Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 186

Chapter 186: Ye Xinya (28) <2-in-1>

One sunny day, Han Su and the five others visited the police station and tried to take a glimpse of the infamous former national government official.

They didn't really appear in front of the person, but only observe from a distance. They watched as mobs threw all sorts of stuff, mostly disgusting ones, on the person who came out of the armored vehicle, their faces showing enough anger and desire to drown Department Secretary Bu in spit and curses.

The boys and girl didn't leave until they saw how, or more appropriately put, heard the results of the hearing and the arrangement the police had for him.

In the end, despite all the evidence and such, even though the judged did reject the fake medical records stating Secretary Bu needed to be confined, the place given to the latter to stay was comparable to a luxurious suite. This perfectly showcased that a politician's connections just couldn't be underestimated. It was both unbelievable and infuriating.

This was the reason why Ren Lian cried when they were on their way back. They had to stop at the park they passed by since she requested it, reasoning she felt like she needed some fresh air.

"It's so unfair." Face buried in her hands, the female lead's delicate shoulders were trembling as she incessantly let out sniffing noises. 

She was the most affected after finding out the truth behind her parents' accident. It was that nasty old man's fault. He plotted somebody's death which then also became her parents' passing. Yet even with a thick book's list of crimes, he was still spared from the death sentence. "Why is it like this? Why?"

Then the girl broke into sobs. The male lead pulled her close to his chest and allowed her to cry on his shirt.

He softly said in an attempt to cheer her up, "Lian, don't be too sad. That scum Bu is at least to be imprisoned for life. Don't you think it's better than giving him swift death? Think about it. Won't he be suffering more, and longer? Don't look at him getting a presidential suite-like prison cell this time. I suspect he only had one of his relatives or subordinates bribed the people there with money."

"But how deep do you think his pocket is? With countless people to compensate, plus the legal fees, and fines, his corporation and other businesses are bound to declare bankruptcy sooner or later. Once he no longer has money to feed the wardens, and the judges, won't he be then become very miserable? As somebody used to the luxury of life, once he tasted both lack of freedom and comfort, how would he fare? I'm telling you, he will definitely have days worse than death!"

Ren Lian raised her head, showing the male lead her red-rimmed misty eyes. He saw a bit of hope in them for a few seconds. "Really?" 

Among the group, probably only Dong Lan thought that her expression that time was anything but cute or pitiful. While her reason was justified, it was just unsettling that her face showed how much she longed for somebody's death or misery. 

"Nn." Han Su nodded. Heart feeling pained in Ren Lian's behalf, he gently wiped off the tears streaming down her pale cheeks. 

The female lead was silent for a while before lowering her head. Not long after, a self-mocking smile hung on her cherry lips. She appeared to have thought of something which then made her feel even more down. With that ugly smiling but crying expression on her face, she tried to meet the male lead's gaze.

"Han Su," Ren Lian's voice almost cracked. She looked tragic while forcing a smile. "Thanks. For everything. You have already done so much for me, and for everyone here. Even now, here you are, attempting to comfort me. Thank you. I truly appreciate everything."

"However... while I like everything you said earlier, can you please not fool me?"

The male lead sported a confused and offended look. "Lian, I'm speaking the truth."

Resentment crossed Ren Lian's countenance more. "Han Su. Stop. Okay. I'm not that brainless. I know that he is extremely rich. How could mere bribery money, legal fees and compensation fees bankrupt him?" She shook her head thrice before going back to crying.

The sight of her truly could make most, if not all people seeing her like this feel a tug in their heartstrings. It was probably one of the wonders of the female lead's halo. When they were crying, they appear more pitiful and easy to sympathize with, even more than the cutest animal in the world.

"My parents in heaven must be scolding me for not ensuring that villain gets what he deserves. I feel so hopeless and useless..."

At her self-derision, the male lead sighed then replied. "Don't be harsh on yourself, Lian. For a girl your age, you are already very admirable. I'm sure Aunt and Uncle are already content and only wishing for you to have a good future full of happiness."

"Han Su..."

'Hah... This is a scene cut straight out of a third rate soap opera...' Watching Han Su comfort this girl, Dong Lan complained internally in his mind. He was starting to feel tired mentally.

Dong Lan was the only one among the group of boys who did not go over to join Han Su in comforting the crying girl. He was busy. Busy questioning in his mind if this was the reason why the rich leader of their little justice club moved against Secretary Bu.

Pretty obvious to everyone in the group by now that there was something going on in between Ren Lian and Han Su.

Now, did they have a secret talk where Ren Lian told him her suspicions about her parents' demise? And because Han Su liked her so much, he decided to help her and even dragged them all in this?


In mild irritation, he went to a nearby vendo machine to get himself a drink. He chose a strawberry-flavored juice, planning to test how sweet it would taste.

Surely, it wouldn't be as disgustedly sweet as those two flirting, right? Sarcasm was in his tone when he asked this to himself while walking back to the group.

