Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Ye Xinya (2)

To escape punishment and live longer, then don't mention gadgets, don't involve oneself in trouble, stay silent and be obedient. No matter what happens, stick to these rules. Even if that meant watching somebody die before you.

This might sound extreme, but in a place where cruel and heartless instructors were gods, they had no choice but to accept that death, harassment, and violence as norms. The majority were practically abandoned. To survive, the only options were to either become the greater devil, or submit.

However, it was hard for children to do the first since when compared to the adults, they would be like eggs trying to tackle a huge rock. Their strength was feeble. Even if one managed to think of using numbers as their advantage, the others were too meek or tamed to try an uprising.

Fear and lack of drive for change were contagious, like a virus. This made everyone only think of adapting and dancing to the instructors' tune to receive less beating and harshness. 

Now, the outside spectacle was still ongoing and it showed no sign of stopping, yet nobody was speaking up and suggesting helping apart from the ignorant girl. In front of them, the red-eyed drunkard was also already looking badly at the crying females and was raising his baton at them.

The demonic teachers at the place would not care if one was a minor. They also would not show preferential treatment based on gender. And they sometimes punished by groups.

'Is Instructor Xiang planning to break every bone in those five new students today?' thought everyone with wide eyes and bated breaths.

Jiang Li watched as the sole girl not cowering under the scary man's gaze let go of the other girl she was comforting. Before the blunt weapon struck her, she first looked around and after confirming nobody would help her, she readied her stance and with one swift motion, kicked the charging man in the stomach.

Somebody from the classroom gasped. "That student... is so brave..."

The noises immediately died down after that. Everyone around blinked repeatedly to check if they were seeing things or not.

As for the instructor, he got too used to the students admitted to the school never fighting back to him so the sudden attack caught him off-guard. When he realized he would be struck, it was already late. Pain immediately followed. So was a brief cry of pain.

It was after the teacher groaned and curled on the ground that the female student remembered her blunder. She took a deep breath. A second later, she raised her left foot again and kicked down. The target this time was the part between the legs. The leather shoe hit the zipper part which immediately sent the old guy screaming loudly, like a dying pig or a crying cow.

"DAMN YOU GIRL!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Despite sweating so much and rolling sideways as he clutched the part giving him killer pain, he still managed to curse and threaten the person.

The girl seemed to have ignored the shouts, busy helping the crying boys bandage their wounds. She also helped fix some dislocated bones. Jiang Li couldn't help but click his tongue since the female student was suddenly now like an angel, a complete opposite to the tigress from earlier who fought back against somebody twice her height and body built. 

Jiang Li saw the new arrivals talk to themselves with worried or shocked expressions on their faces. Unlike the teacher with a face that had bulging veins yet was devoid of color, they were speaking with each other in a normal voice so he couldn't hear them. Not that he was interested in hearing their discussions though.

He was more concerned with how he had yet to receive the memories fully. Since there would be no more interesting things to watch, he reckoned the next thing he should focus on was the mission.

Unfortunately, he was not comfortable playing the moving pictures in his head amidst a bunch of people.

He frowned, pondering. Not long after, he erased the unnatural look on his face, then raised his hand and said to the person in charge, "Teacher Yao, sorry to interrupt. But I think Head Instructor Xiang is in so much pain and in urgent need of some help. We're the nearest to his location. Teacher, shouldn't you go to aid him? If you were the first one to come to his rescue, he would definitely remember the favor."

The middle-aged man gave him an evil glare, which of course, did not truly intimidate him. Thankfully the person did not notice the odd details since he sunk into contemplation and then realized the kid had a point.

After giving his colleague who was writhing outside another look, he said to everyone in the room, "Class dismissed then. Remember to not wander around or be an annoyance, and comply with the rules. Or else, having no food ticket for a week will be lenient in front of this!"

When the stun gun was raised, everyone showed a fearful look on their faces. Most of the students remembered the owner of one of the vacant chairs at the back and then shivered. They did not even dare to breathe loudly. The sight made the math teacher satisfied. He then left.

As soon as the scary man vanished from the place, everyone sighed in relief and then lowered their heads to stuff their things inside their bags.

The girl from earlier though scanned everyone in the place with watery eyes and then said, "Why did nobody speak up earlier?"

