Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 163

Chapter 163: Ye Xinya (5)

The interior of the place was pitch black, so he only saw how the people inside looked when they stepped out. All of them looked haggard and dirty like a beggar, except Ren Lian who just joined them. He was guessing everyone else had already gotten at least a kilogram lighter in weight because they had barely anything to eat.


"There's no time for chatting. Follow me."

Their time in the school must have taught these people not to easily trust in others so they warily scrutinized him and then exchanged glances with each other. However, there was something in the weak but cold-looking boy's voice which compelled the usually rebellious students to subconsciously follow. The leads who initially hesitated also went out with the other four.

"Where are you taking us? How did you have the key?" asked one of the tallest boys when they were half a distance away from the hall. He had been observing his surroundings and noticed that there were very few people around. While it was true few people dared loiter after class, it was still just odd since the corridors were empty and not even the patrolling teachers' shadows could be seen.

That time, the male lead was listening to the announcement which was still being repeated. After a while, his dark gaze went to the back of the cold male student ahead who kept ignoring the others' questions.

In a doubting tone, Han Su, the male lead, voiced out, "We're all punished to be confined and only the teacher who brought us there said only the old man has the keys. How come you managed to get us out? Is this that disgusting DOM's arrangement?"

'Wow, bravely saying bad words even though he's got unfamiliar and untrustworthy kids near him.' 

He stayed quiet though.

"So you're the principal's pet?" Han Su narrowed his eyes. josei

Jiang Li's crumpled as he turned to them. He did not answer the question but glare. He recalled that these people were rebels and decided to terrify them a bit. As expected, the kids turned meek from a grandpa general's fierce gaze. Good.

"We're almost at the gathering place. Once we're there. Lead the students from fleeing."

The bewildered six looked at him blankly, not understanding what he was saying. "What?"

A minute later, it turned into shock. The female lead looked at the half-puzzled, half-slouching students lining up in front. Then to the teachers standing like military officers in front of each row. 'Lead what?'

After handing each of them a bag, Jiang Li gave them a sharp glare which prompted them again to freeze. They then joined their own sections or just line up anywhere, except for the male lead who he dragged with him near the stage and gave him a few instructions which baffled the heck of the latter.

Jiang Li did not explain much though.

'It's time...'

A few minutes later, when chaos ensued due to the smokescreen that suddenly appeared and all adults suddenly fell asleep, his voice rang and hypnotized the students to forget everything that happens here and listen to those he randomly designated as leaders.

As they followed behind the large group of students who were robotically marching outside the gate, the male lead asked, "How come those damn teachers fell unconscious from cornstarch and flour? Wait, who are you and how did you do all of that?"

No answer came to him because Jiang Li was busy chanting something in his mind.

'No time for you. I'm dying.' He thought.

His headache was already killing him, as usual. Only this time he still overworked his brain and drained himself to make his last spell work. He reckoned after this, he wouldn't be able to use black arts in this world again. But who cares? It was not like he would ever let himself land in this kind of situation again.

The guy did not hypnotize the students to do the deed because, after this, he couldn't guarantee the hypnosis' effects would stay. He doesn't want to risk them remembering anything so he decided to do everything. Anyway, he would not be burdened since his hands were long bloodied. And it was not really him personally doing the dirty work.

"Hey... what's wrong with you?" The dark-faced male lead looked at the group getting further away and the odd student who seemed to have magically orchestrated the escape.


The latter suddenly collapsed on the ground face planted. Han Su did not know about the grand calling the other did, but he remembered the weird instruction the person said earlier.

After a few seconds, the male lead gritted his teeth then he moved toward the passed out guy. The place ahead had already gone dark even though the sun was still setting somewhere in the world.

Since he was not in the best condition due to the three-day confinement comboed with only bread and a bottle of water a day, Han Su chose the best and most energy-conserving method to bring the other guy with him.

Forcibly drag the fainted student into the sole path cutting through the forest.


When Jiang Li woke up he realized he was still in the dark forest.

It was still night time and they appeared to be in the mouth of a behemoth. It was just that dark. The smell of the wild was familiar to him since there were many times he had led his soldiers before in a forest in the middle of the night. Still, the surrounding rustling of leaves and cries of night creatures were unsettling. And he was surrounded by quite a lot of people.

Most of them were looking at him with strange gazes. He checked himself and saw that he was still intact, only having bruises everywhere. The wounds made patterns on his skin. It made him look for the male lead with a frown on his face. 'That damn boy dragged me on the ground?'

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