Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 802 Second Day Hunt

Chapter 802 Second Day Hunt

“…” Elysia sat near the second-floor balcony, watching the sunrise with several thoughts in mind. She woke up early but was in a dilemma because of a message she had just received.

“Want a cup of hot tea?” Evelyn sat next to Elysia with the tea set.

“Mm, thank you.” Elysia nodded slightly while stroking the three fluffy ones on her lap.

“Here.” Evelyn poured a cup of tea for Elysia and herself. She then glanced at the two foxes and a cat huddled together on her best friend’s lap. “They were fast asleep. What are you thinking, Ely? You look troubled. If you like, you can share your thought with me.”

“Uhm…” Elysia tapped her smartphone to her chin, then activated the screen. She opened the recent message and showed it to Evelyn. “Eve, Erina asked about how I’m doing. She seemed to know I had returned to this house and said she would come to visit. I advised her to stay at her mansion for a few days, but she responded with this.”

“Ely, I know your secret~. Wink, wink.” Evelyn read the message with a perplexed expression. “What secret is Erina implying here? Is it possible she’s trying to blackmail you, Ely?”

“I don’t think so. I also don’t know what secret she means here. Is it possible that she already knows everything about our true identities?” Elysia muttered in deep thought, but something suddenly crossed her mind. “Oh no… We went out to buy some necessities. Erina’s family might be able to connect the dots and come to a conclusion.”

“And the possible conclusion is?” Evelyn tilted her head slightly.

“They know that we are from another world and come with a group of Gods? Information technology is so scary in this world.” Elysia wasn’t so sure about it, but it might happen.

“Hehe, but this is still your homeworld, right? Ely, why don’t you think of it as a girl joking with her friend? The secret she meant might be something trivial.” Evelyn smiled in amusement because Elysia’s scared expression was so adorable.

“Oh, that’s also possible. Let me reply to her message with this.” Elysia replied to the message with another joke. She also gave some kind suggestions for Erina’s family and prayed for Erina and Kenji’s speedy recovery.

“Hum-mm, she is a good friend. She doesn’t complain or blame us despite the disaster her family has received. We’ll visit and spend some time with her when the chaos is over, right? It will be fun after she recovers.” Evelyn watched the sunrise while sipping her hot tea.

“Yes, you are right, Eve. I am blessed to have so many great friends in my life. I feel grateful.” Elysia smiled in satisfaction.

Calm returned to the surroundings for a few seconds. Evelyn then decided to ask something rather sensitive. “Nee, Ely. Do you intend to reveal some of our secrets to Erina? It will be sad if we return to Vrelenia and leave her behind.”

“I’ve thought about it. I hope it will just be a secret between them and us. No outsiders are allowed to know more about us.” Elysia nodded slightly and took a sip of her tea.

“I see…” Evelyn nodded slightly. She was satisfied with that answer.

“Uhm, hum…” Lynn woke up and yawned.

“Did you get a good night’s sleep?” Elysia stroked Lynn’s head.

“Uh-huh?” Lynn looked to the right and left somewhat confusedly. She no longer slept on her futon but on Elysia’s lap, and this wasn’t in the bedroom. “Sorry to bother you. I might sleepwalk and snuggle with Yuuki and Vanessa.”

“You don’t need to apologize. Here, I shall give you a little pat-pat.” Elysia held both sides of Lynn’s head with a mysterious smile.

“Eh? O-oh, mm~” Lynn was stunned, but she soon melted as Elysia’s godly fingers gave a slight massage near her fox ears.

“…” Evelyn was slightly startled as Lynn’s eyes rolled upwards, soaring high in ecstasy. She wondered what it was like to be caressed and caressed by Elysia’s hand to cause such an expression.

By the time Elysia finished, Lynn was embarrassed for some reason. That was a bit embarrassing to say. She immediately excused herself to the bathroom.

“Hmm?” Elysia blinked her eyes a few times when she noticed a slight wet stain on her lap. It was where Lynn had been lying before.

Yet, she didn’t think much about it and just removed the wet stain with her magic.

Vanessa and Yuuki soon woke up alternately. They then asked their master for their morning routine, and Elysia granted their wish. The fluffy time has become a morning and night routine for them.

After that, everyone woke up because it was almost breakfast time.

And after breakfast, it was time for them to start their hunting mission to eliminate all the participants in the God Game.

“Please wait a moment. I would like to inquire about the Earth Mother’s well-being first.” Elysia raised her hand for attention.

