Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 176

Chapter 176: Ye Xinya (18)

There was no way a person of high caliber like Senator Fang would mistake a random person for a billionaire's son. This was why the people could only accept the new information they learned, note how to deal with the person in question and move on.

Anyway, looking at Jiang Li's refined movements, even the slightest gesture screamed of ancient elegance. It's not the kind of sophistication present to normal rich, but one which should only be present to somebody trained to be well-mannered and cultured since young.

'He really seems like the heir of a very wealthy family. Nouveau riche, but the kind nobody will dare disrespect since his father is a self-made multibillionaire.'

Seeing this, even Ye Xinya started to wonder for a few seconds if the person who became her tutor was really that Jing Mo who escaped from hell with her, or Nathan who seemed to have grown up in the western states. Which one was the real him? Which one does she want him to be?

A moment later, she lowered her head. Nobody knew what she was thinking. Her unfocused eyes appeared lost within the red fabric of her elegant dress.

A meter away from the gracefully smiling young man, Jing Na grabbed the shoulder of his younger brother and pulled him away there. The woman was smarter than Jing Yuhan so even though she was also feeling badly humiliated, she only gritted her teeth then whispered to the man. "Let's stop making a scene. Apologize and then disappear. Even if we know he's our cousin, since he is recognized as the son of Mr. Zuckerberg by the senator, we won't be able to do anything to him."

The man first looked discreetly for their clan members, yet only found them scattered around, involved in discussions with the other guests. 'Suddenly busy with discussions? They simply don't want to be involved...' He concluded while cursing in his heart.

The siblings waited for the greetings and small talks between Jiang Li and Senator Fang to end. However, as if the former was doing it intentionally, their conversation took so long. As a result, the siblings who were afraid of offending the senator had to stand there for some time under the gloating and sharp gazes of the other guests. It was truly a painful experience, the stares were too penetrating, digging into their skin as if they want to expose their flesh and bones. The uncomfortable feeling and sense of shame kept getting stronger every second and minute that passed.

'When have I ever needed to go through something like this?'

The two cursed Jiang Li in their hearts, badly wanting to kill him. They were thinking if not for this shameless bastard, they would not have to be this embarrassed. The Jing siblings forgot that if they did not provoke Jiang Li and tried to shame him at this party, things would not come to this. In fact, he wouldn't even remember that they exist, at least not for today.

The Senator's attitude towards the boy was warm throughout the conversation. This did not change even when he took note of the girl by Jiang Li's side. "So is this girl the one who had the fortune of having a billionaire's son as her teacher?"

Ye Xinya politely pulled the corner of her lips up and gracefully bowed, "Congratulations on your fiftieth birthday, Honorable Senator. My name is Ye Xinya and I'm indeed lucky to be under Tutor Jiang's care."

Jiang Li once again admired that the girl who had always been losing temper at him for his wonderful lessons could lie this well, with a matching smile even.

The old man who was at first puzzled why a Zuckerberg like him was in Huaxia and tutoring a girl from a second rate family nodded then threw the boy a look of understanding. He was already assuming that the two met abroad and then the little guy just fell in love so he followed her here to pursue her. The thought made him sigh in his heart.

What a romantic boy.josei

But well, it couldn't be helped since the Ye family indeed produced a lady whose beauty could make people assume she was a little goddess that descended on earth. That prominent person from the west did call to confirm to him that Jiang Li was his son. However, even if he was a Zuckerberg, he was still a mere mortal that could be smitten by a woman, especially if it was someone who looked even better than a fairy.

Not long after, the old man finally bid farewell to them to take the center stage and greet the other important guests. Jing Na took that time to apologize with a stiff smile on her face. How did Jiang Li respond? Of course, he just sarcastically sneered at them, especially after seeing Jing Yuhan balled his fists and looked away to prevent himself from giving the illegitimate bastard of his family a death glare.

Forgive them? Why would he? Benevolence was never meant for people who were annoying. Kindness was only for people who deserve it, and even that was up to him to decide.

"Hello, nice to meet you." Instead of answering the woman waiting for his response, he returned the greetings of the baldie CEO in a flashy red three-piece suit. He then moved away from them with Ye Xinya, making acquaintances not as Jiang Li the companion the Ye's princess brought, but as the 'heir' to a multibillion-dollar company.

His action of leaving the Jing siblings standing there without receiving a word from him was akin to telling them that they were nothing but air, or a waste of space.

If they think they were important people, they might as well reconsider it now.

And one more thing, he was not really Jing Mo, the damn bootlicker. He was Jiang Li, someone who had a higher likelihood of using or destroying the strong, instead of fearing them.

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