Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 291

Chapter 291: Died With Honor

Chapter 291: Died With Honor

"Ne-nee, what are you talking about? Is it so secret that I can't find out about it? Stupid Shiro, was that your 'unnamed' black scroll? Give me one too." Nell demanded as if she knew she would be given too.

"Huh? Why should I give it to you?" Xero put his hands behind his back and wore an indifferent expression.

"I want that, and you need to give it to me. If you also want to eradicate those cur- accursed monsters, then we need to work together. I need a way to reach you because I don't have one." Nell explained as requested, thinking it was necessary to get one.

"Cooperation? You're weak, weaker than ever before, though? What can you do? It is better if you stay in your Firmament Realm." Xero hesitated for an instant and refused anyway.

"What did you just say? You dare say that to myself, who is actually support? I was weakened significantly, but my blessings and Holy Magic are still the same as ever before. Forget it. I will depend on my grandgodmaster over here. She is beautiful and powerful. Unlike you, fool and hateful, fhee..." Nell stuck out her tongue and paid no attention to the Evil God anymore. josei

[| Lv. 209 | Evil God | Xerroth | Male (N/A) | HP: 5,671,000 / 8,115,000 | EP: 4,134,500 / 5,808,000 |]

[| STR: 815 | AGI: 774 | VIT: 642 | INT: 666 |]

Elysia checked Xero's status screen one more time, and that had changed. She had no idea if the numbers were affected by magic or the like. So, she just considered it as temporary numbers that could change at any time.

Well, she hadn't tried to see what would happen if she used Reinforcement Magic. How much would that affect her status? Then, she tried to look at her updated status.

[| Lv. 35 | Apprentice Mage | Elysia Avery | Female (16) | HP: 5,900 / 5,900 | EP: 4,501e+9 / - |]

[| STR: 4 | AGI: 25 | VIT: 6 | INT: 5,000 |]

Sad to say, she only needed one unexpected blow from the Evil God, and that was the end of her life. As Elysia sighed in silence, she remembered what Nell had just said about blessing magic. Indeed, the Goddess of Blessings needed to be interrogated as soon as possible.

Seeing nothing holding her back, Elysia decided to return, and Elena also requested it. "I think my business here is over. Allow me to excuse myself, until we meet again on another occasion."

"Wait." Xero suddenly held back the Goddesses who were about to leave.

"Mm?" Elysia saw no sudden movements, magic, or sortie as feared, so it was safe.

"Hm, are you reluctant to be left by us? It's a shame. We don't want to accompany you." Nell scoffed and laid in the Goddess of Light's hand, nice and warm.

"What are you saying, Firefly? I don't understand. Just now, I just revoked my domain layer to protect the confidentiality of my conversations with you." After giving the little Goddess a strange look, Xero pointed to the north and east. "Over there and there. Hundreds of humans and devils are watching us."

"What domain layer? Since when was it there? Have my conversations with you been overheard by them?" Nell turned to the pointed directions, and she could see humans and devils with her magic vision. They were inside a disguised barrier.

"I installed it after the troublesome Firefly came to cause trouble. You two, I want you to take those humans away from this Devil Continent. I don't care about their reasons, but their existence will only make things worse if they meet Devil Emperors over there." Xero folded his arms as he gave order rather than a request.

"I see... I don't mind that. However, you seem to care enough about this. Do you know the cause of the animosity between humans and devils? And, the other races also?" Elysia confirmed while covering Nell's mouth with a magic silk bandage.

She knew this little one would tweet again with nonsense and slurs to offend Xero.

"No one knows, neither me nor the Shining Cocoon over there. However, I suspect third-party interference in the last hundred thousand years. The language and writing used in this world have also changed.

In the past, I had thought that this world was no longer the world I knew, not the same Vrelenia. Sun, if you want to know more, please join me on my world exploration. I will find out everything, every hidden secret. With this new power of mine, I fear no man." Xero clenched his hand into a fist. He tried to get this top-tier Goddess into his other plans.

Elysia became doubtful and suspicious. She consulted with Elena before responding to anything. At that point, Nell managed to take down the silk bandage that had shut her mouth.

