Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 367 - 367 When The News Leak Out

Chapter 367 - 367 When The News Leak Out

367 When The News Leak Out

Ronan and Lucien had been very secretive about what was going on in the fertility clinic, but news eventually leaked out.

Not to the nosy fans that were still chasing after Lucien’s shadows incessantly, but to Dane and Adele Silverback who were very unhappy to be the last people to know about the babies.

“Technically, Mom, you are not the last people to find out,” Ronan tried to placate his mother, and it only served to infuriate her further.

“Ronan, I am your mother!” she insisted. “And I live one floor under you! Why does the entire Clearwater family know about Lucien’s pregnancy, but not me???”

When the words “Lucien’s pregnancy” was mentioned, Lucien felt compelled to correct his mother-in-law.

“Mother, technically, I am not pregnant.”

Adele Silverback waved her hand at Lucien impatiently.

“Yes, yes. Same thing.”



“It is my right to know about my future grandchildren!!!”

Dane Silverback was not as excited as his wife. He was even rather skeptical about this supposedly wonderful and yet unproved technology.

Nevertheless, this concerned the continuation of the Silverback name and whether or not they could keep the Alpha position in the family.

For that purpose, whatever method Ronan employed to gain heirs was approved instantly by his father.

“I demand to see them with my own eyes,” Dane said. “We need to ensure that they are well taken care of.”

Adele clicked with her tongue in displeasure.

“Dane, how crude. Do you suggest we cut Lucien open so you can take a look at the fetuses’ development???”

Lucien cleared his throat.

“Mother, technically, they are not inside me.”

“Yes, yes. Same thing.”


Apparently, Adele Silverback thought that the new technology was too complicated. It was easier to say that Lucien was pregnant. Whether the womb was inside or outside his body was another story.

Meanwhile, three months had passed and the fetuses grew stronger and stronger with each passing day. josei

And so did Lucien’s number of fans.

Thanks to that, he was still unable to set foot at the fertility center. And neither could Ronan, because they were a couple. Whatever Ronan did or wherever Ronan went was often linked to Lucien and vice versa.

In the end, they had to rely on their parents to watch over the fetuses’ development.

Initially, Gordon Clearwater was the only one who had the privilege to watch over the fetuses day after day.

And then came Adele and Dane Silverback.

Once they came, of course Alice Clearwater also demanded to come and visit.

The two couples kept coming and going again and again, seemingly in a competition that they did not bother to announce.

Eventually, the news leaked out.

It started as a silly theory among the fans. Some of them hyped it up. It ended up being published on some paparazzi’s social media account.

Shamelessly, the fans even tagged Lucien and Ronan in the comment section.

When Mara Keenthorne read it in the morning, she almost sprayed her coffee all over her table.

The post went like this: “Because Lucien Clearwater and Ronan Silverback were unable to have their own children, Ronan’s parents had been trying to conceive. The child would be handed over to Ronan and Lucien for adoption.”

Lucien thought that it was a good story to mask the truth.

Ronan was disgusted.

One day, a very smug Adele Silverback went to visit her son and son-in-law on weekend.

She had a colored ultrasound image of the two babies at five months with her.

The future parents were completely in awe when they looked at the image.

“They kinda look like me,” both Lucien and Ronan said at the same time.

And then, they furrowed their brows and looked at each other.

“I believe they look a lot like ME,” Adele Silverback commented with full confidence. “The Fangblade blood lives on in them.”



There was no use arguing with Adele.

She was in euphoria for the grandchildren, so why not grant her the delusion?

“Okay, thanks for dropping by with the image, Mom, I...”

Before Ronan ended his words, the sonogram was ripped out of his hands swiftly.

“Now that you have looked at it long enough, I will excuse myself.”

Lucien’s jaw dropped open.

So did Ronan’s.

“Mom, wait!!!”

“Mother, the image!!!”

“Nope,” Adele said. “You two kept the news from me for so long. This is your punishment, accept it.”

“Mom, wait, what about a trade???” Ronan begged. “Lucien will give you the precious two-week sonogram and you will...”

Lucien smacked Ronan hard.


“But Lulu, this one is colored and the babies have grown so big and...”

“I said no!” Lucien growled unhappily at his partner.

Ronan basically asked him to hand over the first picture of their babies! How insensible!


Ronan was speechless.

Despite incessant pleas by the Alpha and the Luna, the Alpha’s mother refused to hand over the colored ultrasound image.

Three days later, a supersized version of it hung proudly in the Silverback couple’s living room. The smaller version was framed and put on Adele’s nightstand so she could look at it anytime.

Dissatisfied about the outcome, Ronan gave Gordon Clearwater a call the next day.

Apparently, Gordon Clearwater proved to be a lot less than generous.

“You don’t want too many images to be circulated prior to the birth of the babies, Alpha Ronan,” he chastised the Alpha instead. “Only twenty more weeks to go now. Please be patient.”


As a result, Ronan and Lucien bothered Adele and Dane every night for the next ten weeks, just to look at the supersized ultrasound image.

Until Gordon Clearwater deigned to send them another image.

Coming with the image was a recording of the babies’ heartbeat.

When Ronan heard it for the first time, he broke into tears immediately. He was more than touched. Their children were alive, their hearts beating decisively as they grew stronger with the passing days.

One week before the babies’ birth, the Alpha and Luna took their leave to West Coast City in the most discreet manner possible.

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