Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System!

Chapter 858

Chapter 858: 15.75

Han Shun thought it was Bai Gege until the one behind the door opened his mouth, "Young Master Han, Master Bai told me to bring you the new leather boots."

Han Shun's expression turned sharp the moment he heard that kid— Han Min, outside. 

He wanted to minimize the chance of meeting this kid because he was a thorn in his eyes no matter what. 

He got to spend 4 years with Bai Gege. Even if there was nothing between them, Han Shun's heart couldn't accept it.

He smirked as a malicious thought was formed in his mind, and then he yelled back, "Come in!" 


Han Min didn't expect Young Master Han to answer him. He knew that Young Master disliked him, and Master Bai had already briefed him, saying that he just had to work as usual. Young Master Han would tolerate him eventually.

Who would've thought that Young Master Han suddenly allowed him to enter his room? 

Han Min got excited, thinking that Master Han must've tolerated him now!

"T—Then please excuse me, Young Master!"

Han Min slid the door carefully and looked to the front. He saw Young Master Han Shun was sitting on a chair. He leaned back leisurely. He had uniquely beautiful eyes because his pupils were surrounded by golden rings. 

Yet, those eyes were looking at him coldly, and Young Master Han had a malicious smirk on his face.

Han Min froze out of fear because he knew that Young Master Han was yet to tolerate him.

But he couldn't just run away, especially when Young Master suddenly said, "Come here with my new boots and sit on the floor." 

"Y—Yes, Young Master…"

Han Min obediently carried the new leather boots and sat on the wooden floor right in front of Young Master Han Shun. He dared not look up, afraid that his eyes would meet with Young Master's contempt gaze. 

Han Shun scoffed when he saw how submissive Han Min was. Was he trying to get sympathy from him? Did he also show the same kind of submissiveness to Bai Gege? He must've been seducing Bai Gege! There was no doubt of it!

Han Shun realized that he was forming his own irrational thought, yet he couldn't stop it whenever he thought Bai Gege would leave him for another man. 

Han Shun intended to humiliate this kid to tell him the big disparity between them. He offered his feet in front of Han Min's face and said, "Put on my boots."

Han Min was stunned for a moment before nodding obediently. He carefully inserted Young Master Han's feet into the boots and tightened the knots. After he was done, he thought he could leave.

So Han Min excused himself, "Y—Young Master, Han Min will leave now—"

"Did I tell you that you can leave?"

"N—No, Young Master. Please forgive me…."

The more Han Min showed his submissiveness, the more annoyed Han Shun got. He wanted to prove that Han Min was a green tea bitch. He acted submissive in front of Han Shun and Bai Gege because he had a hidden agenda!

He must've wanted to slide inside Bai Gege's blanket every night!

Those were the unproven accusations Han Shun made up in his mind. 

Han Shun pushed Han Min to the ground with his boots and stepped on his chest, "AH!" 

"Heh, don't act like it hurts. I didn't even press my boots on your chest right now," Han Shun said. "Besides, you're practicing martial art with Bai Gege, right? Don't act like you're some kind of weak princess."

"Ack— Ack—" Han Min felt like his chest had been pressed by a big boulder, even when Young Master Han said he didn't even press his shoes. 

Han Shun gritted his teeth when Han Min didn't admit it, "You little piece of shit, do you think you can seduce my Bai Gege? Remember, you're nothing compared to me! I could crush you if I want. I haven't done it because you're under Bai Gege's protection!"

While Han Shun continued to threaten him, Han Min was on the verge of death because he couldn't breathe at all. He also felt that his ribs could be broken soon.

"You— say something—"


Han Shun looked in the direction of the voice who yelled at him and saw Bai Gege standing at the door, glaring at him full of displeasure. 

Now it was Han Shun who got scared when he saw Bai Gege rushing towards him. He raised his feet from Han Min's chest, but it was too late. 

Bai Shijue raised his hand and—


Han Shun was shocked when Bai Gege slapped his cheek. It didn't hurt him, of course. But the psychological impact was so strong that he could only freeze for so long, trying to process what just happened. 

Bai Shijue quickly picked Han Min from the ground and put his hand on Han Min's chest.

He got even angrier when he realized how bad the internal wound was. 

"Why did you do that to him?!"

Han Shun was still shocked. This was also the first time Bai Gege ever raised his voice against him. Bai Gege would never slap or yell at him, no matter how naughty he was. 


"I—I just want to teach him a lesson, so he would know his place…." Han Shun admitted weakly. He felt his strength had been drained the moment Bai Gege slapped him.

"I… I didn't even stomp him… he is just faking it to gain your attention, Bai Gege…."josei

"Faking it?!" Bai SHijue pulled Han Min's robe and showed the horrifying bruise on his chest. "You almost crushed his ribs!"

Han Shun was shocked when he saw the bruise. He didn't expect Han Min to suffer for real. He was just trying to intimidate the kid so he wouldn't dare to get close to Bai Gege.

"I—I swear I didn't press my boot!"

"Han Shun, you're a cultivator! You've obtained your golden core! You're no longer a normal human!"

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