Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 721

Chapter 721: Peaceful Time

Chapter 721: Peaceful Time

"See you later! Bye, bye." Celes waved her tiny hand in farewell. It was time for her to go home with Yralissa.

"Bye, keep in touch with me. We'll play again next time." Hea also waved her hand.

"En! But that's after we carry out our duties. There are many things we need to do before that." Celes nodded in agreement.

"That of course." Hea replied with a wink.

"Well, now is the time for us to go. Here, a gift for each of you. Please cultivate well.." Lifa handed Hea and Celes a small pouch.

"O-oh! Thank you very much, mama. We'll try our best." Hea and Celes answered in unison.

"Good. And for you, Elven Empress and Fairy Empress, please take good care of my children." Lifa smiled faintly.

"Hea is a precious member of my family." Ashera placed her hands on her upper chest respectfully.

"Understood. Celes is one of the most important members of my family." Yralissa nodded in understanding.

"Now, you will be sent back to the Celestial Tree, Zhadphis Woodland. Are you ready?" Lifa gave a gesture to Hea, and the Mirror of Desire was placed on the table.

"I'm ready. Celes, come here." Yralissa grabbed Celes and hugged that little fluffy ball in her arms.

"Bye!" Celes waved her hand once more before Hea asked the mirror to send her twin sisters back.

The cloudy mirror became clear and emitted golden-green light. Yralissa and Celes flew above the mirror, and a flash of light enveloped them.

A golden-green portal emerged from the mirror and sucked Yralissa into it.


The Fairy Empress disappeared from there, leaving behind the impression of light particles. The Mirror of Desire gradually dimmed. Yralissa and Celes can be seen on the other side.

"We're back. Mama and everyone, Please have a safe trip to the Beastkin Continent and the Beast Continent. I look forward to the story about you kicking the Beast God's butt!" Celes cheered from behind the mirror.

"Fufu, who knows what will happen." Lifa covered her mouth with her hand.

After the mirror dimmed, Lifa bid farewell to Hea before leaving.

Ashera and Hea stared up at the sky until the divine group was no longer visible.

"Ashera, what's wrong with you? Are you sighing at not being able to find the Goddess of Light anywhere?" Hea suddenly asked in surprise.

"Hm, her divine self hasn't been seen since last night. Maybe she has some urgent business?" Ashera shook her head and walked away.

'Ely, you didn't forget to leave a teleportation marker near the Heavenly Tree, right?' Elena reminded Elysia from within the Soul Realm.

'En, I've left my marker there. In this way, we already have markers on almost all continents. We only need one for Continental Beasts and Continental Devils.' Elysia rubbed her hands excitedly. She could now say goodbye to long journeys because she could use teleportation to shorten the travel time.

At that moment, Elysia gazed into the distance in the east with her sacred vision active. She could see a new forest near the border area regardless of distance. The trees were still two to three meters high, and time would make it the vast dense forest as it was before. It was just like what Lifa said. So, that powder was something like a magic tree seed.

Everyone had already boarded the Gravy Ark and was ready to leave. Still, there was one individual not present in the group. Elysia then faced everyone in wonder. "We're going to the Beastkin Continent by magic teleportation. But, where's Sea God? Are we going to leave him here?"

"I told him about our departure. If he doesn't come in two minutes, we will leave him." Nell folded her arms while holding her talisman.

"Oh, should we just leave him alone? He's a pervert who likes to flirt around. I don't feel safe letting him ogling his eyes around us." Yuuki covered her chest subconsciously.

"You don't have to worry. Your body is protected by the divine light. No one can peek at your body without the permission of the Goddess of Light." Rhea reassured the girls with a faint smile.

"Phew, then I can breathe a sigh of relief." Yuuki heaved a sigh of relief. The girls also felt relieved that they had the same thought.

"But, are we going to the Beastkin Continent by teleportation?" Yuuki asked curiously.

"Yup, I've left a marker where we last met Luna and Lynn. I need to move that teleportation marker to Evroria City. Is something wrong, Yuuki?" Elysia answered with an innocent expression. josei

"No, it's nothing. If we can teleport to a place you've been, then that's a good thing. We don't have to travel for hours on the Gravy Ark anymore." Yuuki shook his head as if nothing had happened.

If Elysia had said a teleportation technique could be used, perhaps she had already asked to retrieve her Space Bag to go to the Beastkin Continent. However, that was only in Yuuki's mind, and it didn't really matter much since they were going there soon.

