Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 435

Chapter 435: Sylvias Confession

Chapter 435: Sylvia's Confession

"Alright, we're here. You need to get back to your mission." Nell stopped in mid-air and turned around just after she had crossed the bridge.

"As your command." The holy knights, including the two generals, paid their respects before they walked away.

The Devil Princess looked up at the magnificent building like a golden white palace. Her inner self screamed not to go inside because she was still a devil who wasn't comfortable around auras or holy magic.

"Uhm..." Sylvia looked left and right in discomfort. She rubbed her arms and unknowingly tugged the hem of her friend's dress for reassurance.

It only took one step to actually enter the Holy Cathedral. However, Sylvia felt no longer excited because the subtle holy aura there was dense enough to feel breathless.

"It's okay. No one will hurt you." Elysia looked at the restless girl.

"Uhm, Ais, can we talk privately?" Sylvia asked, but it sounded like a plea. She simply didn't want to enter the Holy Cathedral, especially being surrounded by the holy aura.

Elysia consulted Elena first, then looked at Nell.

As if knowing the meaning of Elysia's gaze, Nell simply gave her approval. "That's fine, but you need to take Aria with you."

"En, I will come with you." Rhea completely agreed. Whatever the circumstances, she did not feel at ease if Elysia was alone with this Saint-level Devil.

"All right, then, Aivlys, Aria, and I will go to the side building over there." Elysia pointed toward a building besides the Holy Cathedral. Then, she looked at her group. "Please follow the Goddess of Blessings. We will catch up to you later."

No one objected to that. Therefore, Elysia guided the Devil Princess to leave.

"What building is this? I can see there are several empty buildings like this on several sides of the Holy Cathedral." Sylvia checked up and down the building in front of her.

"This is one of the hall buildings used for external events such as a teaching place for young deacons. Let's go inside." Elysia pushed open the large door and entered there with Sylvia.

Sylvia heaved a sigh of relief inwardly. Now, it was just the two of them in that auditorium-like hall... And a cute little baby, of course.

"Hmm, please have a seat." Elysia sat on one of the seats and invited Sylvia to sit beside her.

"Un." Sylvia certainly didn't refuse. She sat there, but she received an innocent look from the cute baby on her friend's lap.

She didn't have time to think about anything else earlier, but now she became interested in this baby. josei

"Nee, Ais, is this cute baby yours? Are you a mama? May I know who your spouse is? Are you a sixteen-year-old mama? But, your baby seems to be six or seven years old. Oh no, did you get married and popped out this cute baby at ten years old!? Isn't that too young for humans to reproduce?" Sylvia became shocked at what she had in mind.

"Hush, what are you talking about? I'm single. So, what do you want to talk to me about, Aivlys?" Elysia gave a head chop to the overreacting girl.

"Uhm, you're right... You can also be a mama even if you don't need to reproduce." Sylvia nodded at the conviction from her own mind. "Ah, Ais, actually, I wanted to tell you about many things, but..."

"But?" Elysia tilted her head slightly as Sylvia was silent for a while.

"But may I know why you haven't replied to my messages in the past month? Are you too busy with something, or are you out of reach?" Sylvia wanted to know what happened to her friend.

"I haven't checked the Swype you gave me. I just arrived in this city after traveling from the Beastkin Continent." Elysia shook her head. She didn't want to or instead didn't dare to take out and turn on her Swype.

"Oh! No wonder. Swype network can't reach up to there. That's why my messages were never delivered to you. So, you went on a trip with the Goddess of Blessings!? That must be fun. Beastkin Continent, huh. I'm envious..." Sylvia muttered as she glanced up.

However, it was only fleeting because she wanted to tell the truth as well as a guarantee.

"Nee, Ais, do you want to know the truth about me?" Sylvia brought her face closer to her friend with a determined expression.

"The truth? Sure, allow me to hear it." Elysia nodded in agreement. She wanted to know why this Devil Princess came to this city, but everything would be asked one by one.

