Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 277

Chapter 277: The Shift in Power (1)

"I'm ready!"

Violet's almost transcendent face was now marred with dust, blood, innate bloodlust, and bulging veins around her temple as her eyes widened with resolve and the dark pupils surrounded by yellow thread-like irises shrunk abruptly.

For an entire week, she has constantly persisted through learning about arrays and performing them, enduring the mind-boggling pain from the Mental Acupuncture Technique, fighting beasts, and then having her nadian go through constant changes under Ja Sun's terrifying toxins that placed her physique under tremendous pressure and then constantly petrifying objects around her until she is left with nothing but the sheer will to be considered a monster. Of course, this was before she was also rewarded with a strange sensation of... having her thoughts run at an unimaginable speed under Ja Sun's multiple domains that enhanced comprehension and the strange artifact in the form of an orb with blue and red pupils within.

What she couldn't gain back then from Di Tian, she wanted now.


She was relieved by Ja Sun's promise that he wouldn't leave her. This gave her the strength to pursue failure constantly until she held the prize by his collar and have him recognize her as the monstrous talent he predicts her to be.

Admitting to her resolve, Ja Sun's gaze flickered for a second. He sat peacefully on his couch in the middle of the forest. Not losing his languid smirk, Ja Sun's terrifying bloodlust bloomed.

Ja Yin still dare stick around but Zi Ji was only by the edge of the region where Ja Sun's intent reached. Facing the full burden of the intent, going through the unimaginable sensation of her body being torn into multiple gory bits, Violet collapsed as she lost strength in her serpentine body that kept her humanoid torso erect.

Ja Yin was slightly better but then again, she never faced the intent directly but... 80% of it, if Ja Sun had to give it a number.

As things settled, Ja Yin quietly assisted Ja Sun with helping Violet on a mattress, at least her human top, and left her lower serpentine body to coil as it pleases.

It has been a week, she has done everything... well, many things to try and entice Ja Sun. Alas, she never knew about him going for four months without nutting as a challenge and his desire for control. He lets himself loose around Ah Yin and Bibi Dong because they were Ah Yin and Bibi Dong.

"How'd you get such a bloodlust?"

Zi Ji was within earshot right now, but Ja Sun didn't care at all. The story was so lame for him that the memory was long buried deep to the point that Ja Yin hadn't witnessed everything Ja Sun was.

"I killed, and I didn't care," Ja Sun replied, "That's how you get it, I guess."

"I don't care about who I kill, too," Ja Yin pouted.

"No, I meant, I've murdered innocents, women, children, elderly... and I was all too indifferent," emphasizing the point as Ja Yin stood rooted, Ja Sun yawned, "I never cared about the dead. Well, more recently, I think I don't want a few individuals to experience death even if remotely but that's just my bitch-side talking."

With that, Ja Sun covered Violet's body with a thin sheet. She may be quite vocal about not wearing anything but she was coming around. At least, when it came to sleeping with sheets on. Unlike a bra that prevented her torso to remain free, it was comfortable to sleep with a bedsheet.

Finally, Ja Yin inquired about something glaringly obvious, "What about the guilty? Did you ever kill someone guilty?"

Ja Sun looked at her speechlessly and then finally pointed at himself, "You're looking at him. Come on, keep up, will you?"

His lighthearted tone never matched the gruesome truth behind his attainment of such irrational bloodlust given such remarkable control.

At this moment, Ja Yin couldn't help but swallow thickly. There was a slight fervency in three of her eyes as she viewed Ja Sun in an entirely different light and Zi Ji wasn't any different but the two also understood something about themselves.

They could never kill indifferently.

Whether it is a sense of achievement, anger, anguish, or even emptiness, something is usually felt after performing the act of killing but not Ja Sun. He may smile, or have a calm expression while doing so but to him, it was an act as simple as breathing and that is why it is also refreshing of him not to be ordered for killing others and why he usually let less annoying enemies leave with their lives unless their death is more useful to him.

He was screwed up deep down, but at least, this world seemed to support people like him wholeheartedly and even celebrate him.


"Mmmgh~" Ja Yin let out a husky moan, her furry tail waggling as she continued to gyrate her hips as she sat over Ja Sun's face. Her scent was uncharacteristically aromatic while she eyed the morning tent pitched under his confined with clear hunger in her eyes. The results of which drooled and smeared over Ja Sun's pressed lips as he sighed within in annoyance.

Yet, Ja Yin didn't make any further moves, fearing the same punishment Ja Sun had put her through the first time she did. Her bottoms were bright red as an apple and her lower body tired by all the shameless orgasms that accompanied such a filling punishment. But it was too extreme nonetheless.

