Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 638 - Abnormality (2)

Chapter 638 - Abnormality (2)

"Hm, why are there so many of them? This is a bit worrying. Looks like we need to form a patrol team going around the wildest parts of the mothership. What do you think?" Elysia suggested an idea.

"That is what we have done. The other leaders and I have formed patrol teams in various corners of the mothership to ensure that no creatures break in. Wait, how long has that black eagle been there? I don't remember you ever come with a bird, Miss Elysia." Marco frowned as he noticed a suspicious bird flying two meters above Elysia.

"Ah, she is Victor, an elemental spirit claiming to have come from England more than two centuries ago. Somehow, she is in one of my artifacts, and she has only recently awakened from hibernation. She wants to talk to you about a few things. Can you spare a moment of your time to have a little chat with her, Admiral Marco Bradley?" Elysia reached out her hand and asked Victor to sit there.

"I am the holy night spirit bird from Europe, known as 'The Glorious', Victorious. I give you the honor of having a little chat with me. I would like to know the current situation of Great Britain from a person of the highest rank." Victor introduced herself as a superior being.

"What is this? A talking bird? A high-level elemental spirit?" Marco received yet another surprise.

This girl really came with a lot of unexpected surprises. A hidden healer saint, a cat bodyguard, an ultimate protector, and now an elemental spirit?

"She wanted to talk about history. If possible, could you or your historian expert accompany her for a moment? Sorry to trouble you, but I can't understand the historical questions she has." Elysia put on an apologetic expression. She didn't really know much about world history.

"Well, that's an easy thing. However, this isn't the right place to talk." Marco looked at the purplish-black big bird one more time and nodded.

"Mm, then Victor will go with you. You might also receive something useful from her if you want, Admiral Marco." Elysia smiled happily because the noisy bird would be busy for some time to vent the historical curiosity to others.

"Victor, you can come with the British force leader to answer all the questions I failed to answer earlier. Sorry, this is what I can do because I don't know much about history." Elysia brought her hand close to Admiral Marco, and Victor went to perch on the admiral's forearm.

"Hum, I can't blame you. After all, you're still a baby girl with little to no experience and knowledge." Victor shook her head with a sigh.

"Hehe, then, we will continue our sightseeing to check around the mothership. See you at the meeting in two hours." Elysia waved her hand and walked away. Sylvia followed next to her.

"Tyler, accompany Miss Elysia and Miss Sylvia on tour. Make sure no intruders or troublemakers approach them." Marco gave his order.

"Yes, sir!" Tyler saluted and rushed after Elysia's group.

"The black-haired girl is really mysterious, but the white-haired one is terrifying. She gives off a dangerous vibe. Other than that, the white cat is really offensive and savage. What's with that group of three? Do you know something about them?" Victor whispered in a subtle voice.

"Elysia is a hidden saint healer but also a traveling merchant. Moreover, that cat is her bodyguard. A strong elemental spirit like you too, but in the form of a cat. As for the white-haired girl, she is her protector, but that girl is really confusing. It's as if the three of them are from different worlds." Marco didn't mind leaking the open secret information to the strange bird.

"Very well, Admiral Marco, let's go somewhere private." Victor nodded and gave her orders.

"Hmm." Marco raised his eyebrows and walked away with his expert squad followed closely behind.

He had to confirm something by squeezing the information out of this bird and ensuring everything. Perhaps, what Elysia said was feasible, and an interrogation did need to be carried out.

"Ely, is that all right? You let that bird go with that person." Sylvia whispered softly.

"That's fine. She doesn't know anything about us other than Vann's threat. You've also made her so wary. I prefer Admiral Marco to do our job to satisfy Victor's curiosity." Elysia used her advanced perception at a glance to see where Victor was being led away.

"They could have teamed up for the unknown, right? But, well, they wouldn't have dared to do anything against us in the first place." Sylvia closed the conversation as she didn't mind an internal conspiracy. With that, she could justifiably beat them black and blue.

"..." Tyler just followed closely behind in silence. It was a bit of another opportunity for him to hear Sylvia speak. Unfortunately, he had absolutely no idea what these two girls were talking about.

