Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 117

Chapter 117: Jiang Ying Yue (24)

For Jin Yahui, it was hard to trust information that comes from higher ranked people. Apart from knowing those aristocrats loved to scheme all day long and take releasing rumors or faked news to the masses as a hobby, there was also the fact that she was used to dealing with commoners. She could judge the accuracy of intelligence more if it were to come from them.

This was probably the reason she was on edge all night after she and her son got back to their humble abode in the Jiang Estate. A warning came from one of the most distinguished persons in the dynasty. And of course, she was having difficulty trusting it.

Chen Wang was somebody who rarely stays in the capital. Out of twelve months, he would only be around for two, or probably less. He preferred being in a warzone of swords and bows than that of words and schemes. Normally, for people like him who was not only young for his position, but also seemed allergic to court intrigues, intel should be something he would not be good at.

So were his words credible, or not? Why did he say that the Emperor would soon target the Jiang Clan?

Jin Yahui's method of discerning the truth was quite simple yet unconventional. She spent most of the night and the early morning of the next day sending her few people gathering information about Chen Wang's recent actions. As expected, there was not much known about him. Because of this, it took her a fairly long time to think about it.

In the end, she chose to bet on the fact that he was not an imperial prince, and was not in any of the princes' camp. There was also the fact that this person could track someone kidnapped and brought to somewhere faraway within two hours...

The woman did not know the subject of her contemplation was quite a cheater due to his memories. All she knew was that she wanted to fish out the reason why the Emperor would purge her husband's clan. 

'If Chen Wang's words are true, then I must plan mine and my son's escape!' The woman etched the words in her mind.

For this reason, she sent her people to investigate the whole estate, in a covert manner. Thankfully, she was not like Jiang Li who had limited knowledge of the Jiang household. Her work was a lot more efficient since she was living in the same space and knew how and where to direct her manpower.

She also had a way to the commoner's world and could ask for assistance from her father. 

"Investigate everyone, but put more people on checking who the Second Miss and Second Madam and their people meet this whole week and what they did.."

"What shops they frequented for the past two months..."

"Was the madam's mood swings in the first week of learning she was pregnant normal?"

"The Second Miss is acting like her usual self, and only talking about Rui Wang the whole day. But she's somebody raised by Lady Wang to scheme all day. There must be something more to it!"

"Oh? There's a sudden transfer of people to the family's vacation mansion in the neighboring province? And one of the guards suddenly disappeared?"josei

One of her loyal maids who followed her here from her family home whispered, "Lady, actually one of the people in contact with us had a talk with this guard's relative who thought he's already dead. This person also said he once heard the guard bragging about a handkerchief rewarded to him by Lady Wang."

Jin Yahui wrinkled her brows. She might only be in her mid-twenties, but what stories and schemes had she not seen and dodged? She was suspecting the Second Madam had an affair and the child was created not with the Marshal but with someone else. It was no wonder Lady Wang wanted to get rid of the child and the adultery partner. 

The unfortunate part was that there was no definite proof yet, and finding one would be what would take some time. After all, even if Lady Wang was not that bright, her daughter was. If ever Second Young Miss left anything or anyone that could be used against them, it could only be because it was very hard to find and would take a long time to notice. Would that man be able to wait then? According to her sources, Chen Wang would be leaving the capital in three days...

"Mother, mother. Older brother Jiren gave me a colorful ball. He said this is from the far West. Would you please play with me?"

Jin Yahui once again furrowed her brows, looking at her child who suddenly barged into her courtyard together with her nanny, a forced smile formed on her lips. She feared that Chen Wang's words had some truth in them, which would mean a bad future for her innocent kid.

She opened her arms and the boy obediently jumped hugged her. In a motherly tone, she said, "Since my handsome Lei'er wants to play with me, who am I to say no to my little angel? However, mother is not familiar with the game, may you first demonstrate to me how to play with it?"


Looking at her innocently laughing child, she steeled her resolve and promised herself to find evidence.

What if there was really nothing on the day before the prince general's departure? A second after, she thought to herself that it was such a stupid question.

For her and her child's survival, why would that matter? Any given time, she could just harden her heart and create one!


On Jiang Li's last day of stay in the capital, a piece of good news finally came from the Ministry. He didn't know what the mole he contacted inside the Jiang residence did, but it was now revealed that Jiang Yung Yue actually had no involvement in the Second Madam's miscarriage. The issue was resolved so easily. When people think about it, things actually make sense now. How would a girl wallowing in suicidal thoughts and depression from having her engagement dissolved find time to mind somebody else's business?

The Marshal family's messy backyard affair got aired to the whole world. It was said that the one who really poisoned the Second Madam was another concubine. The alleged reason was not only jealousy but insecurity, thinking if the newborn turns out to be male, her son would have a lesser chance to be appointed as heir.

'In the end, that mother and daughter pair found a scapegoat.' He looked through the report sent by one of the messengers and noticed one amusing fact. 'And the poor concubine selected is antagonistic to Jin Yahui.'

'So this is how she wants to help me clear Jiang Ying Yue's name? Since the other two mysteriously didn't leave a clue, plus, she knew she couldn't topple them, she created a piece of evidence framing someone else?'

He laughed, nodding in both surprise and awe. "Quite witty. Knowing her bounds and acting cautious yet efficient."

He realized Jin Yahui must have believed him and wanted to get his help in the future. But she was no fool. Since she realized he only desired for the Jiang first miss' reputation to be restored, she thought of a way that would fulfill his condition and, at the same time, allow her to co-exist with Lady Wang's faction.

"Why is this person not a man so I can officially recruit him?" Amused, he thoughtlessly blurted out.

"Chen Wang. We can't forget that woman is still officially one of the Marshal's lesser wives."

He glanced at Mao Hong with one of his brows up. "The way you phrased it is quite strange. Mao Hong, I only appreciate her intelligence. But that's it. If one is feeling an urgency in her hearts, exerting one's capabilities would be easier. This person must have only come up with that nice plan from being cornered. After this, her usefulness will be limited."

The assistant lowered his head and sheepishly scratched his neck. "Your Highness is always right. It's your subordinate's mind that derailed. In any case, it's reassuring that even though, the Marshal's family did not revoke the disownment, at least, Miss Jiang has been proven innocent."


Mao Hong frowned and puzzlingly asked, "Still, how come our suspects are different from the one the Ministry of Justice found? Did our spies investigate wrongly?"

"We have the correct data. But even the heavens can be blind sometimes, let alone mere humans."

"That's so unfair!"

While the man standing in front of his desk showed an indignant expression, Jiang Li shrugged, but inwardly he was musing, 'Maybe this happened so that once Jiang Ying Yue becomes strong, she could get justice for herself using her own hands?'

'This means she has to grow as soon as possible though. She only has a year...

He thought to himself, once they return, that should be when the world's leads would start to get entangled with court politics and war for the throne. The empire would enter its turbulent time. And the villainess would be compelled to take advantage of that to create disasters and matchmake Hai Wang and Sheng Lingxin. 

By then, innocence and neutrality would become nothing but defective amulets. Even his own Lu Household would not be totally safe. But the Jiangs? At least, he was sure the Emperor and the villainess would deal with them.

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