Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 153

Chapter 153: Jiang Ying Yue (60) <2-in-1>

Jiang Li's statement meant that somebody out there, a hexer or a witch with unparalleled wickedness and evil magic, did something to the millions of soldiers belonging to the Marshal.

They would die once Jiang Li dies. And once it happens, how would Zhao Empire survive?

The soldiers stationed at the South had long viewed Chen Wang as their king. Forget about submitting to a new general the new Emperor would appoint, it would already be a miracle if they did not revolt once they learned that the new Emperor cut off their general's head, no matter if it was for a true rebellion or a frame-up.

A country with no military might would end up gobbled up and trampled down by the surrounding nations because they had nobody to defend them.

"Chen Wang... You're making this official speechless. To fall this low to the point you'd even ally yourself with somebody from the evil side, you're an embarrassment to your ancestors! You deserve to die!!!" The one who spoke was the Minister of War, an old balding man around the same age as the Marshal, another prominent military official from the fourth prince's side.

The calm fourth prince sharply glared at the man who promptly shut up.

Then for a while, he looked down at the dead bodies of the royal guards by his feet. With his eyes on the few puddles of blood there, he pondered about Jiang Li's words, then raised his sight to the man flinging the blood on a sword that he just picked up.

"Chen Wang. Your with contact with a gu master. That... I know." 

'Wow, this guy is informed.' Jiang Li chuckled. 'Fake Jiang Ke must have been forced to report about his wife's case to him.' 

With narrowed eyes, Lin Wang added, "But even if you have a master of gu by your side, why would This Prince believe what you said? Rui Wang's people just contracted bowel syndromes, not deadly at all. And you dare mentioned the Mythological Yellow Springs? What a joke. This Prince could obviously see that you're just bluffing."

Jiang Li laughed and shrugged his shoulders, "Fine, Your Highness. Anyway... it's up to you whether to believe it or not."

There was no way he would rat himself out through his own mouth. Nonetheless, he couldn't stop himself from appreciating this true villain in his mind.

This other man was quite worthy of being the last boss.

He was vicious and had no qualms killing his own father for the throne. He bided his time and let all his older imperial brothers fought so hard amongst themselves for years, creating a low-key image second only to Hai Wang's. Then when the time was ripe, he sprang into action, framing the to-be-crowned prince of rebellion and the enemy of his greatest general the killing of the monarch.

He was also very resourceful, or else, how would he rope in that bastard Marshal. Quite brainy as well since he immediately realized that Jiang Li was merely talking nonsense.

Right. Jiang Li was truly bluffing. Jiang Ying Yue might have the ability to do what he said because, in the original timeline, that was only how she retaliated against the Marshal. But in this life, it was he who changed her and made her focus her revenge on Rui Wang and the Jiangs, not those innocent ones.

'This Lin Wang could also be an Emperor if not for Hai Wang having the male lead's halo. But of course, he would have a harder time governing the state since he had no support from the masses and there are not many ministers and cabinet members who would submit to him due to this uprising and mass purging. Such a guy who could easily frame even the blameless people, how could he earn people's hearts? But well, in this kind of time period, who said the Emperor always had to get the approval from everyone right away when it could also be slowly worked on?'

Jiang Li shook his head helplessly and thought, but why the heck was he bothering with something as troublesome as this? He glanced at Hai Wang and found the man cutting down those who stood up on his way to his imperial father.

However, Hai Wang deliberately slowed down his pace when he ran towards the Emperor so before he could even get into a five-meter distance from the throne, the scumbag already breathed his last.

"What a sad life this Emperor had on his last days in the world." He subconsciously commented when he recalled everything the old dude experienced this week.

"Chen Wang, eat this!" On his left, the Marshal had already caught up with him. With bulging red eyes, the older man tried to hack him down but Jiang Li's current body had higher reflex so he managed to avoid it.

When the Marshal turned around, he found the general near the throne. After snorting coldly, the bear shoved away all the vases atop the nearest table and tossed it towards the enemy. Unfortunately, the latter evaded again, causing the table to land on the lifeless body of the Emperor which had already slipped off the dragon throne.

'Poor old dude', Jiang Li smiled wryly before running to Hai Wang's side. He pulled the guy away together with the Royal Scribe whom he spotted hiding and shivering behind the tall and elaborate ornate chair.

While his eyes were roaming around, he carried the obese man over his shoulder like a sack of rice. Then he told Hai Wang, "Your Highness, let's get out of here for now."

The man nodded, putting a thoughtful expression at the cowering scribe who was still tightly grabbing on his scroll, and brush. The entrance to the grand hall had long been sealed by the Marshal's people. Meanwhile, the prince was watching the secret exit behind the throne.

Without thinking twice, Jiang Li hacked down the nearest window.

Wanting to kill him and frame him? Hehe.

