Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 139

Chapter 139: Jiang Ying Yue (46)

What happened if the plans meticulously cooked up failed and died while it was still on its cradle?


Jiang Li's face darkened after hearing that Rui Wang rejected their planned visit, passing to him through his messenger that the whole Rui Wang Estate was busy due to the upcoming excursion to receive him. That guy also said that his WangFei was very ill and heartbroken at what happened to her mother so she doesn't want to entertain any guest.

However... How come Rui Wang's estate was busy when the people from the palace were yet to finalize a plan and route? And why was that damn prince sitting at home instead of participating in the planning part of their expedition?

Jiang Li looked downwards, hands behind him. This was a habit he acquired from the original owner of his current body. He said to Mao Hong, "Did he say a date when we could visit his estate?"

"Your Highness... Please forgive this incompetent subordinate. But the people of that place are just too arrogant and immediately led me outside after Rui Wang told me his message. I didn't manage to ask any more questions to Rui Wang."

Mao Hong bowed, looking half-annoyed and half-aggrieved at the treatment that he received. Their conduct towards him was a reflection of how they viewed his master, so he really wanted to hack those servants down when they closed the gate to his face.

"I see." Jiang Li muttered. His expression gradually turning back to its usual indifference. As if amazed, he remarked, "As expected from somebody who grew up pampered by the most powerful person in this dynasty."

"Your Highness. Even if he is the most favored prince, he is still just a prince. The Emperor's favor wouldn't truly guarantee that he will be crowned the heir. Actually, among the imperial princes, Rui Wang is the least competent since even with all the resources falling onto his lap, he has yet to win against his brothers. So what gives him the confidence that he could act like that to the leader of the neutral faction?"

"Well, he's not putting a standoffish general in his eyes since he knows I will be mostly stationed at the southern border. Look. When the engagement between him and the first daughter of the Jiangs failed, he still accepted the second daughter. He wanted the support of someone higher than me and is more frequently staying in the capital." Jiang Li explained.

Mao Hong clenched his fist, fury apparent from his expression. "Your Highness! He'd definitely regret snubbing you. Didn't he know it's you who made the rest of the neutral faction members jump into Hai Wang's defense? Hah, with you supporting Hai Wang, let's see if he could still get the throne!"

The prince-general laughed. He was truly entertained by the emotion showing on his attendant's face. The words he also said were just as amusing.

However, even though Mao Hong had just uttered something bad against somebody from the imperial family, Jiang Li did not scold him or remind him that he should be careful of his words because the walls might have ears. Anyway, what the subordinate said was true. And there was no way there could be spies who could escape his notice.

His attendant accompanied him as he walked back into his own residence. They had just come out of the girl's small compound. Lunchtime was almost over when they arrived at the man's own dwelling place within his residence. However, instead of heading straight into the kitchen, he went to his study and picked up his brush. He had his assistant grind the ink while he busied himself with writing.

"Your Highness, a message to His Majesty?" The other man was puzzled after he accepted the letter and heard who it was addressed to.

Didn't his boss already tell the ministers in the court meeting earlier that he would not be going? He heard he reasoned that since he just went back from the battlefield and would want to enjoy a longer stay in the capital? What was with the sudden change of mind?

"Personally hand it His Majesty." Jiang Li couldn't ignore his favorite attendant's confusion so he added. "Tell him that the recently reinstated first Miss of the Jiangs has decent knowledge in medicine and wants to go with the expedition to help those who will get injured or sick along the way. This Prince will be escorting her and ensuring her safety. I'd be bringing one of my battalions. Add to your explanation later that I was also persuaded by Miss Jiang to go as she wants to ensure no casualty will occur in case we have to take some dangerous and remote routes."

Mao Hong stared at him blankly for some time before tilting his head to the side and suspiciously asking, "Your Highness, may I know what's with the sudden change of decision?"

A couple of moments later, something crossed his mind so he embarrassedly scratched his head and looked down, then peeked at his boss.

"Cough, is it because Your Highness got incensed for my sake so to get back at Rui Wang, you will join the expedition and show Hai Wang, his major competitor apart from the Duan Wang, some support?"

'... This weird guy...'josei

While the latter part was true, the reason Jiang Li would do that was definitely not. Wasn't he himself was slighted? There was also that man almost making Jiang Ying Yue lose her life a year ago.

So Jiang Li gave the other man a serious look then said, "Mao Hong, go look for a good doctor after you deliver that to His Majesty. You need to receive some treatment. I think the air from Rui Wang's caused several pits to appear in your brain."


'Ah... So this is the price for thinking too much...'

The young deputy suspected of having mental problems scratched his head again, bowed, then silently left.

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