Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 371 - 371 Father And Son

Chapter 371 - 371 Father And Son

371 Father And Son

‘Lucien, I am out for a while.’ josei

What followed was the sound of the door closing.

Lucien turned his head toward the door when he heard Ronan’s voice via Mind Link.

“Ronan?” he called, but his mate gave no answer.

There was no one at the door. When Lucien opened the door and peeked outside, the corridor was empty.

Lucien did not have time to wonder where Ronan went off to, because the babies had started to cry again. In the past four weeks, they were used to seeing either Ronan or Lucien around, so when none of them was visible, they quickly became distressed. “I am coming,” Lucien shouted before he closed the door. “Don’t cry, my little sweethearts...”

Ronan and Dane walked side-by-side in silence. They exited the building and walked in the direction of the thick forest that surrounded the pack house.

Once they were far enough and pretty sure that no one was listening in on their conversation, they stopped walking and faced each other.

“If you have anything to say about my daughter, say it now and be done with it,” Ronan narrowed his eyes at his father. “I don’t want Lucien or my precious daughter to hear the slightest critic from your mouth.”


Even if Aria was clearly too young to understand.

She did not deserve any form of unkindness. Especially not from those who were supposed to love her unconditionally.

Right now, Dane was not one of those people.

Dane Silverback, on the other side, stared at his son.

Who knew that the beloved little boy that he once held in his arms would grow up to be such a fierce father? The former Alpha wondered if he would have acted the same had Ronan turned out to be less than an alpha pup.

“It is shocking,” he said. “Throughout the past five generations of the Silverback family, only alpha pups had been born.”


“This child is going to have a difficult life.”

Dane was by no means a seer, but his words sounded like a bad prophecy.

Ronan gritted his teeth and scowled at his father, “I will ensure that she will have a smooth and uneventful life. I swear that by my own life.”

Dane shook his head at his son’s ignorance. He jabbed a finger into Ronan’s chest.

“What do you know about being and growing up as a regular werewolf? Do you even know what it means? Your little princess will never have a chance to become a Luna. An Alpha’s daughter she might be, but she will lead the life of common she-wolves.”

“It is unavoidable,” Ronan said. “Still, she has me and Lucien. We will always stand behind her no matter what.”

But would that be enough?

Was there going to be a day when Aria came to her father, tearful, and asked why she was not an alpha she-wolf? What answer could Ronan give her?

“That’s not all,” Dane continued. “Alphas don’t have experience in raising non-alphas. Babies have yet to exhibit any differences, but you will see it as she grows up. She will be weaker. Prone to injuries. She will be an outcast in her own family.”


Ronan raked his fingers through his dark hair.

“Are you done?”

“Pretty much,” Dane replied calmly.

“Ronan, the life of a werewolf is a journey, be it for an alpha or a non-alpha werewolf.”

Dane took out a tattered booklet from the folds of his suit and pushed it against Ronan’s chest.

“Your job is to ensure that she maximizes her potential, whatever it is.”

Ronan lowered his head and looked at the booklet that Dane just gave him.

It seemed to be a record.

When he pored through the yellowed pages, he saw that it was a personal record written by a non-alpha werewolf, a female who married into the Silverback family a long time ago.

The werewolf she married was the werewolf who then brought the Alpha position to the Silverback family for the first time.

She was the first non-alpha she-wolf who rose to the position of a Luna.

“I hope it helps you and your Luna with your twin babies,” Dane said gruffly. He started to walk away, leaving his son with the record that he painstakingly dug out of the Silverback family archives.

His son was hot-headed. He was careless, and he did not think things through.

But one thing Dane knew for sure was that he was going to be a good father.

Besides, he had Lucien Clearwater by his side. As much as Dane disapproved of their relationship when they first started dating, he acknowledged the merit of having Lucien by Ronan’s side.

Lucien’s personality was the exact opposite of Ronan’s. He was a careful and sensible alpha. Above all, he was both reasonable and endlessly compassionate.

If Ronan was the fire that engulfed everything, Lucien was like summer rain that extinguished the fire and granted the survivors relief.

Now that Dane already stepped away from the ranks of power within the pack, he had no say in the important pack decisions.

But he knew that he left the pack in good hands.

With Ronan as the Alpha and Lucien as the Luna, everything would be just fine.

“Dad, wait.”

Immersed in his deep thoughts, Dane did not realize that Ronan already caught up to him.

“Aria,” the Alpha said.

“... Excuse me?”

“Her name is Aria,” Ronan repeated.


Dane gaped at his son.

“It is?” he asked dumbly.

Ronan nodded.

“We name the boy Rayden. I want you to be the first person to know.”

Aria... and Rayden.

“Aria and Rayden Silverback,” Ronan repeated with boundless pride in his eyes.

His grandchildren.

“Can I...” his voice was hoarse from emotion so he cleared his throat a few times, but it stuck to him stubbornly as he continued speaking up, “Can I come again to hold them in my arms?”

Today, Adele monopolized the babies and did not let Dane hold even a baby.

A bright smile spread on Ronan’s elated face.

“Of course. Come and visit as often as you can. Lucien and I will be waiting for you.”

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