Purple Romance

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: Close yet apart 4

That night after getting home, Paige took her alarm clock and sneered ''think you can find a way to trap me? If I were to be easily bullied, then I won't have come this far. If I don't get you a hot coffee tomorrow at exactly 7:00AM, then I will call you daddy. I will set an alarm that will wake me up tomorrow. I will make you the world's best coffee tomorrow Jordan Attoh''

Paige set the alarm as she murmured and mistakenly set the alarm for the next day at 6:30PM without realising. She placed the alarm by her bedside and went on to sleep.


Paige woke up naturally at her usual time. She smiled and stretched herself as she turned around to look at the time and it was already 7:30 AM and she let out a scream. She picked the alarm clock and looked at it horrified as she realised the mistake she made.

''How is this possible? I set the alarm to wake me up at 6:30 AM, not 6:30 PM?'' Paige got down from the bed and rushed into the bathroom. She took a quick shower that didn't even last past 3 minutes before she went to get dressed as she picked her phone dialling Carlien's number.

''Paige?'' Carlien answered the phone after the first ring.

''Carlien, if you don't help me, I will end up calling that brat Jordan Attoh my daddy today'' Paige whine over the phone as she pulled her trousers up her legs.

''What happened?'' Carlien asked and chuckled.

''That's not important. Are you already in campus?'' Paige asked hurriedly.

''Yes, I am, why? Don't tell me you woke up late again?'' Carlien asked knowing her best friend too well.

''Yes, and I'm about to get screwed over. I want you to get me a cup of coffee and wait at the entrance for me. I will be in school in about 20 minutes' time'' Paige said and could almost picture Carlien shaking her head.

Paige hung up and took her bag, rushing out of her room. She found her father eating breakfast and she said to him ''dad, I'm sorry I won't be joining you for breakfast''

''Why are you in such a rush, child?'' Mr. Thomas Payin asked.

''Dad, if I don't hurry, I will be calling someone else daddy today. Bye'' Paige kissed her father's cheek and ran out.

Her father looked confused.


Jordan Attoh leaned beside his car as he looked at his watch counting the time down to 7:00AM.

''9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and...''' he looked up and saw Paige rushing towards him with the coffee in her hand.

Paige stopped in front of him, panting for breath as she stretched forth her hand towards him saying ''I'm here, sir. Your coffee''

''Quite punctual. I hope you didn't poison my coffee?'' Jordan took the coffee and raised his head to look at her.

''You know, I thought of that but I changed my mind again. Someone as petty as you, won't die in my hands'' Paige said to him and smirked.

''What?'' Jordan asked and placed the cup of coffee on top of his car. He suddenly closed in on Paige and she stepped back, hitting her back against another car that was parked behind her.

'"What are you doing?'' Paige stuttered as she felt cornered.

''What do you think?'' Jordan asked as he lowered his body to her level.

''Someone as petty as me? Someone as mean as me, right? No one is here. Is still early. I could actually kiss you here, you know'' Jordan said leaning much closer to her and Paige flushed, closing her eyes.

''You. Are you not a gentleman? A gentleman doesn't force a kiss on a lady'' Paige murmured still with her eyes closed and she heard a chuckled closer to her ears, turning her ears red.

''You haven't had your first kiss yet, right? How about I be the first you do that with?'' Jordan asked and Paige pursed her lips up tightly.

Jordan looked at her and felt like laughing. He was just messing with her and her face was already red ''what do you say?'' Jordan whispered the question into her ears. They suddenly heard a car horn blowing and turned. Paige opened her eyes and saw Mirabel walking to them after getting down from her car.

Paige held her bag tightly and turned to Jordan saying ''we are no longer alone, you bully'' Paige kicked his leg and ran away. Jordan rubbed his leg that had been kicked and smiled.

''What were you doing with that girl?'' Mirabel asked irritably as she glared at Paige.

''She is not a girl. She is a lady and her name is Paige and she brought me coffee'' Jordan said and picked the coffee from his car, walking away. Mirabel ran hurriedly after him.

''Jordan wait for me. I have your class this morning'' Mirabel clung unto Jordan as they walked towards the Pharmacology department of the University.


After they disappeared from her sight, Paige walked out of her hiding place and placed her hand on her beating heart murmuring ''holy cow!! What was that about? Was he teasing me? But, why did my heart beat when he drew closer to me? Asssh, I must be going crazy, thinking about it'' Paige said and shook her head. she turned to go and bumped into somebody and her bag fell down to the ground.

''Hey, what are you thinking about?'' the guy flashed her a smile as he asked. Paige looked up and saw him and mumbled.

''Beautiful man''

''What did you say?'' the guy asked and smiled again.

''Huh? I'm sorry'' Paige said and took her bag from him.

''If you are sorry, then how about you show me around the school?'' the guy asked and Paige blushed.

''Are you new here?'' Paige asked.

''Bingo!! I just came here a few days ago. I transferred here from Cosmos University'' the guy said.

''Cosmos University? I see. I am Paige Payin'' Paige said and stretched her hand to greet him properly.

''Hi, I am Anthony Badwin but you can call me Tony'' the guy said finally mentioning his name.

''Oh. Okay, well, the administration block is down there at your left. We have the lecture halls over there. which major are you offering?'' Paige asked and looked at his face. He was also looking at her intently making her feel a little awkward.

"I am here to continue with my previous major which is General and clinical anaesthetics'' Anthony said.

''Oh that is what my best friend is also majoring in. I can call her to show you the way out. I am not familiar with that department though some of our lectures are combined'' Paige said and took out her phone to call Carlien but Anthony snatched it from her saying.

''I want you to take me around the school, not your friend''

''Oh. Then, this way'' Paige said and started walking away towards their University's Administration block which was a far left to where they were currently.

Once they got to the administration block, they stood in front of the school's big name plate that read 'City View Scientific Research University'

''This is our administration block but mind you we have different departments and each department have their own staff block in this University. For you, your department block is just opposite to mine which is the General and Clinic Surgery department'' Paige said to Anthony as she pointed at the various buildings since they were standing at a pivotal spot in the campus.

''You will be able to find the General Medicine department just adjacent to the Pharmacology department'' Paige added and looked at Anthony. He seemed to have paced out as he stared into her face. ''Hello, are you listening to me?'' Paige asked.

''Yes, take me to my department. I need to meet our head of department for some souvenirs for my lectures tomorrow'' Anthony said and held Paige's wrist, walking towards the department she had just showed him. Jordan walked out of the Pharmacological department that same moment and saw Paige been pulled along by Anthony and he looked at them with a conflicted gaze and a frowned could be seen on his face.


''Thanks for showing me around and bringing me here, Paige'' Anthony said as they stood in front of the General and Clinical Anaesthetics department.josei

''You are welcome. I have class so I will take my leave now'' Paige said and turned to go away.

''Have a nice day and see you around, Paige'' Anthony said and Paige simply smiled and walked away.

''Wait, Paige'' Anthony said and ran to her. Paige stopped and turned to face him.

''Is there something else?'' Paige asked him a little confused.

''Will I see you again?'' Anthony asked.

''Yes, I think so, since we have most of our classes combined'' Paige answered and looked at him amusingly.

''Then, can I have your number? I will call you and you can send me the combine class schedule later on'' Anthony said.

''Okay'' Paige said sceptically but still took out her phone to take his number. ''Here, put your number and name there, I will send the class schedule to you later''

''Okay, thanks'' Anthony took the phone and dialled in his contact and saved it before going it to Paige.

''Then, I will see you later'' Paige said and walked away. Anthony looked at her and smiled as she went away.

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