Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: The Kingdom Project I (2)

Although a similar thing happened in the original novel there was a difference of almost two years at that time.

‘That’s true, but…depending on how you think, this might be a good thing. After all, I’ve already thought about such a situation ahead of time.

Anyway, Bahamut had expected that the flow of the world would derail from the original at some point. In the first place, the living characters had changed, and more than half of the characters who were supposed to be evil villainess’s were already moaning under Bahamut on his bed.

As the basic components had changed, it was only natural that the differences would gradually occur.

However, Bahamut still knew that he had an overwhelming advantage over others in this world.

‘It’s advantageous to know what kind of person the one I see in front of me really is. It would help me how to treat that person because I can clearly see through their nature.’

In a situation like the present, when the flow of events had changed, that was the best weapon Bahamut could use.

‘The Rose Empress, Mina Roseveta Dragona…if I hadn’t known about her personality, I wouldn’t have made that choice.’

Knowing a person meant being able to predict the opponent’s movements to some extent.

Empress Mina Roseveta Dragona, despite being in the position of a ruler, was a benevolent person who respected others and knew how to consider their position. However, at the same time, she was a fearsome existence that showed no mercy for the sake of the Empire or for those who touched her bottom line.

‘In that respect…if I properly apologized for the matter of the greatsword and compensated for it, it’s possible to build connections with her.’

Bahamut knew about the things she would never forgive, so it could be said that she was a relatively easy person to deal with in some ways if he was careful not to touch her bottom line.

Of course, that didn’t mean that she could be subjugated like Isolda or Bertina.

Unlike them, who had weaknesses as a villainess, which could be used for attacking, the Rose Empress wasn’t a villainess in the first place, and there was no such weakness.

In game terms, she was like a hidden boss that was impossible to conquer.

However, Bahamut thought that it was necessary to consider that point as it wasn’t like there were absolutely nothing he could use against her.

‘By the way…personally, I’m her fan, but I didn’t expect our first meeting to be like that. Her Majesty the Rose Empress…I never thought we would meet at an auction as opponents…’

Looking back, after recalling the memory of that thrilling moment, Bahamut again began to struggle with the reality that was right in front of his eyes.

The all-out war between the Dragona Empire and Sakiel Knights broke out faster than expected. And the stage of their confrontation was likely to be the Kingdom of Hangury as in the original story.

‘That’s one of the most important bases for the Sakiel Knights. Above all, even if the Dragona Empire blocks the road, it will be enough to put pressure on the Sakiel Knights…’

Although they were at a loss as to what to do in the Kingdom of Hangury right now, the answer was fixed regardless of their choice.

War would ensue, and Bahamut had to act in response. Of course, he wasn’t crazy enough to wield a sword and participate in the war.

He was a merchant, and it was his job to sell goods and count gold coins in the back, while others swung their swords, sprayed b1ood, and flaunted about the number of enemies they had slain on the battlefield.

‘Make the most of any situation. That’s my battle, and that’s how I win.’

Bahamut had already envisioned what he had to do this in his head. In addition, all the things were ready as he had been preparing for quite a while.


“What’s the matter?”

“We have work to do now. Get ready.”

At Bahamut’s words, Isolda nodded and tried to leave.

At that moment…

“Oh, and one more thing.”

With those words, Bahamut slowly rose from his seat, approached Isolda, who was looking at him with a questioning expression, and whispered in her ear.

“Come to my room tonight. I have brought some clothes for you.”

At that, Isolda made a slightly surprised expression, but soon a soft smile began to form on her lips.

“Yes, I got it.”

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