Shoving her aside easily, Ja Sun sat up and wiped his face. But Ja Yin knew for sure he loved her taste and would sneak a sample under the guise of wiping his face.

Scowling, Ja Sun finally pinned Ja Yin with his gaze as she chuckled shamelessly and remarked ostensibly, "Ah, I was sleeping. How did I get on you, I wonder~!"

Matching her shamelessness, he couldn't help but raise his brows and remark calmly, "Keep at that and you'll be too weak to face Ah Yin later."

"Why do you even need their approval?" Zi Ji finally spoke up as she stood up from beside the already awake, refreshed, and meditating Violet.

The Abyss Demon Dragon pressed pointedly, "You are the Beast God! As much as I'm reluctant to admit it. Why would a God need a woman's approval?"

"Are you stupid?" Ja Sun glanced at her while Ja Yin sighed and shrugged. Even she wasn't as stubborn as Zi Ji and understood what Ja Sun meant with his previous comment.


"So, stupid it is. Listen well. I've committed to Ah Yin and Bibi Dong. God or not, it comes first. They will be notified before I even think of sampling someone else and even then, I would respect their decision first and then consider the repercussions of not doing so.

If I'm a god, they are my women who are saner than me... well, not Ah Yin, she's nuts.

And that's why you're in trouble," Ja Sun glanced at Ja Yin, "Not only have you adopted her face, you're also trying to get in my pants. If someone did that to me by adopting my appearance and trying to get into Ah Yin or Bibi Dong, they'd be torn to shreds.

Scratch that, they'd be getting fucked by that Golden Goblin and his descendants."

"Golden likes female," Zi Ji quietly pointed out.

"Wouldn't matter if I order it, right? I'm the fucking Beast God, as you said," Ja Sun glanced at her as Zi Ji's strange frustration stemmed from seeing her newly self-appointed leader looking for someone's, possibly weaker individual's, opinion finally died out as she settled with a derisive snort.

Ja Sun, of course, kept tabs. Whether he screws Ja Yin or not, he was definitely of the mind to shut Zi Ji up with the 'right' tool.

Finally, after a few minutes of silence, Zi Ji muttered, "Besides, if you wanted Ja Yin under control... you would have already found Sister Bi Ji. If there is anyone who can keep her in check, that's her."

"Hey!" Ja Yin scowled and instantly noted the transgression, too, like Ja Sun, and kept tabs against Zi Ji.

"Why didn't you say so?" Ja Sun suddenly grinned and spoke, "Violet, ready to follow your master?"

"To the world's end," She opened her eyes and smiled sweetly. Her pupils glinting with a great resolve.

"Well... cool. We'll train while moving. Lead the way," Ja Sun looked at Zi Ji, who kept tabs on Bi Ji even now.

Smirking devilishly as if finally getting on to the good bits of the journey, though, she would never admit this to anyone, even Bi Ji, she snarled, "Finally!"


"Psst, there he is. Shit, don't look in his direction so exaggeratedly. He's already a Spirit Emperor."

Ja Sun and his team aren't the only ones to make progress in their cultivation. Though not as exaggerated as Bibi Dong, Ah Yin, and Ja Sun, Yu Xiaogang had reached Spirit Emperor but he looked as gloomy as they came. The news of the humiliation he alongside plenty of other human spirit masters faced had already spread throughout the continent to the point that even villagers in remote corners of the continent were fearful of the sudden change.

Within Spirit City, no matter where he went, Yu Xiaogang would face the pitying stares of his colleagues as the dragon within him roiled and raged to reclaim his pride as a man and a dragon!

Yet, he suddenly felt his body shuddering as a soft whisper not aimed at him, a rumor, made him feel weak in the knee.

"I heard the Dean of the Academy mentioning that they would finally appoint someone to temporarily replace Supreme Pontiff and many Titled Douluo elders actually nominated Bibi Dong!"

"Oh, screw off you and your rumors!" the recipient shrugged.

"You'll see," the first one scoffed but this gave Xiaogang plenty of reason to rush to his master's quarters and clarify the matters.

After all, he wanted that position of power. It suits him. If he could become the Spirit Pontiff, not only would he be able to lead the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan to higher might!

As if something obsessive sat over his shoulder, Xiaogang continued to chant internally.

'I want it!'

'I want it!' josei

'I want it!'


Shoutout to Dale, Senilepenile, Caynan Sousa, Giancarlo Ledezma, and Deshawn Stevenson!!

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