"Fwhaa... What, what are you planning to do by inviting my grandgodmaster into your world exploration? You're not aiming for her, are you? If you're not afraid of anyone, then just go alone!" Nell shouted in disapproval.

Then, she looked at the golden Goddess like an urgent. "Elena, don't accept this big bad devil's invitation. If you want to know more, then I am the one you are looking for. I know a lot more than that stupid Shiro."

Hearing that, Elysia immediately came up with a solution without having to consider anything. "Is that so? All right, Xero, your invitation is appealing, but I don't think I can participate in your exploration. I wish you good luck, bye."

"Fwhee." Nell stuck her tongue out at Xero once again.

She couldn't win against this Evil God, so she took another route, causing trouble for him. The Goddess of Light didn't seem interested in unnecessary fights, and she couldn't force it either. That Evil God deserved a lot of trouble and bad luck for injuring her. She played a bit of the plot because of her grievances.

Meanwhile, Xero just snorted as he watched the six-winged Goddess fly towards a group of humans. Nell ruined the fun, so whatever.

He turned his head towards the group of devils within the camouflaged barrier. Dark Magic like that could not trick his vision. Then, he flew towards the two Devil Emperors and their minions.

At the same time, Sylvia complained and sulked. Her father forbade her to get out of the veiled barrier. The disaster was over, but she wasn't allowed to say hi to her first friend?

As Sylvia pouted her lips, her eyes widened as she saw the big black devil with gray tattoo stripes all over the body heading their way. She wanted to greet her Goddess friend, but the Evil God came to greet her instead?

"Father, the Evil God is flying towards us. Ah, he has arrived above us... Have we been discovered by him?" Sylvia tugged her father's sleeve while looking up.

Dylan didn't need to be told because he already knew that. He frowned because the Evil God had come for them for sure.

"Blood Skull Diablo, Deviant Titan, I know you're down there. Get out of your hideout and get away from here."

Evil God's voice in Aefasy language sounded clear to all the devils within the barrier.

"Father, what should we do?" Sylvia started to panic.

"I'll take care of this. This Evil God just wants us to go. He even only had a little chat with your Goddess friend." Dylan tried to reassure his daughter with a firm expression.

"My Lord, allow me to give you time to leave here. I will fight this Evil God." Doominick clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He intended to rush to the black devil and fight it out.

"You will just die foolishly. There is no honor you get with that. I know the grudge and hatred you hold to this Evil God because of what he did to your kinsfolk. Feel it and grasp it. You know what is best for it. This is not the time." Dylan glanced at the giant purple devil beside him, then continued. "Let me handle this."

After saying that, Dylan revoked his veiled barrier, staring at the Evil God with a cold expression. "What other chaos have you caused this time, Black Devil, Evil God?"

"Whatever I do is none of the business of mortals like you. Get out of here right now, or you will find out what will happen afterward." Xero narrowed his eyes at the arrogant Devil Emperor. He emphasized his words like absolute orders.

"None of the business of mortals, you say? That's ridiculous when you are the cause of the terrible chaos I mention. It has been a thousand years since you were no longer our Devil God. As the Devil Emperor who rules this continent, I need to know what you are doing." Dylan creased his forehead. He never liked this Evil God attitude.

"It's a ritual to make me stronger." Xero replied with passive and indifferent expressions.

"Ritual... How many devils are you sacrificing for that stupid ritual just now? Are you going to kill your own race until all of us, apart from you, perish? What are you trying to achieve with that?" Dylan gnashed his teeth at a glance before questioning it with a hint of wrath.

"'Their' sacrifices were not in vain. It was for the greater good to free this world from the accursed monsters. Much more than you mortals will die in the future great war anyway, so 'they' died with honor." Xero grinned as if he had no guilt.

"Died with honor? You say that as if they are insignificant in your eyes. There have been more than one hundred and fifty thousand devils that you have sacrificed in the last thousand years. Are you not satisfied with that yet?" Doominick interrupted with a hint of hatred in his eyes.

"So what? You know nothing about everything." Xero retorted nonchalantly.

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