He then glanced to the side and narrowed his eyes. He channeled his spirit power into his eyes, and he could see many monstrous lower-class astral beings trying to get close to the mothership.

For so many reasons, this incident reminded him of the zombie apocalypse movies where this place was the only safe place amidst the invasion of countless zombies outside the fence.

"Who would have thought that would come true?" Tyler muttered under his breath as he got a sudden shiver.

'Master Elysia, can we later try to open the Nature Realm's portal and enter there? I want to visit my mother.' Rhea asked with a longing tone.

'Naturally, I also need to prepare many things in the Nature Realm. Ah, we also need to help you recover your magic energy. That way, you can regain true form again at will.' Elysia agreed with the proposal as she was also going there that night.

'Yeah, we can open telecommunication with Nell again. We need to know the situation in Vrelenia. Since we can use our Vrelenia's magic in the underworld without fearing the world's balance, maybe we can try something extra, like a video call with Nell? What do you think, Ely.' Elena couldn't wait to try some experiments after this without worrying about running out of magic energy.

'Mm, let's do that tonight.' Elysia also felt a bit impatient.

She then looked towards the ocean. Sea supernatural creatures are on the outer wall of the protective talismans' effective zone. Some tried to climb up, but it was in vain because of a slippery transparent dome barrier. josei

'What should we do for these soldiers?' Elysia mumbled in her mind because she still didn't have the right solution for everyone.

'We can go to one of the supernatural kingdoms and borrow their dimensional gate. After everyone returns to Earth, the gate owner can retrieve the dimensional gate back. That's an interesting solution, isn't it?' Elena suggested a suggestion in a playful tone.

'Hm, but we still need to return to the underworld, right? We need to explore this realm in search of Xero and the Ruvoid God. They might be here. The Earth God doesn't know anything about foreign arrivals other than Sylvi and us, so they obviously don't exist in the Earth surface dimension.' Elysia put her hand to her chin as she thought for a moment.

'For that, we can leave a marker here. That way, we can come back here at any time by making our own dimensional hole. I will explain the details later tonight in Nature Realm. For now, we just need to find a way to send these warships and these soldiers back to Earth.' Rhea proposed the best solution she could come up with in the current situation.

'That was wonderful, Rhea. So, we just need to find a dimensional gate in another supernatural kingdom. Hopefully, we can find that gate quickly and send everyone back to Earth quickly. This place is not for the living humans for a place, after all.' Elysia is feeling enlightened. She knew what she needed to do now.

'Hehe, nice to help.' Rhea was flattered.

Elysia and Sylvia continued their walk around the mothership to check the effectiveness of the protective talismans. Unfortunately, that mothership is too big to be surrounded by just walking at a leisurely pace.

Several young elites arrived shortly after and joined the short patrol group to accompany Elysia and co. They didn't want Tyler to be the only one to receive such an opportunity with these two flawless, mysterious beauties.

Although, it was also included in their superior's order to establish good relations with Elysia.

Two hours passed just like that. Elysia felt her legs were quite sore after traveling for two hours around the mothership. However, she could at least make sure that no supernatural beings had sneaked in. The formation of protective talismans was quite adequate, and everything was installed with appropriate precision.

After that, they returned to the strategy room because the higher-ups needed to plan what to do.

"So let's keep things brief. We formed a joint squad of the best experts and elites for an extremely high-risk expedition. They will search for the dimensional gate of the nearest supernatural kingdom. If possible, they will bring back the gate here by any means. Miss Elysia, we want you and Miss Sylvia to join this squad." Mitsuzuka stood at the center of the pulpit and announced to everyone.


The mothership shook before anyone could respond, and the red emergency alarm made everyone tense up.

"What happened!? Is this another raid?" Kenji exclaimed with urgency.

"No, sir. There's a giant black vortex five kilometers to the northeast! It might hit us in ten minutes!" One of the soldiers displayed something on the main screen.

"Hm?" Sylvia was a bit surprised. She had never heard of such a vortex happening in the underworld if it wasn't someone's fault.. It was an abnormality, and something must have happened there.

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