Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 149

Chapter 149: At the End of the Dark Alley

Chapter 149: At the End of the Dark Alley

It was known to the world about the four gods that existed in this world of Vrelenia. Almost everyone was aware that God-level existences existed. However, not all of them knew about the profound details and where the four gods lived.

The Goddess of the Human Race or known as the Goddess of Blessing... She was the only human who attained divinity on the Human Continent and was worshipped by the Human Race since the days of the Holy Church led by the first Pope of the lost history.

There was no known name other than her title. Even so, the Goddess's blessings who had Holy Magic at the highest level were still present from time immemorial to the current time.

Elysia and Elena didn't know much about the Goddess of Blessing because history from time immemorial was scarce and vague. Especially from the lost history that was only inscribed from inscriptions, monoliths, and other relics from the ancient language to the language in this magical world.

Elysia's accusations from Evelyn and Ella for something stemming from their misunderstanding and her negligence in using magic immediately brought Elysia into this situation.

"Ah, umm, I didn't know what to answer if the two of you asked me like that. I don't think I have met any God or Goddess, let alone received their blessings in person." After the overwhelmed seconds later, Elysia answered after getting a suitable answer... The result of a discussion with Elena.

"Emm, so it's like that... You know, Ely, every human who can use Holy Magic received Goddess blessing right after the awakening magic ceremony on their 16th birthday... When they were considered adults. It's just a matter of how much blessings are bestowed upon each blessed people."

Ella's great enthusiasm and eagerness soon returned to normal. However, she still had a look of admiration for this junior girl.

"Due to your innate talent which can match a Priest who is already proficient in Holy Magic at Spirit or Sant level... I assume you have the honor of meeting the Goddess presence... I apologize for my mistake." Ella put her hand on her upper chest and gave a slight apologetic bow.

"Honestly you don't need to apologize, Ella. Okay, now back to our pizza. Want to try speeding up the dough to the soft and smooth dough with magic?" Elysia waved her hand lightly. There was nothing wrong or needed an apology from anyone.

"Yes, maybe Ely is just like us. We can use Holy Magic because of the blessings and grace of our Goddess after our magic awakening ceremony. Or maybe we have received her blessings from birth, and we can only use them when we are 16 years old, who knows." Evelyn also got into the topic that was diverted from the previous discussion because it was time for pizza.

Ella nodded and picked up the dough that wasn't soft yet. Evelyn also took one of the doughs. The two girls tried to use healing magic with Hypmond's help to imitate what Elysia did to the dough.

Six of the seven doughs had been accelerated perfectly. One dough that Evelyn failed to accelerate had to receive Elysia's help to make all the doughs into eight doughs ready to be processed.

Three girls form the dough into a flat and round shape with only their bare hands without the help of any kitchen utensils for ultimate perfection.

After that, Exquisite Pizza Sauce was made and preparing some cooked toppings they would use for pizza.

The pizza dough was spread evenly with the special sauce, leaving only the topping left, to be sprinkled according to taste.

"Ah! Ely, Eve, it's 6.20pm now... We can't wait 80 minutes for all these pizzas to be ready. Can we bake them at my house? The oven in my house is big enough to fit eight pizzas at once." Ella was so shocked when she saw the clock that she put on the kitchen table. Her grandfather was probably waiting for her at home.

"Oh, well, we haven't sprinkled our toppings either. Let's just do it at your house. Em, Ella, don't you want to invite Ely to come to the Blessing Day tomorrow? You're also serving as a Priest in the morning, right?" Evelyn didn't forget to remind the forgetful girl.

"Oh, un, Ely, will you come to my house again? We stay there, as well. Every weekend, the seventh day of every week, there is always a Blessing Day in every church, and the Holy Cathedral is the same. I have a duty as Priest from morning until noon, um, wanna come over to help me? " Ella touched her fingers together. She was a little embarrassed to ask because she almost forgot about it once again. josei

"Sure. Eve, you'll be there too, right?" Elysia had no objection to this invitation. She had no better thing to do for tomorrow's holiday. Two devils also want to spend the weekend together.

