Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System!

Chapter 904

Chapter 904: 15.121

"The demonic cultivator must've slipped in before the hunting started. He is still in here. Form a party of three for each sect and start searching!" 

"Yes, Master Bai!"

Now that Bai Shijue was alone, his main focus instantly went to Han Shun. He needed to make sure that Han Shun was alright. 

"Should I return and bring Chinchin with me?" Yunyu asked.

Pupa materialized and flew beside Yunyu. The system opposed the idea, "Loom Forest is far from our sect. It's easier to comb through the forest now."

"… you're right," Bai Shijue continued searching by combing through the forest, but he didn't want to wait. So he pulled a talisman out of his sleeve. 

"Heart Talisman, search for my beloved disciple," Bai Shijue ordered. The talisman flew independently and started guiding the path, meaning Han Shun wasn't far from his current position. 

The Heart Talisman was useful for searching for someone that you loved. But it wasn't as good as Chinchin because of the limited search range. 

Chinchin's guidance could lead you to your target even if they were a world apart. 

The Heart Talisman guided Bai Shijue to a meadow with a flowing river and a small waterfall in the middle. Bai Shijue saw a figure lying near the river. He squinted then his eyes widened instantly.


Bai Shijue flew towards Han Shun, and his feet went cold when he saw Han Shun's condition.

Han Shun lay on the ground. His body had many severe cuts and bruises. He even had a stab wound that was curved inside. All the wounds basically told Bai Shijue that Han Shun had been attacked by that corrupted sabertooth tiger, but he barely managed to escape. 

"Han Shun!" 

Bai Shijue propped Han Shun. He checked the young man's breath and vein. He sighed in relief when he found out that Han Shun was still alive. 

Bai Shijue didn't think twice about using his heal. He took a deep breath and hugged Han Shun's body. 

They were surrounded by a faint glow of green, and all of the wounds around Han Shun's body slowly closed.  josei

Bai Shijue frowned because healing someone with this method would drain his strength. But he didn't hesitate, knowing that Han Shun's life was in danger. 

After he was done, Bai Shijue got up. He felt a little lightheaded, so he sat on the ground instead.

Han Shun opened his eyes slowly after. He stared at the night sky in a daze until he turned to his left and saw his beloved Bai Gege sitting beside him.

"B—Bai Gege?!" Han Shun tried to get up, but he still felt too weak. "Ugh, my body—"

Bai Shijue propped Han Shun and let Han Shun's head rest on his lap.

Bai Shijue caressed Han Shun's hair gently, "Don't move too much. I've just healed you. Your body is still adjusting."

"Bai Gege, I— I saw that giant sabertooth tiger eating so many people. I thought I could defeat that beast to save the rest, but I—"

"Ssh, no need to go for the detail. I already know everything," Bai Shijue said. "Just rest for now, and we will return to the sect after you can move."

"But the competition—"

"Death in this competition is very common due to the dangerous nature of the hunt. But I don't want you to get hurt, so we will return after you can move," Bai Shijue advised. "Whether you win or lose, you're still my disciple."

"No, Bai Gege. I have… killed a few beasts…." Han Shun reported.


"Yes, I stopped because of that sabertooth that was just too strong…." Han Shun picked the crystals inside his pocket and showed them to Bai Gege. "I… killed eleven beasts, Bai Gege."

Bai Shijue was stunned when he saw eleven rainbow crystals in Han Shun's palm. Rainbow crystals were only available inside the heart of a legendary beast, so it was almost unbelievable for Bai Shijue to see eleven rainbow crystals at once.

"Han Shun, did you get these crystals by killing eleven legendary beasts?" Bai Shijue asked. He guessed maybe Han Shun had made a deal or even stolen from other cultivators. Though, he doubted that the prideful Han Shun would do such a petty thing.

"Legendary beasts?" Han Shun looked confused. "None of them looks scary enough, Bai Gege. They put up a fight, but I finished each of them and took the crystal inside their body."

"… most legendary beasts don't look intimidating, but they are a lot more difficult and dangerous to fight," Bai Shijue replied. He didn't expect Han Shun to be that strong, considering that Han Shun slacked off in many training they did. 

But maybe his natural talent was just too potent for Bai Shijue's logic.

"Nobody, nor even a group of strong cultivators, has obtained eleven rainbow crystals. You did it all by yourself," Bai Shijue said. "Han Shun, you're amazing."

Han Shun smiled in relief, "That means Bai Gege is proud of me, right?"


"That means I can stay with Bai Gege, right?"

"Yes, you can always stay with me," Bai Shijue replied. "Even without this, you will stay with me, Han Shun. But with this, you've proven yourself worthy of becoming my disciple."

Han Shun closed his eyes and rested well on Bai Gege's lap, "That's the most important thing, Bai Gege. I don't care about winning. I just want you to be proud of me."


Bai Shijue and Han Shun returned to the Loom Forest after a Han Shun could get up and fly on his own. They saw the sect elders, alongside all the remaining participants standing outside the Loom Forest. 

Since the interruption from that corrupted beast, the hunt had to end early. The other sect leaders reported twenty people missing— presumably killed by that corrupted beast. 

"How about the search?" Bai Shijue asked. "Did any of you find the demonic cultivator inside the Loom Forest?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads simultaneously, "We found nobody, Master Bai. Either that demonic cultivator has run away or is just too good at hiding."

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