Her voice was not that loud but because it was scarily quiet, her voice made way to everyone's ears. Not few turned their heads at her, but still, nobody answered.

They left one by one, intending to hide in their dorms and not to entangle themselves with any trouble. Even the boy earlier who helped her passed by her and walked out of the room. He was already being nice when he didn't complain about him losing his lunch meal tickets for the week.

In this school, everything was provided for the student, meals, bedspace, toiletries... Yet this also meant that the people in charge had their lifelines in hand. Teachers frequently punished offenders by cutting off their supplies. Most of the time, they used starvation tactics.

Sometimes there were staff who embarrassed students of no access to toilet products. Imagine it. For three to five days they had to think of ways to get stuff to wipe their bum with. The other students wouldn't share theirs since that would be going against the dormitory leaders' rules, and nobody would want to go against those. The other bad news was that water and soap were regulated, at times not even provided. So what would they do?

Anyway, back to the present.

The girl couldn't believe that nobody would even explain their side to her. She was very hurt and felt that on her first day in this unfamiliar school, she was already being discriminated against. It was when she thought only she was left in the room that a voice coming to her right rang, sounding nice to the ears but carried a hint of frost.

"Girl, stop the drama. It's not that nobody wanted to speak up. But nobody can. Everyone here doesn't even have time to care for themselves. "

She lifted her head and followed the direction of the voice. She found it was the boy who suggested the teacher to help the other instructor and allowed everyone else to be dismissed early.

She felt indignant at his words and thus spat out, "Hah. How stupid. Why is it that nobody can? If everyone speaks up, I'm sure the teacher would get our point. He'd have no choice but to accept our point! It's illegal to beat up minors!"

Jiang Li stood up since he already finished watching the female lead deal with their math teacher. Things were according to the plot. The female lead would be detained due to assaulting school personnel. Once she was brought to the dark hall, a punishment room away from even the littlest spark of light, she would encounter the male lead who was jailed next room.

Only a few rows of bars would separate them but since it was too dark, they wouldn't see each other. That wouldn't stop them from talking their boredom away though. Through the mysterious male student, the female lead would learn the situation in the school and she, with his help, would embark on her mission to free everyone from the hellish rehabilitation school.

Until then, everyone would have to suffer a bit longer. The kids here would have to endure more, either to grow up and become stronger, or break and turn into mere shells with a hollow inside.josei

Thinking of this, he looked at the girl and shook his head, "How I hope everywhere in the world, the reality is just like you said. Those on the right side wins. Everybody becomes happy. But..."

He then laughed. But his eyes were like a deep black whirlpool lacking in emotion when he said. "You're a newbie. So it's normal that you don't know. But the people here are different. Abandoned. Thrown away. And then maltreated by the instructors. After such a treatment, keeping self-esteem and braveness would naturally be a hard challenge. The Majority simply cave in and no longer fight because it's tiring. Now merely thinking of survival."

The confused girl shook her head too, finding his words so extreme and not easy to accept. "I thought this is still a normal school... just a bit hidden from the world so that students don't have access to gadgets. How come you're now telling me something is wrong with the people too?"

'Because it was a place not accessible to those from the outside world that brutality and injustice reigned.'

But he was no longer in the mood to explain anything to someone busy denying reality even after witnessing it.

He slung his bag across his shoulders and then marched towards the door. The naive girl hurriedly fetched her bag and then went after him. He annoyedly said,

"Miss. Don't follow me. I've now done my part so do whatever you think is right if that's what your conscience dictates you, but don't expect to always get rewarded for your good deeds. This part of the world is simply not a wonderful place. Use your eyes frequently. Goodbye."

After leaving this remark, he ignored her who was asking his name and clarification for his words and headed for his own dorm room. The only reason he wasted his breath was that she stood up for somebody she didn't know which showcased both her naivety and good heart. That interested him a bit. He was curious how this random newbie girl would react to reality.

His curiosity died easily though. It was not the time for something like this. 

He badly wanted to know the complete story. Due to this, when he arrived there, he immediately flopped down his bed and closed his eyes to accept the memories. Only with these would he know where to search for the villainess and that girl, and whether to aid the leads or destroy this place by himself.

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