Questioning Heaven, Desiring the Way

Chapter 147

Chapter 147: Seal Up

“I…see…” Gu Suihan slowly awakened from his deep thoughts. He looked at the Huangquan Evil Ghost that was shivering a little fearfully and said flatly, “It’s time to pay the price.”

The ghost instinctively took a few steps back, but when it saw Gu Suihan’s indifferent expression, it remembered something and it looked a little less frightened. It walked toward Gu Suihan reluctantly, then shut its eyes and didn’t say anything.

“Swallow their souls!” Gu Suihan pressed his index finger gently against the area between the ghost’s brows and used his spirit to create a suction force in his finger.

This time, the ghost did not struggle or resist, so Gu Suihan could suck out the souls much more quickly. The ghost’s large and scary stature slowly began to shrink.

“Ugh!” The ghost couldn’t help but let out a low growl in pain as it sensed energy flowing out of itself. Its instinct was to struggle, but it held its instincts back and had a contorted face as it forced itself not to move.

Time slowly ticked by. Gu Suihan only took his finger back when the Huangquan Evil Ghost was simply unable to endure anymore. He had a relaxed look on his face as he felt a coolness throughout his body and was relieved to let out a mouthful of cloudy air.

The ghost, on the other hand, sighed as it saw how it had shrunk to five feet tall and looked up at Gu Suihan with a pitiful look on its face.

“Stop thinking about it. This is something we can do only once.” Gu Suihan knew what it was thinking about and refused it without even needing to think.

“Why?” asked the ghost puzzledly.

“Because…there’s a problem with the plan.” Gu Suihan had a darkened look on his face and he felt rather gloomy.

He knew why there was a problem.

Ever since he set foot in this world, literally nothing he had schemed had gone well. Absolutely nothing.

When he wanted to join the Seven Kill Sect, a disciple from another sect made trouble for him and he nearly failed in doing so. Thankfully, he still managed to get in because of his high aptitude and friendship with Li Rong.

After that, the three biggest factions of the sect saw him as an enemy for some reason and tried to secretly kill him again and again.

After that, he ruined his own name and ran far, far away to avoid the imminent calamity that was coming, but Xiexin zhenren kept his eye on him and dragged him back to the sect.

There were all those things that happened after entering the secret realm, as well as the murderous qi that actually tried to swallow him instead of doing his bidding.

All these things had happened because of one reason – he was not from this place, so the will of this world was against him.

What was the will of this world? Gu Suihan knew that all too well. In short, it was how a world excluded and discriminated against those who weren’t from it. It was a subconscious notion in the living creatures of a particular world that rejected those from another world.

That was why he didn’t do anything for several years after taking over young Suihan’s body and just hibernated inside. That body was from this world after all, so the will of the world would not specifically pick on him.

If he hadn’t done that, who knew what the world would do to him? A meteoroid might fall from the sky, or he could die in some landslide or tsunami, wiping him out in a supposed natural disaster.

But now, he had created a body that belonged to himself perfectly. The slight difference between him and the rest of this world that had been unnoticeable before was now becoming more obvious. In fact, he could even sense faint aggression toward him coming from even the frail and weak plants and trees around him.

“The only thing I can do right now is to conceal my identity and sneak my way into the Seven Kill Sect to unravel all these mysteries and get to the Upper World as soon as possible,” thought Gu Suihan as he scowled. He looked up at the silvery moon and his narrowed eyes emanated a chilling ruthlessness.

He had already decided on what to do next, so he glanced at Shuang’er, then said to the Huangquan Evil Ghost, “We’ll part ways here.”

“Wha-?” The ghost widened its eyes. Why was Gu Suihan suddenly saying such things?

“You’re not from this world either, so I’m sure you must have felt an aggression from this world by now,” said Gu Suihan with a chuckle as he gave the ghost a reason.

“You’re right.” The ghost nodded vigorously. “It’s as if everything in this world is treating me like an enemy. It’s slight, but it feels like they’re all trying to drive me out of this world as quickly as possible.”

“That’s why we can’t go on another massacre. If we do that now, we’d be challenging the will of this world. If we do that, the only thing waiting for us at the end is death,” said Gu Suihan in a stern voice and with a solemn expression.

“What am I going to do then? How am I supposed to regain my previous state if I don’t eat souls?” The ghost’s expression was nasty as it gnashed its sharp teeth angrily.

“What you’re going to do has nothing to do with me. That’s all then. I’ll head off first.” Gu Suihan didn’t care about what the ghost was worried about. He picked up Shuang’er and flew into the sky, riding on the wind like a large roc.

“Damn it!” The ghost spat as it watched Gu Suihan leave coolly without even turning back. It hesitated for a moment, then clenched its teeth and followed behind Gu Suihan.

Gu Suihan noticed that Huangquan Evil Ghost following him and had a look of exasperation on his face.

He should have been able to fly way too quickly for the ghost, but this ghost was actually capable of using magic. It was impossible for the ghost to actually catch up with him, but it could still move quickly enough to tail him.

“What do you want?”

“I…why don’t we go together? That way, we can look out for one another.” The ghost continued to shamelessly follow behind Gu Suihan.

“I don’t need you to do that.”

“You do! Or else…I could give you 60% of the soul power I swallow!”

“I said! If we go on another massacre, we’re both dead meat.”


“Just leave!”

“I’m not leaving!”

“If you’re not leaving, I am!”

“I’m coming with you!”

“Just fuck off already!” Gu Suihan drew his sword and swung it at the ghost.

But the ghost merely squeaked and turned itself into an illusion, dodging the attack while still being able to follow behind him.

