Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 231

Chapter 231: Mass Destruction

Chapter 231: Mass Destruction

The first attack was unleashed, and waves of monsters immediately jumped up to finish off Elysia. They were not aware that the grim reaper had come to take away the lives of the godforsaken creatures.

Elysia grinned at the sight of tens to hundreds of monsters coming at her from all directions. "Hmph!"

She gave a light stomp to the ground. Numerous earth spikes popped out following the shaking earth. The attack pierced through the monsters around her, regardless of whether they were big or small, and impaled them several meters above the ground.

Then, the grim reaper swung her left hand... Hundreds of stones shot out like a deadly bullet that hit the monsters around Vanessa.

It was easy for Elysia and Elena to eradicate all the monsters in this area with earth magic for large-scale physical attacks. Still, they just hadn't done that for some reason.

Apart from practicing skills in real combat, it was also because suspicion would arise when reinforcements arrived. Not to mention because of worry about the curse that would come afterward.

However, all those things were no longer on Elysia's mind at that state. All she wanted to do was save Vanessa and exterminate all the monsters.

"Found it." Elysia turned sideways and smiled as she found her rescue objective. She just took a light step and arrived beside the monster that was attacking Vanessa in an instant.

"Begone." Elysia kicked the monster that was gripping her pet. No one was allowed to injure her white tiger.

"Groar..." Spirit Ruvoid whined as a violent attack struck its body. Elysia's mighty kick sent the monster flying dozens of meters away.

"Kuh!" Elysia felt a sudden pain the instant she landed on the ground. The attack just now had fractured her leg bone, but Elena was instrumental in accelerating the healing.

Unfortunately, Elysia didn't know that. She only used a lot of magic to increase her physical abilities regardless of its cause and effects. Her body screamed as intense magic energy pushed that fragile body far beyond its limits.

"Master?" Vanessa asked with a pained groan. There was a hint of hesitation when her master's red eyes looked at her.

"Thank heavens, Vann. Let me put you somewhere safe." Elysia let out a sigh of relief. She didn't wait for anything and just took Vanessa to fly to the sky with her.

After reaching a sufficient height, they blinked and arrived six kilometers away. It was the spot where Elysia made a small hole in the dome barrier. josei

"Please wait here for a moment, I will exterminate all those accursed monsters from existence." Elysia put the wounded white tiger on the ground. She turned around, about to return to the middle of the forest.

"Master, you are seriously injured! Let the reinforcements eradicate all those monsters. They will come in from this hole, right? Let's go outside, to a safe place and heal ourselves..." Vanessa cried out frantically. She didn't know what her master was thinking at all.

"I will be fine. Those accursed creatures shall receive their judgment." After saying that without turning around, Elysia flew up and disappeared.

Vanessa could only watch her master leave, then gritted her teeth in pain. If Elysia looked at Vanessa's HP, the former would be surprised because the latter only had no more than 30 percent HP left.

Elysia returned to the battlefield, right in the middle of the cursed forest. She floated two hundred meters above the ground, seeing hundreds of monsters that had now turned into the thousands.

The number of accursed monsters continued to increase. They kept popping up from the underground and seemed to be waiting for something.

How would Elysia allow that? Most likely, the deep underground was the place where their horde was sealed. The monsters might be waiting for their racial assembly for the extreme invasion, but Elysia wouldn't wait for them.

She spread her arms and made a slightly upward motion. The earth wall immediately rose a hundred meters high within a three-kilometer radius, like a trap so that no monsters could escape.

Simultaneously, the curse energy of the more than a hundred monsters she had killed was charged straight at her body. "Argh! Get lost."

She just swept her hand and eradicated the curse. The pitch-black energy was scorched with her imagination magic. There was no time for anything else. Elysia had no thoughts of purifying it to level up, and it wasn't included in her objectives either.

Elysia spread her arms once again then brought them together quickly for a clap. "Go back to where you came!"

The earth wall that encircled the area immediately moved to the center area quickly, squeezing all the monsters without mercy.


The circular wall smashed through the forest and crushed everything towards the center. As a result, a large mound formed like a mountain burying thousands of monsters.

