Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Tumultuous Events XVII (2)

Simply put, they were gangsters. 

In previous auctions, there were frequent cases where people would bid 100 to 1,000 silver with some caution. 

However, the people here were Sakiels, who didn’t have the intent of using silver coins from the beginning, and they were only conducting transactions with talets.

“134 talets!”


Short swear words accompanied someone’s declaration. 

After a brief silence, the host raised his voice and declared the successful bid. 

However, at that moment, Bahamut wasn’t paying attention to the bow that one Sakiel was carrying with a triumphant expression on his face. The thing that was getting on his nerves right now was…

‘I see… those people were there too.’

Of all the people here, the two that Bahamut was most wary of were the woman with silver hair and a woman in the maroon robe. They were participating in the auction, but wasn’t acting as he had expected, and seeing this, Bahamut calmed his nerves.

‘It’s okay. It’s not confirmed yet. Plus, I have Ophelia, and Bertina is helping as well. I’m sure there will be no problems. And… if they really are who I think they are, I have to think of some other ways…’

Even as he soothed himself, Bahamut felt a burning sensation in his stomach and waited for the anticipated moment to come as soon as possible.josei

Various auction items followed. With spears and swords as standard, hammers, axes, and even armors, the atmosphere inside the auction house began to heat up more and more in many ways.

“The helmet of the prince of Vitnam! It was sold for 400 talets!”

“You damn thing!”

In an instant, a Sakiel lost his temper and started to run amok, prompting the people around him came forward and stopped him. Through the incident, everyone understood that the situation was getting worse and worse.

‘After the auction, there’s sure to be an uproar. Maybe they are already waiting near this castle…’

Of course, they wouldn’t try to massacre unrelated civilians at random, but there was no law against getting caught up in a clash due to bad luck. It’s best to let them bite each other as much as possible and get away with only money and stuff.

However, it wasn’t just Sakiels who couldn’t accept the auction results and were showing increasingly fierce reactions that were making Bahamut nervous at this moment. 

So far, quite a few items have been put up for auction. But despite all that variety, the two women in question hadn’t bought anything so far. 

It was as if they were simply not interested. 

It was like they were waiting for something.

As he thought about it, Bahamut’s anxiety began to grow.

‘No way… are those people really waiting… for that weapon to come out as an auction item…’

To be honest, most of the weapons on display here were just for ornamental use rather than practicality. 

But…the thing Bahamut had been paying attention to was different. 

The weapon that resembled a huge cutter knife…

Despite its unusual appearance, Bahamut who was aware of the spoilers, could see its true value.

‘Kaal’s Greatsword…one of the strongest weapons in the novel [Fallen Warrior]. It’s a weapon that doesn’t break or lose its edge no matter what and has powers that amplify the power of condensation several times when it is imbued with mana…’

Originally, it was a weapon used by Isaac, the main character of the original work, in the final battle. 

And honestly, Bahamut was conflicted until the end, wondering if it would be better to remove the item from the auction. 

But… he couldn’t do that. 

He also had to think about making profit. If he did something that violated the principles of the merchants, it might spark a fuss. In order to prevent that, the process of putting out the goods and proceeding with the auction had to go through.

‘In that sense, the auction should go smoothly…’

Bahamut felt anxious, and his mouth felt dry. 

At that moment…


Ophelia called to him in a gentle voice. 


In response, Bahamut’s gaze turned to the intended place, and at the same time, his expression went through a slight change.


“Then the next item is this! A greatsword with a grotesque appearance. The source and use are all unknown, but one thing is certain…the skill of the person who made this great sword is definitely not ordinary! It is something for the guest with unusual tastes! You decide the right value for this right now!”

A greatsword resembling a cutter knife appeared in the center of the stage. 

At the same time, the woman in the maroon robe’s eyes lit up.

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