Purple Romance

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: 76 The past that was hidden. 1

"I didn't even know she went through so much because of me'' Ad-Din said absentmindedly.

''Ad-Din, you must prove to me that you are capable of protecting Maria''.

''I understand; I will not allow anyone to hurt Maria again''. Ad-Din said seriously before adding ''can I leave Maria in your care? There is something I need to attend to first?''

''Sure, you go ahead. I will be here''

Ad-Din nodded his head and went out of the office.


Ad-Din arrived at Denarius mansion thirty minutes later and was on his way to his quarters when the butler stopped him in front of old Mr. Denarius' quarters.

''What is it uncle Max?'' Ad-Din asked when the butler didn't say anything.

''Young master, the old Sire asked me to call you to his quarters when you arrived" the butler finally spoke.

''Really? He still has the guts to ask you to call me after what he did? Is good then, I was even going to see him anyways'' Ad-Din smiled and turned going towards the old man's quarters.

The butler watched him and was scared about what was going to happen inside. The two of them were both stubborn and always did what they liked. The butler wasn't sure of the things that issued between the two of them but seeing how Ad-Din spoke meant that something wasn't right. the butler contemplated for a while before removing his phone to call Mona Lisa Sun. She was the only one Ad-Din listened to.

Ad-Din entered the hall and saw his grandfather seated on his favourite sofa head of the sofa set. The old man liked to sit there because it reaffirmed anyone who entered the mansion that he was the head of the Denarius family.

''You still have the cheek to call me after what you did?'' Ad-Din asked him standing up. He didn't want to sit and waste anymore of his time.

''Take this and give to that woman. That is my compensation for tonight's happenings''. Old Mr. Denarius said and pushed a cheque to Ad-Din's side of the table.

Ad-Din looked at the cheque that was already signed and had an amount of $100000 Dollars on it and laughed.

''I have never thought I would despise someone so much in my life? I have never thought I would one day go against my own family but now I know why a lot of powerful families' crumble easily. It must be because they think everything could be solved with money'. Ad-Din said and looked at the old man.

''What are you insinuating?'' the old man asked angrily.

''The moment you decided to go against me. The moment you decided to go against my happiness. The moment you decided to go against my woman. The moment you thought that you were the one who could decide who I should be with; you lost me as a grandson and as a family member. Remember this, you are the one who started this first''.

''What do you want me to do apart from giving that woman money? I didn't know she had suicidal tendencies? Shouldn't you even be grateful to me? Now you know what she is capable of doing, don't you?'' The old man said aggrievedly.

''Apologise to Maria. Go and apologise to my girlfriend for what you did to her, then, I will forgive you. Money? I have enough to last a lifetime with her. She doesn't need money from someone who looks down on her''.

''That woman almost killed herself. Don't you think she was acting, to get your sympathy?''

''What? Let me ask you something. Tell me you didn't know anything about Maria getting into an accident 8 years ago? Now that I think about it, it seems the whole family knew about it. I was the only one who didn't know and nobody cared to tell me about it''

''You got into an accident because of that woman, how could I have allowed anyone to tell you that. All I am doing is for your own good. Nothing comes out of being with that woman. You almost died because you were rushing to see her at the hospital. You didn't wake up for almost a year and nearly became crippled because of that woman. She is not good for you, Ad-Din'' the old man spoke harshly and angrily.

''What do you mean I got into an accident because of her? Why don't I remember that?'' Ad-Din asked and frowned. ''Tell me what you know and stop keeping me in the dark''

Calia arrived and saw the butler walking to and fro outside the old man's quarters. She got down from her car and walked towards him.

As soon as the butler saw Calia, he felt like his saviour had arrived and explained everything to her.

Just then, Calia heard Ad-Din's voice and rushed in immediately.

''Ad, what is going on'' Calia asked and Ad-Din turned to look at her.

''Tell me, did you also lie to me all these years?'' Ad-Din asked.

''Lied to you? I don't understand?''

''About my accident? Didn't you say that I was chasing you across the road when a truck ran over me? Why is he telling me now that, what I know is not the truth but I got into an accident because I was going to the hospital after hearing about Maria's accident?''

''Grandpa, what did you tell Ad-Din?'' Calia asked the old man.

''Answer me, Calia and don't even lie to me'' Ad-Din screamed at her.

''Is true. That day, you got into an accident because I told you about Maria's accident. You were in a hurry to go to the hospital but unfortunately, the truck driver drove into the taxi you were in. That is what happened''.

''So, why didn't you tell me the truth all these years? Were you also against me?''

''No, that's not what it is, Ad. I can explain''

''Explain what? The fact that you of all people lied and kept me in the dark for 8 years? For 8 years, I blamed and hated Maria for abandoning me without even knowing that she too was in an accident. Even after meeting me, I was almost tempted to hurt her because I thought she was the one who abandoned me first. You knew about all that and yet, you didn't bother to clear the misunderstandings between me and her. How could you do this to me, Calia? I trusted you so much?''

Ad-Din said and turned to walk away when suddenly his leg became numb and filled with pain

''Ad-Din, what's wrong?'' Calia was the first to notice his pain. She tried to touch him and he pushed her away.

''Don't touch me''.

''Ad-Din, what is wrong with you? Is it your leg again?'' The old man became anxious.

''All of you, stay away from me. Uncle Max!!'' Ad-Din called out to the man standing at the door and he ran in.

''Young master, I'm here''.

''Help me to my quarters and call this number for me. the name is Dr. Brian'' Ad-Din said and removed his phone. Butler Max helped him outside as Calia and the old man watched.

Calia bit her lips and turned to the old man asking angrily ''what exactly did you do this time around?''

''Are you also going to go against me?'' the old man asked.

''Please, I beg you, grandpa. Can you stop meddling in our business and allow us to live our lives the way we want to? Is big brother's life not enough lesson already?'' Calia said tearfully.

"You...even you are against me now?'' the old man asked surprised.josei

''Ad-Din hates me because of you. Please, stop meddling with people's lives already. You are not God'' Calia said and left the hall.

The old man banged his fist on the table angrily. Even his precious only granddaughter was now against him.

Ad-Din's Quarters.


The butler watched as Ad-Din struggled in his pain. He dialled Kobby's number again and called for the fifth time and he finally answered it.

''Hello, Ad-Din''

''Please, is not Ad-Din''

''Hello, this is Calia. Please, can you come to the house immediately? Ad-Din just had a relapse and is quite serious'' Calia snatched the phone from the butler and spoke after entering the room.

''Send me the address, I will be there immediately'' Kobby said.

''I will text it to you right away'' Calia said and hung up. She texted the address immediately to Kobby and placed the phone on the table. She walked closer to Ad-Din.

Ad-Din laid sprouted on the floor as he held his leg in agonising pain. His forehead was full of sweat. Calia looked at him and tears formed in her own eyes. She tried to touch him and he screamed at her.

''I said don't touch me''

''Ad, I'm sorry. Please, can you not hate me? I thought it was for your own good that you didn't know about what happened. I'm sorry for thinking what I did was for your good'' Calia said.

''Leave me alone. I want to be left alone''.

''Kobby Brian is on his way. I will be at the gate to bring him inside. Uncle Max, please watch over Ad for me'' Calia said and went out.

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