No monsters managed to escape the attack. It was only a matter of seconds. The forest area with a diameter of six kilometers instantly became the bare ground.

Unfortunately, that was still not enough to kill those thousands of monsters, especially Spirit Ruvoid. Elysia knew it very well. Because of this, she made a downward thrust motion on the mountain below her. It was followed by her magic working on her will.

An earthquake occurred. The towering mountain was instantly pulled into the earth, burying all the monsters back underground.

Still not satisfied with that, Elysia landed. She could see with her advanced perception, thousands of monsters were digging towards the surface.

"Hmph!" Elysia stomped her foot. She made the ground below crush everything to shreds.

Feeling that it wasn't enough, she stomped her feet several times on the ground like a sulky girl.

*Rumble!* *Rumble!* *Rumble!*

The light stomps caused a tectonic quake-like boom. Crushed everything underground within the same radius from the last attack. The fertile soil of the tropical forest became hardened soil that was denser than rock.

The second objective was successfully achieved. Elysia stopped all activity and looked up a little... Wondering what she was doing there and what she was going to do. She felt a little confused and lost for a moment.


The explosion occurred from underground. A huge hole was created twenty meters from Elysia. The girl looked to the side emotionlessly, as if she knew what was going on.


A monstrous shadow leaped from the ten-meter wide hole. A demon-like monster from hell sprang out from there with its shackles.

"Graa!!! Fee-doom!" An ear-splitting roar roared out over the accursed's freedom.

But the black-haired girl just stood near the monstrous monster with a pensive expression nonetheless.

Meanwhile, right outside the barrier... The reinforcements were blocked by an invisible wall. Whatever they did, the unknown barrier couldn't be destroyed, and their attacks were reflected.

"Have you not found the entrance yet?" Arthur folded his arms with pursed lips.

"Not found yet, Your Majesty." A knight answered the Emperor's question without delay.

"Keep looking. It must be around here. Search until it is found, no matter how far." Arthur frowned in his firm words. Of course, all the knights continued their search without fail.

Arthur looked far ahead and sighed. An ordinary forest area could be seen, but he knew it was just an illusion from this dome-shaped barrier. Even with the eighth platoon's coordination, they still hadn't found an entry hole in question.

"What about the status of students who made it out of the forest? Did we get any casualties?" Arthur asked without looking anywhere but the front.

"Yes... 281 students are safe, 191 students have left the forest, and 90 students are on their way out of the forest under guard. Apart from 14 students who have not been found, there are no other fatalities." The knight in heavy armor checked his magic device for a moment and reported that.

Hearing that, Arthur furrowed his brows. Their rescue operation was carried out by hundreds of personnel. It was a quick move to save all the students as fast as possible and slaughter monsters as many as possible.

However, they hadn't encountered any monsters so far. All that the emergency rescuers did was escort the students out of the forest.

"Wait, 281 students? Based on reports and witnesses, 13 students died in the forest behind this barrier. So, only one student was missing." Arthur stroked his chin.

"Yes, as you say, Your Majesty." The knight who was reporting nodded.

Arthur glanced at the knights who were tracing the barrier. He was considering that looking for the entrance was futile. It was difficult for them to find a small hole the size of a crouched person in this colossal barrier dome.

"All knights! Take a safe distance. I'll break this barrier with brute force." Arthur announced his decision. He wanted to know if this barrier could also reflect the Human Emperor's destructive power, namely his attack.

All the knights immediately moved away within a safe distance without doubting their Emperor's words. They watched Emperor Arthur from a hundred meters away while waiting for his attack. Their attacks were ridiculously reflected, but that might not apply to someone like an Emperor.

"Hmm." Arthur unsheathed his sword and prepared his devastating attack.

The red energy aura enveloped him and his sword... It was like fierce blood-red flame energy that seemed like it could scorch anything.

"Behold my strength! Vanquisher's Wrath!" Arthur swung his sword vertically.


The devastating attack destroyed a large area around the center of impact. A gust of wind hit the surrounding trees until they were uprooted into the air. Shockingly, Emperor Arthur became one of those who flew far into the air.

"Your Majesty!" The Imperial Knights shouted in unison as they chased after their Emperor.

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