Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 166

Chapter 166: Ye Xinya (8)

A laugh came out of Jiang Li's mouth before he lowered his head. He decided, once they were back to the civilization, he would browse the materials he had sent to an account earlier again. Who knows? He might find a surprise. With a clue like this, he might be able to locate Jiang Ying Yue for real this time.  He was really itching to get a hand on one of the so-called devil devices.

"What's funny?" The disguised girl's voice was very cold. In her eyes, all she could see was somebody laughing at her accusations. His reaction was so sardonic as if what she said was like a joke. How couldn't she not be displeased?

"You have no way to deny, right?" she pressed on, gaze not at all friendly.

Jiang Li got annoyed and then stopped laughing. He slowly looked up. After shooting the effeminate 'boy' a serious and penetrating look, he asked. "Ye Xin, so just because I didn't say a thing yet, you're free to assume I can't defend myself? But in the first place, you are just speaking without basis. Remember? I demanded proofs but all that you gave are accusations. Actually, why are we making a big deal out of something that doesn't matter now?"josei

This time, another person from his class who got irked by his last question irately chimed in, "Hey, it's a big deal! Because Ye Xin might be telling the truth! I'm actually also suspicious of you ever since I heard that you led everyone out!"

This seemed to have become a catalyst since those unhappy about him stood up and surrounded him. They were so lively and energetic as they glared at him.

"Our whole class knows that Jing Mo's despicable and not reliable."  

"Yeah. He's a damn bootlicker. I've been annoyed at him since forever. I just couldn't speak since in the school he's those ugly gorillas' favorite."

"This could really all be a ploy."

"I'm thinking of that too. I don't suspect those ones who spread the news that it's him who leads us out coz they are from the punishment hall and are maybe just misled by him. But it's hard to trust someone who could be working with those devils!"

The male lead frowned a bit but then he remembered Jiang Li fainting earlier. Even in his plan, why was his fainting included? Han Su couldn't understand. But he felt like the guy had no other intention apart from helping all the students escape. Probably because he was new so he doesn't know much but at the same time, he could see clearly that everyone was just ganging up on the cold-looking boy.

'So brash. And why bring that up when we're still not in a safe zone.'

Meanwhile, Jiang Li swept his heavy gaze around and felt amused in his heart. The people here were suddenly showing to the world that they could actually be aggressive. But why didn't showcase that before, to those low-lives' face? Heh. Because he looked weak now so they wanted to vent their pent up stress, misgivings, and anger somehow through him who they viewed as a public enemy?

The kids around him, even the interesting leads and the disguised girl immediately turned ridiculous in his eyes. Yeah. They were all immature and stupid. So much for his efforts and pity.

Jiang Li then stood up and said in an indifferent voice. "I'll leave then. Whatever makes you all happy." It was neither loud nor soft yet could travel to even the ones located farthest from him

In his heart, he was sneering, 'Thinking you all can get better sleep once I'm away? Fine. But I hope none of you will be guilty once you all know whether it's a setup or not.'

He just realized he didn't want to be with these immature brats. In any case, they'll safely arrive at the borders tomorrow since this forest was not that dangerous. He doesn't need to babysit them. And they were annoying so yeah, let them survive by themselves.

If they chanced upon troublesome things, a snake or a beehive for example, he would leave their life or death to fate. Anyway, the ones adamant on opposing him was them, and their leader seemed smart, so yeah, let the cowards be led by her.


The one the other busybody classmate called Ye Xin widened her eyes and acted like there was something she wanted to say, but in the end, she only watched as the boy she hated turned around and randomly chose a direction to take. Her deep-set eyes hidden by her large eyeglasses flashed in confusion though.

'He's actually leaving...?'

She thought he'd argue more and then got ostracized for showing his true colors.'

"Cruel..." A moment later, she heard that voice coming from her left. Ye Xin saw that it was one of the most miserable yet good-looking male students in their group. She had been in school for almost a year and memorized the faces of those admitted there, so she knew this person was a new student.

"What did you say?"

She narrowed her eyes. The cheering noises from the people behind her helped lessen the slight pang of guilt upon driving another person away in the middle of the night deep within a forest. Yet this didn't mean it faded away. 

"I don't know him. But I don't think he's lying." The male lead who was initially lost in thoughts told this to nobody in particular. Not long after, he raised his head at the cold-faced short and lanky boy. There was no expression in his face, but what he added was a bit unexpected. "Ye Xin, right?"

She held onto her silence but nodded. The male lead then snickered. "Alright. Do whatever you want. As for me... He seems a lot better than you ingrates who don't even bother listening to the other's side. So I think I'll follow him."

"What? Ingrates?" One of the hot-tempered boys stood up and almost rushed up to beat him up, but he got stopped by one of his friends. 

"Hey, calm down! Don't bother with a fool! He must be joking. I also don't think he'll be leaving" The person meant there was no way somebody without a strong reason would leave the safety of a group. They were at an unfamiliar place and the night was so eerie. It was also very hard to see in the dark. Who would want to venture alone in the woods? There should be none, right? Unless left without a choice.

However, his guess was proven wrong. The male lead expressionlessly turned away from the fire and walked away.

The air-headed short-haired girl called out in a voice full of worry. "H-Hey, what are you doing? A-are you going to bring back the other guy?"

The only reply she received was the echoing of her last three words.

"H-He really..." murmured the girl. 

They all watched with widened eyes as Han Su gradually got further away from the area lightened up, heading to where Jiang Li go. The rest did not budge, not even the female lead who was supposed to be inexplicably attracted to the male lead.

However, Ren Lian did question Ye Xin why they did that. She then exclaimed after hearing everything the boy did to many students in his class and dorm.

A couple of minutes later, Ye Xin voiced out they should make arrangements now for their trip. She then gave suggestions on how they should maintain the fire tonight and move out tomorrow.

As for Jiang Li who was more than a dozen meters away from them, he threw the male lead a casual glance. He was walking leisurely and without even checking the ground for safe footing.

The other shoved away a few branches from his face and smilingly greeted, "Hello, Jing Mo."

'Hmm, this bastard easily parted from his female lead? So the one manipulating the fate of this world a rusty one compared to those of the other worlds?'

There was not much illumination in the surrounding apart from the pure-looking blue moonlight peeking through the dark canopy above. Han Su didn't see Jiang Li's incredulous expression.

Maintaining that cold yet curious expression, the male lead carefully went down the small hill to catch up to him. Jiang Li did not wait for him. He was looking up to the barely visible night sky, trying to check for directions, when the other boy spoke in a calm tone.

"I know that the world is not always nice but only now did I realize that at least it is full of surprises. I never expected to meet the Jing family's famous illegitimate son in this interesting place..."

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