Before jumping out of it, he gave the Marshal a sharp look and a satirical smile. The vow he made last year was not for show. But unlike the villainess who had some inexplicable love for humiliating her opponents through appearances and reputations, he was more straightforward. Since the fourth prince and the Marshal wanted the throne, even if temporary, he'd simply not let them have it!

A minute after Chen Wang, Hai Wang, and the royal scribe escaped from the window, millions of rats and insects just suddenly poured into the palace hall, freaking everyone there, the fourth prince included. Everyone could not occupy the place even if they wanted to.

Gnashing their teeth and feeling regrets in their hearts, they temporarily vacated the place for Lin Wang Residence. There they would plan how to drive the pests away so they could retrieve the dragon seal and the Emperor's crown.

If there was one thing which gave their side some trouble though, it was the Marshal that had been bitten by one of the biggest rodents and suddenly ended up having a fever.

Of course, the fever was nothing huge, normally. However, for some reason, the bear-man mysteriously fell unconscious and seemed to be in a paralyzed state.

Several royal doctors were invited into Lin Wang's main hall, but they all shook their heads and only prescribed something which could be used to alleviate the nasty symptoms that began to sprout one by one. Before leaving, the last doctor discreetly said to the fourth prince that the sudden illness was actually not something mortal medicine would be able to cure.

'I never know that guy not only hides a very easygoing but infuriating disposition, he's even learned evil magic. I must truly kill him the next time that we meet!'

The main villain's eyes turned into a slit after he realized that in the capital, Lady Ping'An was not the only gu master.


The fourth prince's men already surrounded the Chen Wang Residence and Hai Wang Residence before the confrontation inside the grand chamber even started. Even Jiang Ying Yue's Moon Reflection Pavilion was also surrounded by at least four dozen soldiers of the Marshal's army.

However, because of this move that the villainess realized something bad had happened to Jiang Li.josei

Madam Lu was panicking and sobbing in her own house, frightened beyond belief by the thousands of unfamiliar men reported to be camping outside the gate. The other clan members didn't panic as much since they were all involved in the military one way or another. They only silently waited for their family head to return. Yet less than half of an hour later, everyone was forced out of the residence, apprehended by the Marshal's people under the fourth prince's order.

Thankfully, before Lin Wang's soldiers could drag the Lu Household to the prison, Jiang Ying Yue came out and hypnotized the person in charge to change directions to Chen Wang's army's hidden camp. Xiao Lu was sent in advance to coordinate with Chen Wang's soldiers and met Mao Hong along the way.

Not long after, the Lu Clan were rescued. The soldiers from the Marshal's side were almost wiped out. It was because, apart from Chen Wang's trained men, a few of the household members were very adept in kungfu and military strategies. They only didn't make a move earlier since they were totally outnumbered. But now that their Clan Head's people were around, of course, they wouldn't standby anymore.

The tide was thus turned. And even though there were highly-skilled people too under the Marshal, most of them were at the palace, while those accompanying the tens and thousands of those surrounding Lu Clan were either controlled or put to a sudden sleep by the villainess.

"The Residence is surely seized by now." Madam Lu wrung her handkerchief and cried to another madam belonging to a branch family. The clan was now being escorted outside of the capital. The womenfolk were gathered at the center of the march.

Jiang Ying Yue was with them, but since the First Madam of the Lus was treating her as air, the other had no choice but follow. Well, not like she was bothered by it. She was looking at the direction of the imperial palace. Since her heart was heavy with worry for Chen Wang, she couldn't pay much attention to the people around her.

Xiao also anxiously looked at her. "Young Miss, this servant is afraid that the whole capital has become very chaotic... His Highness' right-hand man told me earlier that His Majesty is probably dead by now and that His Highness is almost killed together with Hai Wang."

"His Highness will surely be alright. Let's believe in him. Not even the hundreds of thousands of enemies in the perilous battlefield at the South managed to claim his life. He... will surely be fine." She repeated the last phrase as if to hypnotize herself.

Atop the horse being led by one of the guards, the villainess painfully closed her eyes and then said to the servant who was seated behind her, "Those armed men are from my father's estate. I'm sure of it. But which of the princes orchestrated this plot? Duan Wang or Lin Wang? Did Mao Hong tell you anything?"

Rui Wang was not mentioned since that guy was already disqualified from the war of princes and was idling in his home with his frog-faced mute Wang Fei.

"It's His Highness Lin Wang..." whispered the servant girl to her.

Jiang Ying Yue who then opened her eyes went silent for some time, watching the reddish horizon. She found it hard to ignore the stuffiness in her chest, that was why after instructing Xiao Lu to go down, she temporarily hypnotized the guard in front to let go of the rein. She then ignored the alarmed voices behind her, and rode the horse back to the capital's center.

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