“O-yeah, please ask and tell us, tell us.” Sora and her fellow nature spirits cheered cheerfully. They were eager to hear the news since the last time they communicated with Earth Mother was yesterday.

Elysia glanced at everyone, and Elena gave her a nod of approval. She then clasped her hands and closed her eyes before focusing on sending telepathy through the marker she got from Earth Mother yesterday.

‘Right now, I’m fine and recovering. Perhaps, I will fully recover the day after tomorrow.’ Earth Mother immediately answered without having to listen to the question.

‘I feel relieved and happy to hear good news from you. We will move with only two groups to take on the powerful evil deities.’ Elysia felt relieved in her heart.

‘You all should be more careful because several groups of two to five deities are conspiring to commit a massacre. They also set some formation traps in anticipation of your arrival.’ Earth Mother offers a good suggestion.

‘Can you elaborate to me the details?’ Elysia felt that the situation was quite bad because Earth Mother’s intonation sounded worried.

‘Their situation has changed because it happened a few hours ago. Nature spirits will guide you to their location once you get their faction’s chess pieces. I’m sure you can detect trap formations if you’re more careful, especially you, Elysia. Your eyes are very unique and useful for uncovering their disguise.’ Earth Mother heaved a subtle sigh.

‘I see. Thanks for the information. We will be a few steps ahead of their plans today.’ Elysia nodded in understanding.

‘The most dangerous trap formation and alliances are in Northern Europe and South America. Please raise your vigilance to the maximum level for your safety.’ Earth Mother gave the final piece of information, which was the most important thing to convey.

Elysia then expressed her gratitude and conveyed a wish to get well soon. Their telepathy ended after that.

‘Everyone, we will be moving in a bigger team than yesterday because it’s true that the evil deities have an alliance to counterattack us. They set up several deadly trap formations and planned a massacre. We must increase our vigilance and caution, especially when entering Northern Europe and South America regions. According to Earth Mother, there is the hiding place of the most dangerous trap formations.’ Elysia relayed the information she just got to everyone.

‘Then, it’s decided. My team will go to South America and then to Northern Europe.’ Xero decided arbitrarily.

‘Don’t let anyone get hurt. Can you guarantee that?’ Elena glanced at Lifa.

‘My team is in charge of the most dangerous alliance? Alright, we can deal with them since I have some plans and techniques to outsmart formation traps.’ Lifa didn’t mind Xero’s decision.

The nature spirits then pestered Elysia to tell them the Earth Mother’s latest news. Of course, Elysia satisfied their curiosity by sharing the good news.

“Then we’ll go first.” Elena raised her hand in farewell. She then brought Elysia, Rhea, Evelyn, Vanessa, and two nature spirits to the sky in invisibility.

“Why doesn’t Goddess Lena put me on the same team as Ely again? Is she planning something else?” Ai pursed her lips after Elysia’s team left.

“That’s because she has predicted many things far ahead. We have eight strong individuals, including your dragon, and five nature spirits.” Lifa tried to reassure with a gentle tone.

“Stop your ridiculous complaining, Elysia’s shadow. You can’t stay away from your main host for even five *duck squawking* minutes?” Xero snorted.

“Hm? I kind of heard an unpleasant noise… But where is that from? Hey, Yuuki, can you hear it?” Ai put her hand on Yuuki’s shoulder.

“…” Yuuki felt cornered because she was dragged into trouble. She glanced at the Heretic God, then at Ai. Unfortunately, it actually looked like she was shaking her head once.

“Yup, that’s it.” Ai nodded happily.

“…” Xero didn’t care about Ai’s chatter. This girl had hated him since they first met, and nothing had changed.

“Now is the time. Let’s go to Northern Europe first. Ai and Yuuki are quite familiar with the terrain there. For South America, we need to gather information about that place first.” Lifa beckoned everyone to come closer. She then created a sizeable golden magic circle on the floor.

“Good.” Xero nodded in agreement.

“Let’s go to the icy region!” Nell gathered with the nature spirits and cheered.

“Oh!” The nature spirits responded in unison.

Lifa then activated her space jump magic to go to the icy region in the northern part of the planet. She did it without needing to know the exact coordinates of the destination.

The scenery suddenly turned into a white expanse of land full of snow with a grayish-white sky. Cold air blew as if greeting the newcomers.

“Where are we now?” Yuuki still felt cold even though she wore a reasonably warm shadow robe.josei

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