.

''Tiana, Dexter, come over and take the pictures with us'' Maria called out to the children. Dexter got down by himself and held Tiana's hand saying 'let's go and take a lot of pictures. If you miss me, you can just make do with those ones. I am going to the military to become a powerful marshal in the future''

Tiana shook her head and allowed the boy to continue talking as they went. She was tired to listening to his gibberish anyways.

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