Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System!

Chapter 906

Chapter 906: 15.123

"If you could defeat him, I will give you the phoenix elixir. But if you got defeated, you have to accept his victory in this hunt," Bai Shijue said.

Man Zhang smirked. He might be no match for Master Bai Shijue, but to defeat a snobby kid? Hah, he would crush this kid in less than a minute!

"I accept," Man Zhang said.

Bai Shijue nodded, "Alright, let us all head to Plum Blossom Immortal Sect training ground. The battle will be spectated by everyone."


Everyone followed Bai Shijue as he flew towards the Plum Blossom Immortal Sect. They gathered in the training ground, and the seemingly empty training ground turned into a gladiator ring for everyone to see.

From the cultivators, leaders, and elders from another sect, and also disciples and elders from Plum Blossom immortal sect itself.

Bai Shijue stood in the middle of the training ground. Han Shun stood on the left, and Man Zhang stood on the right side. They were staring at each other, but Man Zhang looked at Han Shun as if he wasn't worth the time. 

"I do not tolerate torture in this training ground. Defeat your enemy as soon as possible," Bai Shijue explained. 

"Understand, Bai Gege."

"Yeah, understand, Master Bai."

Bai Shijue nodded and teleported away from the training ground. 

Han Shun and Man Zhang stared at each other, and Man Zhang was the first to move by unsheathing his sword. It was a long sword, and he took a deep breath to lit it up in fire. 

"This sword is called the Blazing mountain sword. One heavy slash would be enough to kill. But I will go easy on you," Man Zhang said.

"No, no, don't go easy on me, Master Man," Han Shun said. He glanced at the small pond near the training ground and drew the water. He created an ice sword and aimed it toward Man Zhang. "Do your worst."

Man Zhang hated this kid because he was so conceited and snobbish, "Maybe you will respect your elder after this."

Man Zhang dashed with his flaming sword and suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight, including Han Shun.

Han Shun closed his eyes to detect the man's location, and Master Han Ye whispered in his ear, 'Left.'

Han Shun quickly turned to the left and slashed the air. Man Zhang was shocked and was forced to dodge before he got slashed. 

"How could—" Man Zhang thought his vanishing technique was perfect. How could this kid know his exact location?


Man Zhang pointed his sword toward Han Shun and summoned a fire snake from the tip of his sword. The fire snake hissed toward Han Shun and attacked him.

Han Shun chuckled, the snake was fast, and it would be difficult if he had to draw out water from that pond.

So he tapped the ground with his shoe, and a wall was erected from the ground, shielding Han Shun from the fire snake's attack.


Everyone gasped when Han Shun could summon an earth wall to protect himself. They all knew that Han Shun had a spiritual water root, but he had two roots now?

"I don't want to prolong this fight," Han Shun said. He tapped the ground again, and four earth walls were erected from the ground, surrounding Man Zhang.

Man Zhang didn't panic, though. He flew up and floated mid-air, ready to attack Han Shun again. 

"I won't let you," Han Shun threw his ice sword toward Man Zhang and turned it into a tentacle wrapped around Man Zhang's leg.

"What are you on, kid? You might be blessed with two spiritual roots. But all of your techniques are slow and useless against me."

Han Shun smirked and replied, "Look down."

Man Zhang looked down, and his eyes widened when a giant tentacle suddenly attacked him from below. It was so fast that he had no chance to dodge it.  josei

The giant tentacle grabbed Man Zhang's body and dragged him to the hole with water prepared by Han Shun when Man Zhang was boasting.

"Argh! Damn it!" Man Zhang was drugged until his body hit the water. He stuck out his head, but before he could react, Han Shun quickly froze the water, trapping Man Zhang. 

"Grrrhh! Enough!" Man Zhang opened his mouth, ready to call his sword. But Han Shun closed the hole with the four walls he had erected before by stacking them one by one, making sure that Man Zhang wouldn't be able to do anything inside while he was trapped.

Man Zhang screamed, but his scream couldn't pierce through four earth walls stacked into one on top of him. He couldn't move his body because he was frozen from the neck under.

Man Zhang decided to close his eyes and focus on his body. He started emanating heat to thaw the ice.

"I can sense you," Han Shun said. He flew and landed on top of the stacked wall. Man Zhang was under these stacked walls, still emanating heat to break free.

Han Shun smirked. He was just playing around the whole time. Now he wanted to finish this man who dared to challenge him. Han Shun drew as much water as possible from around him and created a huge ice sword. 

The huge ice sword was floating mid-air, ready to be plunged into the hole to kill Man Zhang instantly.

Bai Shijue frowned. He knew this was already Han Shun's victory, so he floated down and stood in front of Han Shun, "It's done, Han Shun. You win."

"No, Bai Gege. I haven't killed this man yet. It's not a victory without bloodshed," Han Shun replied. He had a twisted smile on his face as he looked down at his target under the stacked earth wall. "This will show them that I'm not someone they can mess up with, and I will not bow down to anyone other than you."

"Han Shun, it's done. There is no killing in this fight," Bai Shijue said.

But Han Shun didn't listen. He chuckled and dropped the giant ice sword to the ground. 

Bai Shijue quickly dashed and landed under the giant ice sword. 

"BAI GEGE!" Han Shun yelled as he didn't intend to hurt his Gege.

Bai Shijue raised his hand, and a small light came out of his finger. He shot the giant ice sword with his laser beam and destroyed it instantly. The ice shard was scattered in the air and became a hail on the training ground.

Bai Shijue glared at Han Shun, and he kicked all of the earth walls. Bai Shijue thawed the ice himself and pulled Man Zhang out of the hole.

Man Zhang was pale, and his body was cold. He tried to heat his body to thaw the ice, but no matter how many times he did it, the ice would be frozen solid in less than a second, making him weak and unable to move.

After making sure that Man Zhang was alright, he announced, "Man Zhang cannot fight. Han Shun is the winner."

"With this, the Loom Forest hunting has been completed with Han Shun as the winner and will obtain the phoenix elixir. 

Everyone went silent as nobody dared to voice their protest. One shocking twist came after another today. From the corrupted beast, Han Shun, that obtained eleven rainbow crystals, and now Man Zhang, the powerful sect leader of Silver Harmony Immortal Sect, was defeated by this kid. And it was a fair and square battle this time.

Bai Shijue didn't blink as he continued staring at Han Shun. He wasn't proud of the cruelty that Han Shun showed just now.

"Go to my courtyard, Han Shun."

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