Purple Romance

Chapter 139

Chapter 139: Slave? We are in a free World 4

''So, take my advice and throw away that love for Joel away. Focus on someone else and love again. you have loved him for three years now, is enough time for him to reciprocate but he is not so go away from that love''

''Is hard. I see him every day. How am I supposed to love someone else?''

''You are hopeless. I am not talking about Joel with you. come over and let's study'' Carlien said and went back to the desk. Paige looked at Carlien and said.

''My dearest friend, your words are harsh sometimes but thanks''

Carlien smiled.


Paige walked to the car on Monday morning looking for Jordan Attoh. She held the gift bag tightly as she murmured to herself ''I hope he will come today. I must give this shirt to him and say goodbye to my unlucky days''

Paige stood at the same spot from the last time for about some time before she looked at her time. If she didn't leave now, she was going to be late for her lectures. She didn't want to anger Sir Lucius again this time after the last time. With that Paige turned and went away to attend her lectures.

A minute after she left, Jordan Attoh also arrived in his car and pulled over.


After the day's lectures, Paige and Carlien went to a canteen located inside the University and bought some drinks. Paige absentmindedly put the diary in her hands into the gift bag instead of her school bag as they walked away chatting and sipping their can drinks. josei

Paige looked up and saw Jordan Attoh at a distance. He was getting down from his car with a girl and his friend.

''That's him'' Paige pointed at the Jordan Attoh and used her hand to pulled Carlien's sleeve along as she walked hurriedly. Carlien was confused for a while and before she finally came to her senses, they were already standing before the group of three awkwardly.

Mirabel immediately recognised and pointed at them saying ''I remember you two girls''

Paige ignored her and looked at Jordan Attoh saying ''here is your shirt. I'm sorry I ruined it the other day. I bought a new one for you'' her tone wasn't sincere and sounded a little arrogant.

''I didn't ask you to buy me a shirt. Take it as charity'' Jordan Attoh said and turned to walk away and Paige stopped him.

''I didn't finish what I was saying'' Paige said making Jordan stop in his tracks and turned back to face her.

''What?'' Jordan asked impatiently.

''You, how dare you speak that way to my Jordan?'' Mirabel walked closer to them and asked pointing at Paige.

''I hope that we never see each other again. As for the shirt. I'm sorry but I don't take charity. I work hard and earn my own money'' Paige said and trashed the bag into Jordan's hand before pulling Carlien's sleeve as she walked away.

''You!!'' Mirabel screamed at them as they walked away.

''In addition to be a good actress, she has guts too. Even if she doesn't remember meeting us. Doesn't she know who you are?'' Lucas asked rhetorically.


''Paige, that guy looked really angry. Are you sure he won't do anything to you?'' Carlien asked worriedly as they got to the roadside.

''No, relax Carlien. He won't do anything. Besides, who am I? I'm not easily bullied, remember?'' Paige said confidently.

''He must be from a rich family. Did you see the car he came in? That's the latest car in the country and I even heard there are only five of those cars in the world. If he owns one, then it means he is filthy rich. Paige, what if you offend this big shot and he decides to come for your head?'' Carlien said and looked at Paige who didn't seem to care about it at all.

''Carly, don't tell me you've fallen for him already because of his car?'' Paige said playfully.

''Stop messing around'' Carlien dismissed Paige immediately.

''Let me tell you this friend. If you fall for him, you're done for. I will never approve of that relationship. I might even disown you or worse case scenario kill the two of you'' Paige said.

''I am not like you who falls in love that easily'' Carlien said and hanged her bag that was slipping off her shoulders.

'"Good. I can tell he doesn't have the heart of a human. Anyway, today is a blessing because I won't be seeing him again. Ever!'' Paige said and humped sarcastically. Carlien saw a cab coming their way and stopped it.

That night, after getting home, Jordan Attoh threw the gift bag on his bed and went into his bathroom. He finished bathing and changed into his casual wear. He walked towards the door and his eyes fell on the bag on the bed. He looked at it as if contemplating for a while before he took the bag and went out to the hall.