"Un, you will go there and me too. This will be my second experience to attend the Blessing Day at the Holy Cathedral, but my first experience as Deacon who was there hehe..." Evelyn was delighted. She would be in a dilemma if Elysia didn't want to come.

"Alright, Eve, please put all these pizzas and toppings into your Space Bag, we'll be on our way." Elysia clapped her hands once for attention

"Okay!" Evelyn immediately took her Space Bag into the room and immediately returned to the kitchen. Three girls quickly worked together to put all the ingredients on the kitchen table to Evelyn's empty Space Bag and neatly arranged in there.

"Umm, Ella, can I bring Vanessa too? She is a cute, obedient cat."

Elysia asked with pleas and adorable expressions. How could Ella refuse that? "Of course, a pet cat is a sign of sustenance for the majority of people."

"Yay! That's good news. Alright, Vann, let's go to finish these pizzas at Ella's house."

"Mew." It was no problem for Venessa. She hopped off the kitchen table. There was no event of sowing toppings on the pizza at the table.

After the girls tidied up the kitchen, they immediately got ready to leave. Everything had to be in order before they left.

"Ely, is that Vann the pet name for Vanessa?" Evelyn asked when they had just finished tidying up the kitchen.

"Yes, that's Vanessa's pet name. Like Evelyn to Eve, and Gabriella to Ella." Elysia took off her apron and nodded at Evelyn.

"Oh, cute, can I call her by that name too?"

"Ask Vanessa, she will decide."

Knowing that confirmation, Evelyn and Ella approached the cat who was waiting in the living room. Elysia just softly smiled when she saw two girls coaxing the smart cat.

Fortunately, the two girls immediately got permission from the cat. Vanessa simply nodded her head. That way, they could immediately leave with a happy heart.

A few moments later, the three girls in casual clothes casually walked side by side towards the Holy Cathedral that was not far from the academy areas.

However, they suddenly felt the road they were passing was so quiet, unlike the previous route that still had people passing by.

"Nee, Ely, Eve, doesn't this street feel so lonely, it's only half-past seven, right?" Ella looked right and left. She was a bit uneasy. For some reason, she felt this road was so eerie and strange.

"Uhh, I thought it was just me, but it's not... We better hurry up our pace..." Evelyn had the urge to run.

The other two girls nodded at Evelyn's suggestion, they immediately walked faster than their usual footsteps.

"Eh?" Elysia suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"Ely, what's wrong?" Ella and Evelyn immediately stopped. They turned back to their friend that suddenly stopped in her steps.

Unfortunately, Elysia didn't answer right away, as she looked into one of the alleyways that were quite dark with minimal lighting right beside her.

"Nee, why are you turning over to the dark place over there? What do you see there? Don't try to scare me..." Evelyn quickly grabbed Elysia's arm. She tried to urge her friend so they could quickly get away from this strange road.

"Wait, Eve. Have a look over there." While holding her body from being pulled by Evelyn, Elysia immediately answered and pointed to the alleyway that caught her eye. Even Vanessa in her arms also looked over there.

"No, no... In that dark alley, there's nothing, now let's go. Ella, help me." Evelyn reassured herself, she tried to drag Elysia away, but it was hard.

"Eve, trust me, don't be afraid. Ella, look over there. She is our senior, right? She's wearing an academy uniform. What did she do in a dark alley, alone?" Unable to convince the girl who was still trying to pull her away, Elysia immediately asked for help from a girl who might be able to convince what she saw.

Ella walked over with an amused smile seeing Elysia and Evelyn's behavior. She was looking at the dark alley from the point of view right beside Elysia.

Sure enough, about 30 meters at the end of that dead-end alley, there was a girl in academy uniform. She seemed to do nothing but just stand there, but it was suspicious of anyone who saw the girl at the end of the dark alley.

"You're right, Ely... Don't be afraid, Eve, there aren't any ghosts or anything hehe..." Ella covered her mouth in amusement.

Evelyn suddenly gave up to drag her friend away, Ella came to the defense. She pouted a little, then braced herself and looked into the dark alley.

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