Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 134

Chapter 134: Jiang Ying Yue (41)

The whole Grand Marshal Residence was thrown into chaos by the incident with the Second Madam. The Marshal was very furious. He immediately had his men awakened the maids in the compound. The sad thing was when they tried to pry anything from the servants' mouth, they didn't hear any useful information. All of them were saying they saw the First Madam. It was the dead Lady Yu who had risen from the dead and exacted revenge for her daughter! 

"There was no way the dead could come back to life." Jiang Ke responded with cold anger lacing his voice.

In front, the Second madam was already up and sobbing.

She blankly stared at her hands which she just used to scratch her painfully itching face. It was full of blood... and unsightly little beings. It made her whole body and heart tremble so hard. Her breathing seemed to be stopping any time soon. After one last gasp, the woman once again fell unconscious.

Standing by the wide entrance, the Marshal closed his eyes, having no courage too to look at his principal wife's hideous appearance. Not even he, who had been baptized by countless numbers of wars couldn't stand how Lady Wang turned out to be.

"What do we do about the Madam...?" One anxious retainer asked the Marshal when he started walking away. 

"Find her a doctor or two to treat her wounds. If ever she wakes up before the medical experts arrive, don't let her touch or scratch her face again." 

After leaving those words behind, he crossed the gate of the compound, leaving many attendants and guards in total disorder. The dark look on his face did not leave for even a second ever since Jang Li trespassed in his estate. Utterly provoked, he rode his horse, planning to visit the Chen Wang Residence. 


Jiang Li met up with Jiang Ying Yue outside of the Jiangs' estate, at a medicine shop in the Commercial District. It was more or less two kilometers away from that place. The shop had just been bought by the woman, the title deed under one of her closest maidservants' name. 

"I'm glad you're safe, Your Highness." Back to her real appearance, Jiang Ying Yue's smile appeared very dazzling even to Jiang Li's eyes which was already used to seeing gorgeous beauties from the previous worlds. With a curtsy, she welcomed him from behind the counter. The original shopkeeper, an old woman, had long dropped on the ground, kneeling and not daring to lift her head up. 

"The Marshal is probably very furious right now. I'm guessing, he will pay my residence a visit to demand explanation from me or see if the other commotion is your move." He spoke after nodding to her greetings.

Jiang Ying Yue looked down at her shoes, "He could guess it's my doing even though I used my mother's appearance just now?"

"Yeah. That man's smart so he'll surely be able to figure it out." 

Seeing her anxious look, he started patting her head. "Don't worry much though. He wouldn't be able to do anything to you."

She didn't move away, allowing him to do as he pleased with her hair that had been rolled up into a bun. After thinking for a moment, she asked with a worried expression on her face, "The Grand Marshal won't be able to do anything to you as well, right?"

"Hmm." He nodded. After withdrawing his hand, he tossed a cloak at her. Then he led her outside the shop. 

On their way back, the two rented a carriage and enjoyed the bustling scenery along the road. Midway, the girl said to him, "Your Highness, do you think I should pretend to be ill once we go back?"

Seated across her, he laughed. "No need. He has no proof. And there's no way he could put me or anyone under me in a trial without the Emperor's permission."

"...I'm afraid there's a chance the Emperor would collude with him and help him forge evidence or an edict."

"Oh." There was an answer in Jiang Li's mind, but he didn't voice it out to Jiang Ying Yue. In reality, before arriving at their meeting place, he had already gotten in touch with one of his messengers. 

However, in case the old man really chooses the Marshal over a titled Prince from a lineage that helped his dynasty be established... Simple. The coronation of the next Emperor would be put forward earlier than it should be.

Jiang Ying Yue could not guess what was on his mind since he only said, "Don't think much about it." He then kept his silence and only looked at her meaningfully.josei

She didn't ask anymore. 

A few minutes later, after she cleared her head of unnecessary worries, she looked outside and saw that the sky had turned bright red. Breathtaking, but equally ominous. Her gaze lowered to the streets. And only then did she notice that they were not taking the path leading back to the Chen Wang Residence. 

"Your Highness?" Bewildered, Jiang Ying Yue widened her eyes at Jiang Li. "This is not the way back to our houses."

"Yeah." He sat there crossing his long legs, arms folded. His posture made him appear arrogant, especially since he was leaning his head on the back cushion, resulting in his chin being raised.

"Well, why go back there when the Grand Marshal is camping inside?" He added in a matter-of-fact tone.

While Jiang Li had no problem exchanging blows with the man, especially in his own turf, he didn't believe the Marshal would charge there without knowing that. Who knows, maybe that old and sly bear already told some stories to his mother to mislead her, planning to make use of her against him.

They wouldn't go back. Not for now. This was why he repeatedly told the villainess not to worry. 

Not long after, the carriage stopped and dropped them in front of a large residence - the one they had just intruded less than an hour ago. They were now on the same street that they used when they first came here.

For quite a long while, Jiang Ying Yue stared blankly at the tall walls before she realized she was not daydreaming.

Her gaze went to the man smirking evilly next to her. His expression made her realize something. Hence she asked, "Have you already anticipated this?"

"Hmm?" Jiang Li pretended he didn't get what she said, "What do you mean?" he innocently asked. 

"... The Grand Marshal is too mad so he left his home to storm yours. The place is left in the hands of people befuddled by the Second Madam's... hmm... condition? The guards also couldn't be counted on much since they, too, are flustered by the most recent events. The Grand Marshal Residence is a mess. And here you are... taking advantage of it."

Jiang Li gave her an amused look then laughed. "Miss, you're quite clever, This Prince is in awe. Unfortunately, even if I want to reward you with candy, I don't have some with me right now."

His reply stunned her deeply. A few minutes later, she became more dumbfounded when he sneaked them into the residence again... He made her watch from one side as he burned down the Grand Marshal's own compound...

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