"En, It's a bit sensitive to say. And, I want you to promise me. Please promise me over your name and your honor that you won't hate me. I want to believe in you, and I want you to stay like the friend I know. The neutral Ais who is kind and wise." Sylvia looked at her friend expectantly. She needed to immediately escape from this city if her friend couldn't promise that.

Even though she knew it very well, she could no longer consider Ais a friend if she was hated just because of her true identity. Or rather, she couldn't entrust her safety under Ais' protection because there were so many worries.

'Look? She wants to be an honest girl to you, Ely. She just doesn't want you to hate her even though she is a devil, the human's enemy. It took a lot of courage for her to say this. Please consider what you want to say, or you will hurt this girl and also her trust.' Elena coaxed Elysia gently.

'I knew it. But, thanks for reminding me.' Elysia took a deep breath and nodded. "Fine, I will promise you one thing. I will not hate you no matter what happens to you. However, if you are a criminal or involved in evil things, then I need to punish you for that."

"That's your promise?" Sylvia felt a little relieved and happy, but she needed reassurance.

"En, that is my promise to you." Elysia nodded once again.

"Realy, really? I can trust you for this, right? You wouldn't betray me, would you?" Sylvia pumped her hands excitedly. She wanted to hear something more.

Those words as if pierced Elysia's conscience. Anything involved with betrayal was one of the things she hated the most. Since she hated that, of course, she wouldn't be in one of those categories.

"You can keep my word, Aivlys. Betrayal is the one I hate the most. Even if you are a bad person, I will not judge you here. I will only force you to take responsibility and atone for your sins." Elysia gave her assurance.

"Un, I'm glad to hear that. Actually, Ais, I'm not human. The truth is, I'm a devil." Sylvia straightened her back and looked straight into Elysia's purplish-blue eyes.

"Huh?" Elysia immediately put up a soundproof barrier for mutual safety. She forgot to install it.

"Are you surprised?" Sylvia had expected that response.

"Not really. I just forgot to put up a soundproof barrier. But, well... I've known since the first time we met, you know that? After all, um, I'm not that stupid not to notice, especially your father." Elysia looked around for fear that someone might be eavesdropping.

Meanwhile, Rhea just sat on Elysia's lap. She did nothing but stare at the devil girl.

"Oh, I see..." Sylvia smiled contentedly to see her friend's response. Then, she continued the confession of truth that she had planned a few days ago. "Right, I know that my father is too stupid to go undercover with me!

But, this is different, Ais. I am no ordinary devil, but a Devil Princess, daughter of the sole ruler of the Devil Continent, my father, Devil Emperor Dylan. Actually, my name is not Aivlys, but Sylvia, Sylvia Transcendent. You don't hate me just because of my identity?"

"Why should I hate you? Really, what have you done to deserve my hatred? I'm more curious about what you are doing in this holy city. Also, does the evil organization of devils that infiltrate this city have anything to do with you?

I can judge a lie just by looking. Please don't disappoint me, or I can't help you out of trouble." Elysia shrugged her shoulders slightly as if she didn't care. She became a little sentimental, to say the last sentence.

"If all humans were like you, Ais... Devils and humans would have long since made a truce or perhaps made peace." Sylvia smiled, but at the same time, she looked sad.

"To be honest, I don't know anything, Ais. I was only caught in this mess because of those lowly devils. If I find them, I will definitely teach them a meaningful lesson with my own hands. I'm having a hard time because of them." Sylvia shook her head and smiled wryly to look at her friend.

"You know, I only ran away from my father's palace because it wasn't safe for me there. My father doesn't care even if the Devil God bothers me all the time. I haven't even used any magic since my escape that night. And this black hair is not created by magic. It was me who dyed it." Sylvia took off her summer hat and then twirled a handful of her hair.

"I see. I appreciate you for speaking with honesty. So, you are only involved in a scheme launched by a third-party army? Are they really devils, hmm? You are a Devil Princess. Can you command all the devils in this city to retreat? They run the risk of triggering a great war between humans and demons." Elysia put her hand to her chin questioningly.

Even Elena was confused about Sylvia's involvement with the infiltrating devil group. Rhea also couldn't help when Elysia asked via telepathy.

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