Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System!

Chapter 843

Chapter 843: 15.60

Han Shun read the name inscribed on the marbles, "Javier Di Arlingdon, and uh… Sakuma Hoshino."

"Yes, those are the sphere of a powerful Sun King called Javier and a genius scholar called Sakuma. Those two are strong in their own field, and their traits would definitely help you cultivate faster to reach your golden core," The man said. "You should swallow them both if you want to progress quicker."

"Why do I have to swallow two?" Han Shun asked suspiciously. "What will happen if I only swallow one?"

"Then you will take a while until you reach your golden core," the man in a black-golden robe answered. "One marble there is enough to cut your cultivation time by 8 years. So swallowing two would cut 16 years of the needed time for you to reach your golden core."

"Then, how come I can't eat 3?" Han Shun asked again. "I will hit my golden core right now if I eat 3!"

"Eating more than 2 is dangerous for your qi. It will disturb the flow, and your blood vessels will explode. This is the best you can do, so you will reach your golden core in 4 years, right when you are 18 years old," the mysterious man explained.

Han Shun still didn't trust this man. There was no evidence that all he was saying was factual, but the marbles did help him to cultivate faster.

So he had to take the chance. Any risk was negligible when facing the risk of Bai Gege leaving him.

He grabbed the two marbles and swallowed both like swallowing drugs. He closed his eyes, and he could feel his body was melting from inside. He was numb all over before feeling a sharp pain that attacked every inch of his skin.

"ARRRGHH! IT'S PAINFUL!!" Han Shun screamed, but the man in the black-golden robe was nonchalant. 

He waited until Han Shun calmed down and summoned a portal behind Han Shun. 

The man pushed Han Shun to the portal and closed it immediately, staring at the emptiness surrounding him.

He felt nostalgic as he was thinking about his wife. 

"Yunyu, my wife… will you finally remember all the heinous deeds we did to each other after this? I did everything according to what happened when we first met. This is your original story, remember?" The man said. "I wished that you would accept me someday, but even if you don't, I will make sure you will keep remembering me, even as your worst nightmare."


Baishe was meditating peacefully until he felt something coming from Han Shun's body. She opened her eyes to check and was surprised when she saw a very strong golden aura coming from him. 

"No way— don't tell me that he is already reaching his golden core!" Baishe quickly checked the core, and she was relieved.

Han Shun hadn't reached his golden core, but he was damn close! It was so close that Han Shun should be able to reach it in less than five years!

Baishe doubted that Han Shun was having another dream about Master Bai this time because when she looked down, Han Shun didn't seem to make any big bulge like before.

Baishe was curious, so she splashed a small wave towards Han Shun.

Han Shun opened his eyes and stared at Baishe directly, "What?"

"I should be the one who asks that, kid!" Baishe yelled. "What did you do just now?"

"I'm cultivating."

"Yeah, what kind of cultivation were you doing right now? You know that you've progressed way too fast. Not even Master Bai can progress this fast before. I'm starting to think that you have some sort of cheat that helps you!" Baishe suspected.

Han Shun gulped nervously and averted his gaze, "You're speaking nonsense. I don't even know what happened to my body!" 

Baishe peered at Han Shun suspiciously, but since there was no proof, she had to drop the suspicion and asked, "Alright, what are you thinking when you're cultivating then?" 

"Uhh… Obviously, I'm thinking about Bai Gege," Han Shun replied with a half lie. It wasn't a complete lie because he thought about Bai Gege all day and night. "I just can't wait to meet Bai Gege. That's why my cultivation rises tremendously!"

"Y—You should check how long would I need to reach my golden core. You can inspect it, right?" Han Shun asked.

"Hm, I can do it for you," Baishe scanned Han Shun's core and analyzed the amount of time he needed to complete this stage. 

"Okay, you will need 4 years to complete your core formation. So when you're 18 years old, you should be able to leave this cave," Baishe informed.

Han Shun was a tad disappointed because he still wanted to finish it right now.

But since it wasn't allowed to drink more than two marbles, Han Shun had to stay here for 4 years, which was better than 'an indefinite' amount of time, or 20 years based on that mysterious man. 

"So, by 18, I can follow Bai Gege to his Plum Blossom Immortal Sect, right?" Han Shun asked.

"Yes, you can. That's why you got to continue your cultivation. I don't think you can cut more time after this, though," Baishe said, refusing to believe there was someone who could do more than Han Shun.

If this worked, he would be the first person to reach the golden core stage in less than 10 years. Han Shun would only take 4 years if there was no delay.

'Maybe I underestimated Master Han Ye's soul too much,' Baishe thought. 

Meanwhile, Han Shun continued his cultivation. He couldn't wait to meet Bai Gege again and then left as two to the Plum Blossom Immortal Sect.

'Bai Gege, I will always follow you, even to the depths of hell. Nothing can separate us….'  josei

[Pupa: Ding! Breakmeter increases to 35%!]

Notes: This is the promised 8 chapters mass release to commemorate Pupa's 25th birthday! 

Thank you for your patience, and thank you for reading!

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