Jordan poured himself a glass of wine before going to sit in the hall. He placed the glass down and lifted the bag out. He removed the shirt out and a diary fell out from the bag. Jordan put the shirt aside and picked the pink diary and looked at it with a frown on his face.

Jordan's eyes lit up and a flash of curiosity could be seen in them as he murmured ''this should belong to her, right? Is wrong to read someone's diary without their permission but she kept it in the bag and handed it over to me with her own hands. This shouldn't be a crime, right?''

Jordan sipped his wine and leaned against the sofa and started flipping through the diary. He soon busted into a fit of laughter in no time after reading a few pages. "What kind of girl is she? She even has seven part-time jobs. Is she that poor and is still proud?''

Jordan smiled and decided to entertain himself with the contents of the diary.


Paige poured the contents of her school bag out and spread them on her bed and still couldn't find her diary. She usually didn't send it to school. Today was a mistake she did and kept it in her bag. Paige sighed and sat on the bed. She tried to recollect what she did at school the whole day and finally remembered she kept it inside the gift bag instead of her bag and screamed out. Her father rushed into the room and looked at her worriedly.

''Paige, what is it? Are you alright?'' Mr. Thomas Payin asked.

''Dad, I think I'm doomed. No, I am practically done for'' Paige said making her father even more confused.

''How? I don't understand. Did something happen at school today?'' Mr. Thomas Payin asked.

''My diary is gone daddy. But, is in the hands of my enemy now'' Paige said and sat on the bed restlessly.

''Your enemy? Did you make an enemy in the school?''

''You won't understand. In any case, I have to come up with a plan to deal with this'' Paige said and her father shook his head saying.

''Make sure you sleep early. I am going to watch a football match with Mr. Mark at his house''

''Dad, you can equally watch it in our house? I promise I won't disturb you'' Paige said to her father.

''No, I want to be able to make some small talk while we watch. You youngsters won't understand''

"Dad, say hi to Joel for me'' Paige said.

'Silly girl, sleep early'' Mr. Thomas Payin said and tussled Paige's hair before going out.

Paige sighed and sat with her legs crossed on the bed as she murmured '"why did I have to be so unlucky? After bragging about how I don't want to see him again, my diary just had to fall into his hands. I hope he hasn't read it. What if he reads it? That sly son of a bitch, I am going to skin him, remove his bones one by one and throw his flesh into the sea'' Paige cursed out and culled her hands into fists.

The following morning, Paige woke up early and got ready for school. She rushed out of her room and saw her father having breakfast in the dining table. She picked a piece of rolled omelette and said to her father she hurried out 'I will be late tonight. Don't wait up for me, dad. Love you''

Paige opened the main door to their apartment and saw Joel coming out of his apartment in his car. Joel pulled over in front of Paige who was flustered seeing him so sudden. She blushed and turned her face away. She wiped the pieces of egg on her lips and quickly swallowed the rest in her mouth before turning back to face him with a smile.

''Paige, how are you? I haven't seen you in a while'' Joel said flashing a smile.

''Yeah, school has been a little hectic lately. How have you been? How is work?'' Paige asked nervously as her heart beat faster.

''You seem to be in a rush. Are you really late today? You didn't even wait to say hi to me today?'' Joel said and looked at her flustered face that made her look cuter.

''Huh!!'' Paige blushed and bit her lips nervously.

''Why? Did I catch you at the wrong time? Get in, I will send you to school'' Joel said and opened the passenger door for her.

''Huh?'' Paige said and hiccupped and covered her mouth immediately.

''Get in'' Joel said and Paige nodded shyly before getting inside the car. She sat rigid not daring to move and Joel chuckled and moved closer to her and she stiffened.

''Paige, relax, I am only going to adjust your seatbelt'' Joel said and adjusted the seatbelt for her before laughing. His deep voice gave Paige the ripples and she blushed even more.

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