Purple Romance

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: I was the one who seduced her. I love her.

The Denarius Mansion.

Max Quarters.

Ad-Din's brother, Max Denarius walked out of his bedroom wearing a bathrobe and sat across Ad-Din. There were pictures on the table. Pictures of Ad-Din and Maria. They were at Max's quarters. Where Max stayed since each of them had their own quarters in the big mansion.

''Can you explain what exactly this is all about? I heard she is your English teacher?'' Max said.josei

''Elder brother, it's true. I love Maria and she also loves me''. Ad-Din said.

''Ad, this is a serious situation. How could you be in a love relationship with your own teacher? Is she not older than you?'' Max asked worriedly. He received those pictures from his assistant last night from a student called Karen Kash and had called Ad-Din early in the morning to confirm the authenticity of those pictures.

''Elder brother, I am not going to leave Maria no matter what anyone says. I was the one who seduced her. She is innocent. I love her''. Ad-Din said decisively. After last night, he found his bond was strengthened even more.

''How old is she?'' Max asked and sighed as he could tell his younger brother was serious this time.

''She is 22 years''. Ad-Din told him.

''She is quite young. Did she skip grades to go to the university? Someone young like that should either still be in school or doing internship"

''Yes. Elder brother, you don't know how amazing Maria is. You will like her when you meet her. She is intelligent and also kind''.

''Still. Do you know who sent these pictures to my office?'' Max asked.

''Karen Kash?'' Ad-Din asked as he knew already.

''You already knew? That girl is determined to be with you. Seeing how far she is going to stop you, it means she isn't afraid to let everyone know and when that happens. That woman you are protecting is the one who is going to suffer the most. Have you forgotten so soon what happened with me and Laura three years ago? That girl Karen is just like another Jadda. My secretary stopped her in time when she came to the company last night if not she would have gone straight to grandpa with these pictures. You're lucky I was the one who met her but what if she goes straight to grandpa the next time?"

What Max said was about himself and the woman he loved but because of another woman called Jadda, their relationship didn't last and Laura disappeared and till now Max hasn't been able to find her.

''I know elder brother. I will protect the woman I love. I will stop Karen Kash at all cost''. Ad-Din said and his gaze darkened. He really needed yo

''Let this remain between us. I will allow you to handle this but if this goes out of control I am stepping in and when that happens you will have to listen to me, Ad-Din and follow my instructions''.

''Yes, elder brother''. Ad-Din nodded his head. Apart from his mother and Calia, Max was the person he also trusted the most.

''Go and get ready. We need to attend the annual shareholders meeting today. Have you given all your assignments to Calia to send on your behalf?'' Max stood up as he asked.

''Yes, I did''.

''But, last night, you didn't sleep at your place. Did you..? Fine, whatever. Is your relationship, do whatever you want'' Max said and waved his hands up in surrender.

Ad-Din smiled and went out. His elder brother was always like this. He was the best brother to him. Always supportive of everything he did.

Three years ago, Max finished University and started managing the company with their grandfather. He met a girl at that time who was just an office clerk and fell in love with her. the girl was such a kind and nice person that Max wanted to get to know more but another girl name Jadda who was with Max at the university came between them and made things difficult for Laura and she couldn't take it anymore and left. She practically disappeared because no matter how hard Max searched, till now he couldn't find the girl and though Max was already 28, he was still single and wasn't interested in being in a relationship.


Calia walked into the staff room with some books in her hands. She saw Maria busy writing something on a book and walked to her.

''Miss Lee''. Calia called her and Maria looked up. Maria flushed as she was now aware that Calia knew of her relationship with Ad-Din.

''Hi, Calia''. Maria responded.

''I brought you the assignment you gave us yesterday, here''. Calia said and placed the books on the table and smiled at Maria.

''Oh, thank you''. Maria didn't look at her face.

''Then, I will go back to the classroom'' Calia said and leaned closer to Maria and whispered ''sister in law''.

Maria turned and the girl quickly ran out laughing. Maria chuckled and shook her head.


Calia went back to class and was about to sit on her desk when Karen walked to her.

''What? Why are you over my head this early morning?'' Calia asked impatiently.

''Why didn't Ad-Din come to school today?'' Karen asked at the top of her voice attracting the attention of the class.

''Why are you asking me that? Am I Ad-Din's roommate or do we live together?'' Calia said and glared at her.

''You are his friend. Aren't you? Ad-Din has never been absent from school. You should know the reason. Don't you? Tell me, is everything alright with him?"

Karen asked as she smirked. Last night, she went and met with Max Denarius and showed him the evidence of the relationship between Ad-Din and Miss Lee. By now, he should be getting scolded fiercely.

"Mind your business and scram. Stop ruining my morning mood for me" Calia said and placed her book on the table.

''Karen, why are you disturbing Calia. Don't you know that only I have the right to irk her?'' Globus said and walked to them.

"I only asked her where Ad-Din is since they are quite close lately. Isn't that true, Calia Banks?" Karen asked and closed the book Calia opened.

Calia ignored her and removed her phone. She dialled her mother's number in front of Karen and Globus. The two didn't know what she was doing and watched curiously. They thought she was calling Ad-Din.

''Hello, mom''. Calia spoke after the caller answered. ''Do you remember asking me whether I wanted the company to collaborate with Checkmate Incorporated? My answer is no. They are a lousy company. Don't bother with them''. Calia pressed the loudspeaker on and everyone heard her mother's voice clearly.

''Oh, whatever my daughter says. I will do that. Mom is in a meeting, so let's talk later babe''.

The call ended and everyone in the class turned to look at Calia. Karen was shocked to the bone and screamed at her "You...hey, you are you crazy?"

"Oh, I am crazy. Didn't you know that already? Next time, don't wake a sleeping dog up if you can't handle the consequences" Calia said unapologetically and the whole class gasped.

Everyone in the class knew CheckMate Incorp was the company of Karen's mother. Calia telling her mother not to collaborate with them was a big issue.

''Calia, what boldness. Did you just call your mother to make her stop collaborating with Karen's mother's company because she asked you about Ad-Din's whereabouts?'' Globus asked.

''Yes. I did. That was my answer Karen. I told you not to mess with me''. Calia stood up and went closer to Karen.

''How dare you?'' Karen raised her hand to hit Calia and Calia caught the hand and looked at her saying.

''Lay your hand on me and it won't end with just a call. How dare you try to defy my words''. Calia said and went out of the classroom.

Globus clapped his hands saying ''I just love Calia when she is being a badass''.

Karen glared him and the latter snickered and left the classroom.

Every one of them were from rich families but they knew their families still differed and hence, though they were in the same class, the students knew not to mess with one another unless one wanted trouble for themselves.

In the class, they were neither friends nor foes. It could be said that everyone minded their own business hence whatever that happened wasn't something that actually made them surprised. Some of them even thought Karen had it coming the moment she started provoking Calia.

It was a known secret that Calia came from a mysterious background and because of that, no one wanted to be her enemy yet Karen managed to trouble Calia first.

Calia wasn't a troublesome person who looked for trouble but she was also not one to be bullied without fighting back.

The stares of her classmates further infuriated Karen Kash and she turned and glared at them. She bit her lips so hard that blood smeared her lips.

She returned to her desk and took her phone and left the classroom angrily.

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