“You are really…!” A few moments later, Gu Suihan stood expressionlessly on a branch and gritted his teeth as he glared at the Huangquan Evil Ghost that refused to go away.

There was no way to even kill this thing. It seemed real, yet it wasn’t. It seemed like it was merely an apparition, but not quite either. Even if he used some secret technique on it, the ghost wasn’t that weak either. It wasn’t strong enough to fight him, but he couldn’t hurt it either, so it was pointless.

“Unlike what I had expected, the Seven Kill Sect did not suffer severe damages from being attacked by the other sects and was not forced to hide in their secret realm. In fact, they’ve not been harmed at all. The other sects did not seize this chance to annihilate the Seven Kill Sect at all. The only choice I have now is to use Shuang’er as bait and use her to enter the Youthful Clarity Sect.”

Gu Suihan calmed himself down and tried to explain the situation patiently to the ghost, hoping that the ghost would understand the circumstances and leave on its own accord.

But to his dismay, the ghost said confidently, “Don’t worry about that. This world only has those useless bums at Nascent Change. They’re nowhere as powerful as the ones in the Upper World, so I can promise you that none of them will notice me.”

“What the actual fuck,” cursed Gu Suihan before ignoring it and turning to look grimly at the unconscious Shuang’er.

“You’re GROSS!” spat the ghost in disgust when it saw Gu Suihan bend over the girl.

“Fuck you!” Gu Suihan’s eyes were bloodshot as he glared murderously at the ghost. His stare was so chilling, the ghost shuddered violently in fear.

“Like a dream, like an illusion. Make those fleeting images real!”

Gu Suihan took a deep breath to calm himself down, then slowly made a hand seal. His spiritual sense filled the strange rune he created and turned into a beam of green light that was guided by Gu Suihan to enter the area between Shuang’er’s brows.

He wanted to erase or change her memories. He wanted Shuang’er to forget the person named Gu Suihan and forget everything she knew about him from their time in the secret realm.

“Huh?” He entered her consciousness and his lips twitched when he found her spirit as well as some memories that seemed etched into her memory.

It seemed like this girl had never suffered a day in her life, which was why her memory of Gu Suihan the bad guy was especially deep. He ranked just below her family.

“Since I can’t erase them, I’ll change them!” A frosty glint flickered in his eyes as he tapped a finger in the air. The rune turned into a green worm that seemed to be alive and it crawled into Shuang’er’s consciousness. It gave off a faint coolness that slowly melted into Shuang’er’s memory.

This process quietly transformed her memory of Gu Suihan’s outer appearance and even changed her memory of what Gu Suihan was wearing. He had changed her memories to look like someone else – Qingming.josei

“And now, it’s time to write a story.”

He created a dreamy-looking purple colored rune that generated several scenarios. It was deeply embedded in Shuang’er’s consciousness and became one with her mind.

The new memories that Gu Suihan had come up with were very simple. He had turned Qingming into a little pervert with a lolita complex, so instead of killing her, he brought her out with him. Unfortunately, something happened during the teleportation process, so the two were separated and Gu Suihan rescued Shuang’er.

After he was done spinning a new story, he scanned her memories to make sure everything was alright, then silently backed out of her consciousness.

“Oww…” Shuang’er clutched her head in pain. Her little face was covered in sweat and it was hard not to show concern for a poor girl who looked so pale.

“Heart-cleansing spell!” Gu Suihan flicked his fingers to cast a spell so that he could do a few things at once. He waved his hand to gather some dried leaves and branches to start a fire, then caught a pitiful little rabbit that was swiftly killed, stripped of its fur, and left to roast above the fire.

“Now, listen carefully to what I’m about to say, and don’t miss anything,” said Gu Suihan very solemnly to the Huangquan Evil Ghost via telepathy.

“Go ahead.”

“I am going to seal off my memories and level of cultivation right now. From now on, I will become an ordinary human. You can follow me in the shadows, but you must never, never expose my identity. Otherwise, I’m sure you know what consequences will follow.” His tone grew frostier and frostier as he spoke. His deep and dark gaze which seemed able to destroy ten thousand stars focused itself on the ghost, which made the ghost shudder and nod vigorously.

Gu Suihan knew that regardless of how good one’s acting chops were, you were bound to give yourself away in some way or another. In times like these, any clue that he was Gu Suihan could bring a terrible disaster upon himself. So, the safest way would be to…change completely into a different person.

“Heavenly seal of the soul! Seal of the spirit! False memories!” Gu Suihan suddenly made several hand seals. His eyes glowed red and a red line shot out from between his brows. His spiritual energy and fiendish qi were all absorbed by the spirit in his consciousness.

The sinister yet brilliant seal of the red spider lily in the same spot slowly faded and did not give off murderous vibes anymore.

Questioning Heaven buzzed indignantly but it too flew into his storage ring. The ring gave off light as its outer appearance changed, the runes on it faded and it eventually became an ordinary jade ring.

The luxurious and intricately designed robe he was wearing slowly faded and turned into a simple, all-white outfit that many ordinary students in the mundane world wore.

“That’s…a really ruthless thing to do. He’s ruthless to others, but he’s even more ruthless to himself.” The ghost broke into a cold sweat as it watched Gu Suihan’s transformation and felt a chill in its bones.

It knew that if one was not careful with this technique, one could enter into an eternal slumber and never wake up from it. The most dangerous part was, if this made-up persona slowly became more and more real, it could become the new owner of the body and gobble up the previous owner.

This was what made the ghost really admire this man. In order to survive, Gu Suihan was really willing to pay any price.

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