'Well, I never said I needed my Space Bag urgently. That's why Master Elysia didn't offer to use the teleportation technique. The result would obviously be different if I said so. However, because of that, I got Master Elysia's dress for myself, hehe...' Yuuki chuckled in her mind with a flowery-like feeling.

Moments later, Oceanid flew into the sky, following Elysia's group in a hurry. He even was still looking a bit messy with his wrinkled clothes.

"You're late. A few more seconds and we'll be gone without you.' Did you have fun last night?" Nell snorted in contempt.

"Hehe, it's just a few seconds late. I ended up staying at a bar last night. That lady set me up and made me pay a fortune for a night out with her friends." Oceanid chuckled somewhat awkwardly. He knew he couldn't hide anything, primarily because of Lifa or Rhea's ability.

"You stink, eww..." Sylvia covered her nose and invited the girls to take some distance from Oceanid.

"Hey, how can I leave an unpleasant body odor? I'm a Sea God for a reason." Oceanid checked his body odor, but he was sure that he didn't leave any smelly impression.

"That's an insult, idiot. Ely, let's teleport now." Sylvia smirked and put her hand on Elysia's arm.

"You little shit. You are probably the first bold mortal who dared to taunt me without fear. It's been so long no one was courageous enough to do that in front of me." Oceanid shook his head. He felt played.

"That's because I'm Ely's follower and the special one to boost." Sylvia stuck out her tongue.

Elysia closed her eyes to confirm their destination against the marker she had left on the snowy mountain. After finding the exact location, she opened her eyes again and directly used her teleportation technique.


Elysia and everyone disappeared from the Elven Continent's skies. A slight dimensional shift occurred. The scenery suddenly changed from the warm morning sky to a land full of snow.

"Woah! It's just a trip in the blink of an eye! So this is teleportation magic from a lost civilization? Ely, you just used divine magic!?" Evelyn gasped in surprise. She pinched her arm to make sure that what she saw was real. It was actually teleportation.

"Hehe, I just learned this technique. I don't know if it's divine magic or not, but I'm still a human." Elysia looked around. She couldn't find Luna's camp anywhere.

"Fox Empress Luna Evroria and her troops are probably already in Evroria City by now. We'd better go there then. Yuuki's Space Bag might be there too." Elysia crouched down and rubbed a stone. She removed her marker from there.

Oceanid took on the role of Gravy Ark's pilot and raised his hand. "We're off to a city full of floof floofs."

"Please take us to Evroria City." Lifa bonked Oceanid's head with a dry twig.

"Well then, there really are a lot of fluffy things." Oceanid rubbed his head and led everyone away towards the south.

A large and beautiful city near the northern snow mountain region border was their destination.

"It looks peaceful there. So, no problems have occurred since our last visit. In may opinion, the Beastkin Continent is the most peaceful place compared to the places we've just visited in the past few days." Vanessa checked the various corners of the city within the protective walls. It was just a peaceful capital city with a lot of beastkins.

"Mm, let's go downstairs and pay a visit to the palace. Luna and Lynn should be there when they get back." Yuuki tugged the hem of Elysia's dress.

"Good, Sea God, please." Elysia asked politely.

Everyone entered the city in invisibility and flew straight to the Evroria Palace.

"Vann, you are from the Beast Race, but you now look like the Beastkin Race. Isn't this a miracle?" Sylvia whispered into Vanessa's ear.

Vanessa's cat ears twitched slightly. She looked left and right, but what Sylvia said was an undeniable fact. Yet, she accepted that fact with open arms. "Yeah, I'm a tiger, but also like a cat."

"Isn't that because tigers and cats are from the same species? But, uhm... Well, the winged tiger does look like a big winged cat. It's a bit different from the tiger in general." Evelyn stroked her chin while examining Vanessa up and down.

"Look at that striped tiger over there. That's a normal tiger, right?" Vanessa pointed her finger at a tiger beastkin on the city street.

"Tiger has several variants. Please don't mind the differences. Most importantly, Master Elysia loves us." Yuuki stroked Vanessa's tail as she whispered softly.

"En! I want to see my uncle and aunt soon." Vanessa muttered quietly.

"They're in the Holy City now. We'll be there tonight, after our business on the Beast Continent is over." Nell shared a piece of news to cheer Vanessa up.

Vanessa replied with a smile and an understanding nod. After that, they all came into the palace through the balcony.

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