Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Jiang Ying Yue (17)

That morning, after breakfast, while Xiao Lu and the other maids led Jiang Ying Yue to the neighboring house now owned by the witch, Jiang Li was in his own residence's study, checking the backgrounds of the people in the Chen Wang estate.

To be honest, what he found out was quite surprising. Even he didn't expect he would have to fire more than thirty people. His mother's most trusted stewardess was one of them. That, and the matter about Jiang Ying Yue seemingly added together and caused their relationship to become a bit estranged. In the meal they had this noon, the woman did not speak with him at all.josei

By the afternoon, he received an invitation from the palace for a recreational event the most favored consort had requested from the Emperor. Since he was invited, he rode his horse to the place to check the event where the female lead would impress the people using her invention. Of course, he was not really going there solely for that. It was because he heard the Marshal's side was also invited and that the ladies from there would attend. 

The event hosted by the imperial family this time was a boat race. It was held in the lake a mile south of the palace. When he arrived there with his attendants, Mao Hong and Xun He - the latter, a bulky guy with a braided hair, almost everyone invited was already there. The Emperor was not yet around though since no matter the occasions, he and the other imperial members never failed to show up last.

"Look ahead, Your Highness," Mao Hong who had just jumped down his horse pointed his hand in front. "That golden one is a feast for the eyes."

Jiang Li's eyes followed the direction his subordinate's finger was pointing to. "You're right. It's quite a sight." He was referring to the row of boats at the part of the shore that the water could reach. Mao Hong's eyes were on one of those.

He jumped off his horse too and left it to Xun He who wordlessly brought it to the stables. A eunuch from the palace came forward to greet them. This eunuch signaled to another one standing near the entrance and that person hurriedly announced Jiang Li's arrival in a loud voice.

"Your Highness. That boat looks different from the others. Like the rest, it is shaped and modeled after a long water dragon. But it seems to be made out of pure gold. Wait, is it really gold? I don't think it is its main material. Can gold even float in water?" Mao Hong looked clueless, turning to his boss who he believed should know the answer.

Jiang Li thought for a moment then replied, "It can."

"Oh. Amazing then!" exclaimed his subordinate whose eyes widened as he admired the vessel from the distance.

"How so? Even if a boat made out of pure gold can float, what of it?" Jiang Li looked at him weirdly then laughingly shook his head. "Don't be fooled by its cool appearance. Looks can be deceiving. Those that seem good on the surface might be a trap. Like the one in front, if it's truly made of pure gold, then it's only okay viewing it from the shore and admiring its shiny exterior. If you want to board it though. I won't recommend it."

"If it won't sink, it should be safe. why wouldn't Your Highness want to ride it?" Confusion was on Mao Hong's face again.

They had been walking for some time now and were already near the pavilions created for those who wanted to watch the race from the shore. When everyone noticed their arrival, they came forward to greet him. The gentlemen bowed, while the ladies curtsied. Then when they raised their heads and walked away a little, they pretended to be busying themselves with something even though in reality they were eavesdropping.

All of them saw the cool-looking sight. The naive majority thought it looked amazing and should be able to perform better than the other dull-looking boats. But then suddenly, somebody declared it was something people shouldn't dare to ride.

'Why would Chen Wang say that? Is His Highness intimidated by how it's pure gold?'

Jiang Li shook his head upon seeing everyone's curiosity. In one corner of his eye, he caught sight of the creator of that boat. This person looked interested in what he would say too.

Standing in the forefront, and followed by the waiting crowd, he directed his gaze at the row of boats and explained, "This Prince only read it from a text I have accidentally stumbled upon. The book explained that while gold can float, that's it. Gold is a very soft metal and it's proven by how it can easily be molded into accessories or currency. Boats are usually built using tough materials though. Or else, we would constantly worry whether it can withstand the pressure of water from both sides, especially if it's going against the waves or current. We won't want to stand on a precious metal only to drown due to it in the end, right?"

Afterward, he laughed. While the rest thanked him for the knowledge that he shared, he raised a corner of his lips. He was not yet finished. "Alright. The big deal about that nice thing we can see from here is that it only looked to be gold. But it's actually not. Sooner or later, even if This Prince didn't say a thing, one of the learned scholars nearby would share what This Prince just shared. And then when everybody thought the boat is just a sham, with a good appearance but zero functionality, that's most likely when it will amaze us of its ingenious performance."

"In reality, the boat is just like the others, either made of metal or wood. It probably has a surprise store for its opponents. But This Prince is more inclined to wonder who invented the stuff coated on its surface."

A discussion arose around him for some time, half of the people nearby praising the creator of the boat, taking it already for the winning creation, while half praised Chen Wang. Some ladies were having dreamy look on their faces, finding the prince so admirable for not only having nice martial skills but also a vast knowledge. 

System: ... My host looks pleased for sabotaging the female lead's operation.

He didn't hear the system so he didn't react. Jiang Li continued smiling and basking on people's attention.

However, it was actually correct.

In the original plot, Sheng Lingxin had one of her guards disguise as a scholar. This man told everyone the first part of the information Jiang Li just shared then incited the rest of the onlookers to bet on the other boats. This was how the female lead triple the money she betted on the ship she designed. This event was a cut scene from the game and in one of the fragments of memories, Sheng Lingxin perfectly copied it.

Well, putting the scheme aside, her real goal was actually to promote her paint products and blueprints. To show off her talent and create an impression on people. Jiang Li doesn't care much about this since all this event would do was help the heroine increase her worth in both the Emperor and her fiancé's mind. Him messing up with her money-making scheme was just a sudden whim.

He swept his eyes around to search for his targets today.

"Chen Wang." The tall, muscle-bodied Xun He sudden said in a low, baritone voice. "To the left, this subordinate saw the Grand Marshal's family arriving..." 

Jiang Li's eyes automatically went to that side. Disregarding the female lead who was standing next to Hai Wang but was secretly stealing glances at him, he saw the Jiang Family. They were only five meters away from his current position...

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