"Lian. Stop crying, alright?" In a helpless tone, he heard Han Su told the girl. The guy sighed and looked heavenward. After a few seconds, he looked around and then blinked upon seeing Dong Lan coming over with a carton of juice in his hand. "Hey, Dong Lan, did you buy that for Lian?"

Stunned, the tall boy called out stopped in his track then glanced down at his drink.

Who purchased what for an annoying crybaby again? With a twitching mouth, his gaze went up. "Sorry. But I bought this for myself."

"Good. It's annoying that she keeps crying so give it to her now. Maybe her favorite drink will be more effective than all our words combined."

'Huh? What the f*ck is with this guy?' Dong Lan scowled. 'Is he deaf? Or is it his mysterious 'I only hear what I'm expecting' disease acting up again?'

While this question was still lingering in his mind, one of the idle guys snatch the pink carton box from him and presented it to the female lead.

Dong Lan was caught off-guard since the other boy 'attacked' from his blind spot. When he came to his senses, the juice he bought for himself had already been punctured by the male lead using the straw and passed to Ren Lian. The latter pouted only for a second before accepting it. She then immediately took a sip.

"Hmm. Good taste! Thanks!"

The girl's cheeks were a bit red. But Dong Lan was sure it was not because she felt apologetic that she was now drinking something snatched from others and given to her.josei

The hell! When he checked, her eyes were on Han Su which meant she was even thanking the one who snatched it!

Seeing all of these, he felt like something was on the verge of snapping inside his skull.

'No, no, no. Dong Lan. Don't lose your mind, calm down! You are handsome and smart.' He began to chant in his mind to brainwash himself.

'Be understanding okay? They're the unfortunate and needy ones, needy of a brain transplant! So keep calm and be open-minded, alright? Once again be understanding, be understanding.' One part of his brain helped chant.

Yet the more honest part retorted, 'Damn. But aren't you also thirsty? And didn't you use your own money gotten from part-times to buy that?'

Knowing the funny and scary expression on his face, he turned around to hide and then started to kick pebbles to vent some of his annoyance. 


More months passed since that incident.

Without the plot binding him, Dong Lan, who had been dying to break away from Han Su's sphere of influence, somehow felt that he could finally separate from them.

He immediately reasoned that he got a call home so he would be checking his family out. His excuse was that he wanted to see how they were doing. He told Han Su, "Hear me out, leader. I know I'm weird. I hated them for literally selling me to that school just because they heard if I die they can get some hundred thousand from the management."

"But even then, when I escaped and got back to the civilization, I just couldn't stop myself from wanting to go back, or at least, see the place which had been my home for more than seventeen years."

"It's my soul and heart being restless. Maybe this is what homesickness is all about. It's just very hard to fight back against."

Dong Lan disregarded the odd stares he was getting from the wealthy boy and continued talking as if he meant everything coming out of his mouth.

He even matched it with a sad expression and hand gestures, gloomily sighing, "Hah. It's stupid, I know... I know that I'm being silly like this. But when thought about it, what else can I do? They are my home. My only family. Damn, I hate myself, but even from afar I want to see them."

The leads gave him a weird look again. But seeing how heartfelt he appeared, they exchanged glances with each other and decided not to comment on the idea.

But the two other guys listening to him lowered their heads. After a minute or so, they stood up and patted him on the shoulder. "To be honest, I also feel like you. It's hard not to think of our old homes sometime. But unlike you, I think I can move on because I am determined enough to bury my past. You know, we can already see a better future ahead. Du Cheng will be taking part in an eSports contest in a month. If you plan to check on your family, our only request is you go back before that contest so you will be with us to show support to him."

Dong Lan nodded. Han Su and the others sent him off the train station where they joked around a bit before letting him go when they heard the announcement of the train's departure. "See you in a month! Don't miss me much!"

With a goofy smile on his face, the average joe parted with them and jumped into the moving platform.

But the moment his back turned to face them, he erased that same smile from his lips and put on an indifferent expression. The hand grabbing the strap of the huge knapsack slung across his shoulder tightened its hold on it.

He could finally go away!

Remembering what one of the lackeys reminded him, he sneered.

Go back here within a month? Oh, what for? To die being fed dog food every day from those two's flirting? Or be their errand boy for manual or laborious stuff just because he was the tallest and looked the strongest?

He he. They were free to daydream but in actuality? Fat chance!

He didn't want to go back there and be the one assigned to things nobody wanted to do. He also didn't want to linger anymore with people who had too much free time in their hands but were not using it to more meaningful things!

"I don't need to depend on Han Su or anyone else if I want to live! Heh, even if I have to support myself by working, so what? There are jobs that don't need a face for me to qualify. And even if I have no destination yet, so what too. Anywhere is fine as long as it's not here!"

Once done murmuring this to himself, Dong Lan laughed. This guy could even qualify as Jiang Li's brother from a different parent boarded the train but got off the next station. He then took a bus leading him to a city far away from his real family and the leads. With his papers and everything else brought in tow, he had nothing to return in the capital for.

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